This Is War!

28 07 2010

I for one am so mad at the Obama administration that I can’t see straight. We can now point fingers directly at Obama and accusing him of allowing our country to being invaded, and he’s ok with it. My guess is… he and his Democrat partners in crime are going to pay dearly come November. What has happened today boggles the mind… if you are here in the country illegally, you have almost nothing to fear from law enforcement. But if you have been fortunate enough to have been born here, you had better watch your step. This is one of the all-time ass backward situations I have ever known. Obama has officially become an enemy of the state!

How do you feel about todays judgement over the AZ immigration law?


Newsweek And Israel

25 07 2010

Don’t Boycott Israel

The very idea is repellent.


The above article printed in this weeks Newsweek is an interesting read. You can make your own decisions on its unbiased view. Keep in mind it is an Opinion piece.

The more disgusting view can be seen in the bold, in-your-face style that the readers of the HuffingtonPost pride themselves on. Once the Newsweek article was printed at HP people started making comments, and the vast majority of those comments are disgusting and loathsome. As far as the left is concerned, Israel is the bad guy and the Palestinians are cute cuddly Panda Bears.

There are so many mean, cruel comments, that I can’t decide which ones to post here, so instead I will leave you with the URL so you can go and read them for yourselves. Keep in mind that these people (lefties) are supposed to be peace loving, tolerant, loving, caring… gotta stop there, I almost threw-up in my mouth!

Go here…


Bus Coming – Run Like Hell

25 07 2010

Under the bus by BKeyser_.

Shirley Sherrod barely got out with her life!


Once again, BKeyser has outdone himself with his talents.

Reid And Dems Sneak Attack

25 07 2010
Special Thanks to FStuckey for forwarding this info to me.
Dear F,

Harry Reid launched a sneak attack late last night to ram through the speech-killing “Disclose Act.” The key vote to end debate and vote on the “Disclose Act” will be late Monday or early Tuesday NEXT WEEK.

This is an emergency, so please call and/or email your U.S. Senators IMMEDIATELY and insist they vote for free speech and against the “Disclose Act” (S. 3295).

Senator John Cornyn: call (202) 224-2934 or e-mail

Senator Kay Hutchison: call (202) 224-5922 or e-mail

The fact is, Big Labor’s cronies on Capitol Hill are just days away from ramming the “Disclose Act” down the throats of the American people.

In fact, this dangerous bill has already passed the House.

Though the so-called “Disclose Act” is being sold by Big Labor as a bill to provide greater transparency, its real intent is to harass and intimidate those who might criticize members of Congress into silence during the midterm elections and beyond.

Big Labor doesn’t want us, or anyone for that matter, to be able to inform the American people which candidates stand with them — and which ones stand with the union elite.

But, of course, like all the other insider games here in Washington, there is a big loophole.

You see, Big Labor is exempted.

They’ll still be free to spend their BILLION dollar forced-dues war chest in virtually any way they see fit in complete secrecy.

If passed, the so-called “Disclose Act” — more properly referred to as the “Incumbent Protection Act” — would:

  • Impose sweeping new regulations on organizations like the National Right to Work Committee, to keep them quiet and cripple their effectiveness during election years;
  • Force grassroots organizations to publicize and release the names of their top five contributors making them vulnerable to threats, intimidation or worse from political dissidents;
  • Require organizations to expose the location of their top donor’s home and workplace in the disclaimer at the end of every television ad.
I hope you know I would shut the doors of the Committee in a heart beat rather than give the union bosses the name of even one of our members.

That’s why it’s vital you act IMMEDIATELY!

You and I have come too far and, I believe, are too close to victory to be shut down by one of Big Labor’s dirty legislative tricks.

So please help me fight back today!

That’s why I ask you to take a stand for freedom of speech, your rights and your National Right to Work Committee and to contact your U.S. Senators and insist they vote for free speech and against the so-called “Disclose Act” (S. 3295).

Senator John Cornyn: call (202) 224-2934 or e-mail

Senator Kay Hutchison: call (202) 224-5922 or e-mail

The so-called “Disclose Act” is too dangerous to ignore. Please act TODAY!


Mark Mix

P.S. The union bosses know they are running out of options to save their handpicked politicians before the November Elections. That’s why they are going all out to silence you and me.

Please take a moment to contact your U.S. Senators and insist they vote for free speech and against the so-called “Disclose Act” (S. 3295).

Senator John Cornyn: call (202) 224-2934 or e-mail

Senator Kay Hutchison: call (202) 224-5922 or e-mail

P.P.S. The fact is opposition from freedom-oriented groups like your National Right to Work Committee had the “Disclose Act” bottled up in the House of Representatives until the National Rifle Association cut a deal with Nancy Pelosi to exempt itself and a few large liberal groups. This is all the more reason you must stand up and make your voice heard in the Senate right away.


The National Right to Work Committee is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, single-purpose citizens’ organization dedicated to combating compulsory unionism through an aggressive program designed to mobilize public opposition to compulsory unionism and, at the same time, enlist public support for Right to Work legislation.  The Committee’s mailing address is 8001 Braddock Road, Springfield, Virginia 22160.  The Committee can be contacted toll-free at 1-800-325-7892.  Its web address is

To help the National Right to Work Committee grow, please forward this to a friend.

Freedom Art

25 07 2010

I know my readers are used to my rants and strange sense of humor, but this one may take the cake.

Two days ago I received an email from someone that goes by HK. They sent me a beautiful piece of artwork and made a couple of brief comments, none of which makes any sense to me. Here’s the problem, I don’t know an HK, yet they seem to know me. I have copied their artwork below for your viewing pleasure.

If any of you know an HK please let me know, or if you recognize their art. Also, if HK reads this post, please email me again with some info. It’s driving me crazy not knowing who you are. Enjoy…

Enemy Of Race – American Progressives

22 07 2010

This subject really upsets me, so fair warning… I may go ballistic in this post. 

I am thoroughly and completely disgusted as a human can get at the race baiting being perpetuated by the progressive left in this country. Instead of the left being the peaceful, tolerant, forgiving souls, they pretend to be, they are proving to the world that they are nothing more than mean, vindictive, lying, selfish, ideologues, that will say anything, do anything, and worst of all… use anyone, to further their cause.

Over a year ago we started the Conservatives Pledge on Racism so people would know exactly where we stood on the subject (Pledge below). We ask everyone to read it and then go to the link under it if you would like to sign your name to the Pledge Rolls. Just follow the directions once on the site. We never did do alot of advertising of the Pledge, instead we relied on word of mouth. Besides declaring to the world that you are NOT a racist, your actions will be proof that what the left says about you is NOT even close to being true. Instead the Progressives would rather use the race card to try and demean an entire segment of society, hoping it furthers their cause of total Marxist domination of the USA. Here’s just a couple of their thoughts on race…

Keep making excuses for the race dog whistlers.

The problem is Fox viewers doesn’t have a shred of intellgence. And when it comes to this Black President they will believe a lie first.

Nice try… but you clowns (Conservatives) won’t be able to wash this makeup off for decades.

The only real differences being that the bigots in the South seem to be content to wear it on their sleeves, almost as a matter of ‘pride’. The racism in the rest of the country is much more insidious. They keep it hidden, use euphemistic language and “code words”, they hide it in half-truths and obtuse ‘historical references’ and therefore it is far more dangerous.

The resurgence of all of the tried-and-true, old hate groups.. and the staggering growth in the number of new ones like the ‘militias’ and ‘Patriot Movements’ as well as the influx of white supremacists into the military and many State legislatures (see: Arizona), not to mention the “Nativist” Organizations like the “Minutemen” are at a rate not seen since the Reconstruction… and it is everywhere and it is out of control.

They may be talking about people they know, but my circle of friends and relatives do NOT resemble any of the people in their rants.

So you decide. Do you resemble those in the above statements, or are you a Conservative that would rather live by the Pledge below?


How about that folks, I got through this whole post without losing my temper. Yippeee!


Lindsey Graham Needs To Go

20 07 2010


Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., broke with his party to cast the sole GOP “yes” vote on President Obama’s nominee to succeed retiring Justice John Paul Stevens. The vote was 13-6.

“What’s in Elena Kagan’s heart is that of a good person who adopts a philosophy I disagree with,” Graham said. “She will serve this nation honorably, and it would not have been someone I would have chosen, but the person who did choose, President Obama, I think chose wisely.”


Graham is the perfect example of how us Tea-Partiers are looking hard at candidates. We shall dish-out his punishment the very next time his seat is up for grabs. In the meantime, we should shun him like he has the plague. I can totally understand Democrats voting for Kagan, sfter all she is expected to follow Obama’s march towards Marxism, but a Republican supporting her has the feel of treason to it.


Violent Right-Wing Crazies

19 07 2010

I found a youtube video that accurately depicts the dangerous right-wing crazies. I would be proud to stand with any of these crazies any day, any time, anywhere!


Media Matters Has Lost It!

19 07 2010

Check out this piece just released to the Huffington Post. Not only does this guy use Willie Horton to try and drive a wedge between whites and blacks, he tries to blame Bush for what happened in Philly when the New Black Panther Party showed up carrying clubs outsied a voting site. I know Media Matters works for George Soros and the radical left, but this one really goes waaay over the edge.


Ari Rabin-Havt

Vice President for Research and Communications, Media Matters

The Willie Hortonization of Barack Obama

A long line of inmates solemnly enters and exits a prison yard through a revolving door. As the lone black inmate reenters society, he peers into the camera with a menacing glance. He is the only inmate to do so.

The ad described above was created by George H.W. Bush’s campaign as part of a broad strategy to terrify America by, as psychologist and political consultant Drew Westen explains, playing on “fears of the dangerous, lawless, violent, dark black male.”

While the most infamous Willie Horton ads were created by an independent organization, it was Bush’s media consultant Roger Ailes who “gleefully” told Time Magazine in August of 1988, “The only question is whether we depict Willie Horton with a knife in his hand or without it.”

1988 wasn’t Ailes’ first experience dividing Americans along racial lines. During a taping of the “Man in the Arena” series in 1968, the Nixon campaign stumbled on a problem when a panelist they thought was a physician turned out to be a psychiatrist. Ailes quickly figured out a solution. According to Rick Perlstein’s Nixonland, Ailes would substitute a “good, mean, Wallaceite cab-driver. Wouldn’t that be great? Some guy to sit in there and say, ‘Awright, Mac, what about these n***ers?'” Perlstein added that “Nixon then could abhor the uncivility of the words, while endorsing a ‘moderate’ version of the opinion.”

Given his history, it should be no surprise Ailes’ minions at Fox News have obsessed over the discredited 18 month-old story of alleged voter intimidation by New Black Panther Party members on the day of the 2008 election. Since June 30, Fox News has spent more than eight hours of airtime and 95 segments on the story.

And no network has done more to expose Americans to the extreme and hateful politics of the New Black Panther Party, which has been designated a “hate group” by the Southern Poverty Law Center, than Fox, where the group’s spokespeople have appeared more than 50 times since 1998.

The truth is, it was President Bush’s Justice Department, not Obama’s, that made the decision not to pursue criminal charges against members of the New Black Panther Party for alleged voter intimidation at a Philadelphia polling center in 2008. In fact, the Obama administration successfully obtained default judgment against Samir Shabazz, a member of the New Black Panther Party carrying a nightstick outside the polling center on Election Day.

Their mission isn’t to find the truth, but to plant the seed in viewers’ minds that maybe, just maybe, the President and the Attorney General are the same type of militants seen wielding a nightstick and repeatedly slurring whites on Fox News. As the Chicago Tribune‘s Clarence Page wrote, “Now the New Black Panthers are being used to vilify a black president as being soft on black racism. Coming soon, I am sure, to campaign attack ads near you.”

Roger Ailes and Fox News — along with the entire Republican Party — are praying the mainstream media will cave to right wing pressure and delve into this story. As the chief communications strategist for Republicans, Ailes couldn’t have scripted it better.

Modern Day Gestapo?

19 07 2010

I don’t recall George Bush having any thugs helping to keep his agenda moving forward, but at every turn Obama has Union thugs doing his dirty work for him. Will we ever hear Obama say “they acted stupidly” when refering to Unions? Don’t hold your breath waiting!

Another Whopper Lie From Obama

16 07 2010

We told you so!!!

The Congressional Budget Office report out today says Obamacare will cost TEN trillion dollars!

Obama Lies – Babies Die

15 07 2010

I have never been afraid to call a spade a spade and I’m not about to change now… As far as I am concerned, our President, Barack Hussein Obama, is a liar! And, he’s the worst kind of liar.

Abortion at 22 weeks.

My readers know that I have had a rough time since my accident on March 8th, and that I have been going through some vigorous re-hab ever since. Because of my distractions, I may not be as up-to-date as many of you are. For this I ask your forgiveness. The reason for this few sentences of woe-is-me has to do with what I learned today. While watching the Glenn Beck program at the 5:00 PM hour, I learned that my tax money, and yours, will be used for abortions. We always knew it would creep-in somehow to the massive Health Care overhaul that ‘Obama the liar’ promised would never use taxpayer money to fund abortions. Read below what I copied from Becks show earlier, then keep on reading for my short comments…

 I want you to imagine two different kinds of worlds.

First, imagine one where a man’s word actually is his bond and if that bond is broken there is shame associated with it. Imagine making a business deal, one that has everything riding on it and the deal is finalized with a simple handshake. Imagine neighbors lining up to help when they learn that someone nearby is out of work and can’t keep up with the bills, each making personal sacrifices of their own to allow the neighbor to remain in their home. Imagine when the nation or a town is in crisis and regular everyday citizens trust in one another, band together and figure out a solution themselves. And they could trust that the government wouldn’t get in the way.

A world where independence, self-sufficiency, fiscal responsibility, honor, conservation and God are the values held most dear.

Now, imagine a world where people look out for themselves first. A world where when someone has fallen, the first instinct isn’t to help but to wonder why no government agency prevented the fall and look to them for a fix. Imagine a world where there was no trust or love for either of the major political parties, because the politicians are always pointing fingers at you, calling you names and accumulating power at your expense — and lying to you. Imagine the media piling on, and it’s clear to see the message came directly from Washington.

A world where self-interest, power, greed and entitlements are the values practiced most.

Throughout America’s history there have been elements of both of these worlds, but it’s not difficult to see that today we are more like the second world than the first.

There’s no trust, and this isn’t the first time it’s happened. After Reconstruction, there was a new kind of bondage: They were slaves to the political party in power and trapped by lies, deceit and corruption. Half of America had hope in the ’60s that we would change under Martin Luther King and we have. We’ll never be perfect, but now we are going in the opposite direction. Why? Because content of character doesn’t matter anymore.

You’re considered a crazy fool if you forego a contract in lieu of a handshake or don’t get that verbal promise down in writing. Now it’s shame on you for not getting that signature, not shame on the guy who screwed you over.

And now even the written word isn’t enough. President Obama said he would not federally fund abortions in the health care bill:


PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: There are some folks out there who are, frankly, bearing false witness, but I want everyone to know what health insurance reform is all about… you’ve heard that this is all going to mean government-funding of abortion. Not true. This is all — these are all fabrications that have been put out there in order to discourage people from meeting what I consider to be a core ethical and moral obligation.


This was the last sticking point keeping Democrats from ramming this bill through. Pro-life Democrats would not sign on to a bill that federally funded abortions. They were called the “Stupak 13” because they were led by Congressman Bart Stupak. He finally sold out when he accepted the president’s word that he’d do an executive order to block federally funded abortions.

Well, here’s the news today: “The Health and Human Services Department is giving Pennsylvania $160 million to set up a new high-risk insurance pool that will cover any abortion that is legal in the state.”

And it’s a similar story in New Mexico: “In New Mexico, the new $37 million high-risk pool began enrolling individuals on July 1. They will start receiving benefits in August, including elective-abortion services, according to the state insurance department’s website. Once a deductible is paid, 80 percent of the elective abortion is covered.”

Wasn’t this was supposed to be about taking care of those who don’t have health care? We want to help the poor, the sick, the under-privileged. Now, this is our priority? To make sure the abortion centers are set-up and funded?

Is the ink even dry on that executive order?

Last month, House Republican Leader John Boehner asked President Obama and HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius for an update on how implementation of Obama’s executive order to prevent the federally funded abortions was going. He still hasn’t received an answer.

Now we know why.

Imagine a time, where you could look the president in the eye and believe what he said.

Go here for the complete transcript…,2933,596843,00.html

So hows that for a kick in the ass? Since Becks show, a couple of short hours ago, I have gone through quite a few emotions, but I have finally settled on two, ANGER and SADNESS. My anger is directed at ‘Obama the liar’ for obvious reasons, and sadness for all the babies that will never see the light of day because of our scum-bag pretender in the White House.

Not trying to sound like a know-it-all, but I knew this was bound to happen, so I can’t say that I’m shocked at this latest revelation. Back in January of 2009, I wrote about a situation whereby Obama released our tax money money to foreign countries to help pay for abortions. To this day, it has been the most widely read and most commented on post I have ever put on this blog. Here’s the link if you are interested… And I don’t care what the pea-brains in DC want to call that money, it’s still our TAX MONEY!

I’m sorry but I can’t go on about this subject. I can feel my face my turning flush as I write this. I guess you now know why I gave this post a title of ‘Obama Lies – Babies die’.

Before I end, I ask you for three things… One, make ‘Obama the liar’ pay for this in this November and November of 2012. Two, demand from any and all politicians to repeal this abomination. And finally, please say some prayers for the unborn because of the actions of people like ‘Obama the liar’.


P.S.  I know this is not the Christian thing to say, but at a time like this I cannot hold back… I H8TE OUR PRESIDENT.

More Holier-Than-Thou Democrat

12 07 2010

Thanks goes out to BreitBart.COM for this video.

Help Me Understand Part II

7 07 2010

Late yesterday I asked for some help (post directly below this one) understanding what the hell Obama is up to. Many of his moves are understandable because he is a committed Marxist, but his move to using NASA to reach out to Muslims had/has me puzzled.

With this post I would like to address some of the responses I got from blog members and look a little deeper into Obama’s end-game. If we can figure out his exact game, then we will know how to play by our rules, and win.

Todays Glenn Beck program on Fox News was a great follow-up to my original question although the NASA directive was never mentioned. The only reason why it even helps to understanding has to do with all the facets that seem to make-up the Obama mind. Beck repeated the video that shows one of the New Black Panthers making a speech at a street demonstration where the Panther member calls for the death of white people (what he calls Crackers) and the killing of white babies.

I’m not so sure I can tie it all together as well as Beck can, but I’m going to take a quick stab at it.

Shortly after I started this blog (8-13-2008) I started to piece together Obama and his past. Most of the work had already had been done, and my conclusions were not far off from others. The hardest part so far has been trying to figure out Obama’s love of Islam, but then I go over a list I put together about 2 months after starting this blog…

  1. Obama’s Father a Communist activist.
  2. Obama’s Mother a Communist symphasizer.
  3. Obama’s Brother(Roy) Luo activist, militant muslim, marxist.
  4. After Obama moved to Hawaii he became friends with Frank Marshall Davis  an avowed member of the Communist Party. Went to rally’s and conventions together all through College.
  5. After moving to Chicago Obama got law degree and represented clients like ACORN.
  6. During this time he also became a community organizer, learning the radical tactics of Alinsky, another Marxist.
  7. Starts attending Church and listens to the preachings of Rev. Wright a racist, anti-american marxist, for 20 years.
  8. Through Rev. Wright, Obama learns the teachings of “Black Liberation Theology”.
  9. Black Liberation Theology invented by James Cone a racist Marxist, who was inspired by Fidel Castro and Che’ Guevarra and their teachings of “Revolution’.
  10.  Obama then kicks off his political career at the home of Bill Ayers an American terrorist, marxist.
  11.  Then Obama becomes the Administrator of a Grant called the ”Chicago Annenberg Challenge”. This is a $150,000,000 million dollar education Grant given to and run by terrorist/marxist William Ayers. This was his view on what the grant money is to be used for…”We can’t have education without revolution. We have tried peace education for 1,900 years and it has failed. Let us try revolution and see what it will do now.” 
  12.  Somewhere in there Obama became a member of the Democratic Socialists of America. Which now endorses him for president.

Although Obama spent more time in a supposedly Christian Church listening to the rantings of Rev. Wright (a Black Liberation Theology taught by James Cone and embrassed by Rev. Wright) it does not explain why he leans more to Islam as needing to be saved from us wicked white freedom loving Christians.

After reading everyones ideas from yesterdays post, it occured to me what is going on in his radical pea-brain… Maybe he has calculated that there are NOT enough radical blacks to fight along side of him to turn the USA into a second rate country that rules in the mold of Marxism, so he needs another large and powerful group to take up arms and join his destruction of the USA. Like almost everything else he has done in his life, he has always tried get others to do the dirty work for him. He knows that under the right conditions that it would not take much to get Muslims all worked up and ready to fight in the name of Allah.

Simply put… Islam is a means to an end.


Help Me Understand

6 07 2010

I need everyone’s help. The vast majority of people that read this blog seem to have a higher than average IQ level, so I thought I would ask for help with a problem.

By now all of you have heard of the conversation that the head of NASA had with Obama. You know, where he says that Obama wants to make NASA go out of it’s way to reach out to Muslims as their main mission. So here is my question… WHAT THE HELL IS OBAMA THINKING???

Seriously, NASA ‘s objective is space exploration, not touchy feel good BS of picking one religion, over all others, to reach out to. Can anyone give me a sensible answer to as to why Obama is doing this?


Fox News Docs

5 07 2010

In this day and age of nothing but bad news, it was with pride I watched John Stossel’s special over the weekend titled… “What’s Great About America”. If you got to see it you already know what I’m talking about, if not, try this link…

While we are on the subject of Fox and Documentaries, send out the word to everyone on your email list and tell them to either watch or TIVO Hannity’s show on Monday night (July 5th) at 9:00 PM est. I forget the title but it is an indepth look at how the Progressive/Liberal movement has almost destroyed America in the last 40 years. THIS IS A MUST WATCH PROGRAM!


Thanks BK

5 07 2010

This artwork was done by our very own BKeyser. A great poster for a great country!

July4th_02 by BKeyser_.

Freedom Commercial

2 07 2010

This is one awesome commercial…

Obama’s Illegals Speech

2 07 2010

ILLEGALS.gif image by themannclannObama’s speech yesterday on our illegals problem has been met with disdain. Not so surprising if I were talking about those on the center/right, but this time I’m talking about the left of center. Yep, even his own people are turning on him over the Illegals issue and I for one say… IT’S ABOUT DAMN TIME! Finally people from left/right/center are starting to see the games that this pathetic excuse of a president continuously plays. What games you ask, well try this one on… The presidents poll numbers are sinking fast over recent events like the disaster in the Gulf, so what does he do? He makes a major speech on the Illegals issue (I refuse to call it Comprehensive Immigration Reform) to distract his base. However, this time they ain’t falling for it.

Below are just of a few comments I copied from the Huffington Post late last evening. They are there for your reading pleasure. While reading them, please keep in mind that this president has NO intention to sealing off our borders. Instead he wants to give all the illegals that are here, an easy path to citizenship. If you have the unfortunate opportunity to talk to a progressive you know, please remind them of this, and remind them that the speech was only a distraction so he can slide from his responsibility on helping the Gulf recover. STOP THE DAMN LEAK OBAMA!


I hate to keep making negative comments about President Obama
but it seems that every day brings another outrage from this regime.
Again I’m banging my head on my computer desk. Obama, in this speech,
is advocating anarchy and lawlessness. Also, we do not need ANY reforms in immigration law.
The laws aren’t the problem, it the lack of enforcement.

Ususally the president makes a lot of sense, but this time wtf is he talking about when he says these businesses need these illegal aliens.
I mean, we have massive unemployment and now there will be no extention on unemployment benefits!!!!!!!!!!!!
If these companies need employees, then they need to TRAIN OUR UNITED STATES CITIZENS for their precious companies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHERE IN THE HE// DID COMMON SENSE GO???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When Obama and Rahm perceived they couldn’t sweep “the largest movement of aliens into a nation in the history of the world” – against the will of the vast majority of citizens – under the carpet until the November elections, they immediately asked the slick, arrogant President of Mexico to front for them to set the narrative for the upcoming lies. I just heard Obama’s tricky, misleading speech on immigration that distorted the difference between legal and illegal aliens, among all other things. What a deceptive person he has always been. From the immediate hand-off of the financial crisis to FED-Goldman insiders to the superficial, wasteful stimulus plan, to the acquiescence of all technical oversight given BP – the latter caused the oil spill – to the criminally negligent reaction to the spill, itself. This is not to mention all the misrepresentations during the two years before the elections. Perhaps the fascistic elites and the professional and political class that hang from their teats, are now the greatest threat, having sucumbed to the ubiquitous neutering of our corporate state. Many appear to have lost their souls or are mentally ill. The Democrats should not run this President in 2012. Not because he won’t win, but because he has no psychological, moral, and intellectual connection to the citizenry and the real world.
We don’t need vision. We need action. There are plenty of immigration laws on the book. It doesn’t take vision to enforce them. It takes action.
Actually, Obama’s speech was boring. Obama should just do his job and secure the border. His finger-pointing and empty speeches are making people tune out in a major way.
Alas poor Barry.

If he had prosecuted war crimes,
Not sucked up to Wall Street and big banks,
Not given the health insurance companies a trillion dollar gift and
Now try to shove 11-18 million illegal aliens down our throat
Maybe, just maybe he’d be getting some support.

But alas, poor Barry chose to be a corporate sell out.