Big Lies – Little Lies

30 08 2010


Lying liars lying about lying liars and the lies they tell.

Ok, I got a little carried away with the subject matter, but it was either that or a string of 4-letter words that nobody wants to read (xcept libs). As you can tell I want to talk for a moment about lying, and I do mean a moment.

Lying has become so accepted by the left that they now have the gall to defend any lie told, as long as it makes Republicans and Conservatives look bad and makes them look good.  

As far as I’m concerned the progressive/liberal agenda is worthless and not worthy of debate, until they can learn how to civilly discuss issues WITHOUT lying. So until further notice all progressive/liberals will get a one word response from me on almost any subject… “Liar”!


We’re All Gonna Die

27 08 2010

The sky-is-falling whackos on the left are starting their latest push to convince Americans that we have become so powerful that we have altered the weather patterns and the world-wide climates to the point that we are “ALL GONNA DIE”!

 No, I am not exaggerating. Here’s a headline I just pulled off of one the most popular liberal/progressive blogs on the internet….

Johann Hari

Columnist for the London Independent

“This Is the Hottest Year Ever, and the Climate Catastrophe Has Begun” blah-blah-blah…

Fortunately, I have a secret weapon. Instead of me having to type endlesly to explain why the headliner above is so irresponsible, all I have to do is… rely on Marc Morano for a couple of answers. Here’s the short list.

For latest go to

Climate Astrology: AP: Scientists: Summer Catastrophes Fit Predictions — Asian Floods, Russian Wildfires, Arctic Ice Flow Mirrors 2007 UN Report on Climate Change

Climate Astrology — ‘It Has Been Foretold’ of Extreme Weather: ‘UN IPCC science has a status similar to interpretations of Nostradamus and the Mayan calendars’

Predictions of UN IPCC are not specific enough to be falsifiable…Predictions that can never be falsified will always pan out. How totally useless can you get?’

Danish Meteorological Institute data: Arctic Summer temperature maybe headed for all time record low!

Russian Scientist: Extreme Central Russian Heat Wave Not An Indication Of A Future Climate Change

Russia’s Fires ‘Caused In Large Part By Forest Mismanagement’

Danish Scientist on ‘huge’ Greenland ice floe break: ‘The size of ice floes is not unusual…It is a completely natural process. Some summers the ice hanging and other summers break it up’

Prof. Pielke Jr. on climate ‘nonsense’: ‘There is something about climate issue that makes people — especially but not limited to academics and scientists — completely and utterly lose their senses’

Flashback: Climate astrology: ‘Energy Sec. Chu, the Televangelist?’ Chu: ‘At no other time in the history of science have we been able to say what the future will be 100 years from now’ — Climate Depot Response: ‘Shouldn’t Sec. Chu be touting these scary predictions on a boardwalk with a full deck of Tarot Cards?’

Laughable: Ethics Prof. Donald Brown calls Senate’s failure to pass cap-and-trade the ‘worst ethical scandal…and a moral lapse of epic proportions’ — Climate Depot Reality Check: Sadly, it is Prof. Brown’s understanding of science and economics, that is truly the ‘worst ethical scandal’ here. — How would passing a climate bill that was ‘scientifically meaningless’ improve ethics or morality or the climate? See: Even Obama’s EPA admits cap-and-trade bill ‘will not impact world CO2 levels’

They think you’re stupid: ‘Any cold period of less than 3 decades is airily dismissed as mere ‘weather’, but now a single warm day somewhere, counts as ‘climate’?’

‘Mad scientist’ speaks to Congress: Makes Silly Claim that Greenland ice sheet faces ‘tipping point in 10 years’

Laugh at Greenland ice scares! Flashback: Latest Scientific Studies Refutes Fears of Greenland Melt (For very latest on Greenland see here.)

Climate Astrology: Vast flotilla of jellyfish sting 700 people on Spanish beaches — ‘biologists say will become increasingly common due to climate change’

Analysis: NASA GISS ‘has taken a cooling trend and converted it into a warming trend for the one GHCN station in Nepal which covers the Himalayas’

The Public No Longer Trusts Scientists: Another Nail-In-Coffin Is The Recent Bogus “Declining” Rice-Yield Study

Climate Audit: Wahl-Briffa Attachments Were Deleted: Despite reassurances ‘that nothing was really deleted…’ —

‘…the university said that they were unable to comply with my request for the attachments because the documents had been destroyed’

If they’re hoping to earn our trust, should ‘objective’ scientists travel to Greenland with Greenpeace activists on a Greenpeace ship?

Sub-prime Carbon Bubble Bursts: Staff Cutbacks at Chicago Climate Exchange; Cite U.S. climate inaction as main reason for cuts

You were warned! Flashback Dec. 2009: Paper: ‘Don’t let Climategate melt down your portfolio…don’t get stuck with investments tied to global warming’

UK businesses facing a wave of ‘green taxes’: ‘Companies that fail to register their energy use will be hit with fines’

Peer-Reviewed Study finds ‘ancient’ Earth’s climate similar to present day — despite CO2 levels 5 to over 20 times higher than today! — Geologists reconstructed Earth’s climate belts between 460 and 445 million years ago and found ‘ancient climate belts were surprisingly like those of the present’ — Also included ‘a brief, intense glaciation’

Watch Now: Target: Monckton — fights back against the warmist attacks and refutes Prof. Abraham

Official: Satellite Failure Means Decade of Global Warming Data Doubtful — ‘All data taken offline in shock move’
Marc Morano
1875 Eye Street, NW
Fifth Floor
Washington, D.C. 20006

Senator Can’t Spin This Parent

27 08 2010

What you are about to watch is classic. My Senator (cough, shudder, spit), Kay Hagan is upstaged by one smart parent. That’s the good news, the bad news is… according to the research this parent has done all the things we feared would happen with Obamacare, will IN FACT happen!

This one is worth sharing!


Hate-Crime At Huffington Post

26 08 2010

Michael Enright Charged With Hate Crime: Ahmed Sharif, Muslim Cab Driver, Attacked For Religion

Every anti-American liberal/progressive in the country has already convicted Mr. Enright of this HATE crime without yet knowing the details, no shock there. But when they were told this bad guy may be one of them (liberal/progressive), they suddenly changed their tune and their focus. We are pretty well versed in what the left thinks is the cause of everything bad that happens but let me remind you…. All evil perpetrated around the world, according to them, falls to Conservatives, Tea-Partiers, Libertarians, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Bill O’Reilly, Christians, etc.


Below are just a few of the comments I found at Huffpo. The comments would be laughable, except for the hatred they exhibit with every word they (liberal/progressives) type, ends up being so-so sad! I am forced to believe that most people left of center are evil, or at the very least, they support evil. Let the blood-letting begin…

Faux news, glen beck, billo the clown et all; guilty of inciting corms against Muslims.

I’ve been posting this for weeks, Foxnews is a syndicated klan rally. What happens in Nov. when they don’t take their country back?

Where did he hear too much? The daily, non stop foxnews klan rally!

It HAS to be built now. Exactly as planned. We cant give in to the bigo ts.

So to the Wingnuts. If you don’t trust or support Muslims – how can you support Fox news?

The problem is that we are in a powder keg. All it will take is a few more attacks on muslims for a real civil war to start. There are conservatives that will crown this kid as a hero.

Apparently, a muslim is never innocent according to conservatives.

The only way to stop the hate is to stop the hate-mongering. Turn off Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and FOX News.

Imagine these damaged brain people once again in power? controlling our country? VOTE Democrates!!

The GOP h@tes everyone who is not cut of the same stone as they are. How can anyone who is not a bigot can vote for any of the reptiles served up, for office, by today’s republican party is beyond my comprehension. The ugliness of intolerance.

So it is the victim’s fault? I have a question. When has a conservative taken responsiblity for any mistake, ever?

They should change their party name to evil klansmen. Atleast it will be honest.

Let’s watch the right-wing blogosphere light up with “Enright is a hero”-type articles and “calls to action.” But it’s not racism, no no no…

Tea Party Terorists Strike Again

And so it begins. This is exactly what the Shadows want people in this country to do. Do you know that 20% of the people in this country don’t know which country we got our independence from? 20% don’t know that the planets revolve around the Sun (they think the Sun revolves around us). The idiotic Sheeple are so easily manipulated. Fox News and Limbaugh must be laughing to the bank everyday.

Shame shame on these people who hate! And to go to this extreme is absolutely reprehensible! (this woman is refering to conservatives).

Beck is quite simply a liar and an overt bigot.

Fox riles up some crazies. Fox gets to report some more gory news. Fox’ business plan pays again.

Who is going to protect us from the terrorism of Fox news???????

Foxnews is the longest running 24/7 klan rally in US history, why else would you defend a newscorp?

Except the News networks aren’t propaganda. Fox “news” isn’t news, it’s propaganda. However, I’d happily boycott other propaganda cable networks. I just don’t know of any.

I am sure Beck, ALL of Faux News, Rush and Palin are very proud they were able to distract you, the Faithful, away from Wall Street – take a bow!

I am sure Faux News will act completely innocent but they – and you viewers – were complicit in this if you didn’t condemn the hatred being tossed at Muslims in NY – sad day in America

The KKK was the first group identified by our Government to be identified as a Terrorist Group – And the Republicans hope to promote them to the all levels of Government

These last 3 comments give you an idea of their intelligence level (liberal/progressives). Trust me, its very-very-very low!


All those right wing leaders, the likes of Beck, Sarah Palin, and others, need to be careful of going too far. I just saw where Glen Beck is planning the Martin Luther King rally and they have published the name and address of a number of prominent Democrats, for their lunatic fanatics to target on Saterday. I have one thing to say to Beck and the others who are inciting this vitriol is that they can be taken out, so they need to put a stop to this madness, because they may just target the wrong person who make put a stop to the threat.

Boy, ever since John McCain unleashed Sarah Palin on this nation, there has been a ressurection of this nasty, dirty and vitriolic politics inciting the simple minded and the easily misinformed to go and kill. What a shame on this nation. The party that holds onto the Bible is the one that is full of hate instead of love. What a shame. Have mercy on this nation Lord and deliver us from the evil ones who want to stir up hate, and fear for political gain. They kill the economy and they are stirring up religious hatred among the people for them to kill off each other, while the fat cats on Wall Street are enjoying their illgotten wealth.

I tend to find her at the bottom of all of this as well. She’s always first up to tweet and promote intolerance. For the sole reason of pandering to her base; of remaining newsworthy.

P.S. Just a few more that were too good to pass up.

Gio-This guy had nothing better to do… Teabaggers have no words of their own, no thoughts of their own, no values of their own, no goals of their own. They’re a fan club, nothing more. They eat, drink, sleep, think, & speak precisely what their media demagogues tell them to, all the while heedless that they are really being treated with open contempt, laughed at behind their backs.

Blissfully basking in their ignorance, beatifically oblivious to the reality that they’ve been duped into doing the bidding of a cadre of cynical bigots, unrepentant racists and manipulative chårlatans who constantly saturate them with faceless, mindless panic, imbuing in them a palpable loathing that they are told to direct towards people whom they know nothing about.. about people they’ve never even heard of before some putrid talking head or some disembodied voice over the radio tells them who to fear today.

Who to hate today.

And then there are those who inhabit their “Valhalla”… their “crème de la crème” .. their “elected representatives”… their “candidates”. Silent as their enablers hurl racial epithets, scream homophobic insults, spit on lawmakers, wield firearms at Presidential rallies, promote breathtaking lies in the media with nary a whimper from the GOP objecting to any of it.

And, when the inevitable finally happens and some unbalanced dupe actually ends up killing someone, these “bastions of populism”, these “patriots”, these Republican cowards will distance themselves quicker than Glenn Beck can conjure his “Vapo-Rub” induced tears.

And wait for the next batch of flunkies.














Parents-Let The Brainwashing Begin

25 08 2010

Before I explain the headline on this post let me clarify something for our progessive/liberal friends that visit ‘Giovanni’s World’…

I am a fan of Glenn Beck. I respect him. I admire him. I pray for him. Finally, I did not get the following story, or the conclusions, from Glenn.

With that out of the way… Colleges and Universities around the country are sending parents a message, loud and clear. They (places of higher learning) want parents to write the checks for their kids, buy what’s needed for the dorm rooms, rent the U-Haul to get their childs belongings to the school. They even expect the parents to help lug all the heavy boxes of junk from the U-Hauls up to the students dorm room. Then they want the parents to leave the property.

Read this short article from the NYT’s where they use silly excuses and cute reasons to demand parents they ‘Go The Hell Home’.

Don’t let any of it fool you, there is one reason the parents are being told to go home… so the liberal/progressive/Marxist/anti-American brainwashing can begin! Only one other organization on earth would object to parents hanging around to make sure their kids are going to be ok… that would be The Boot Camps of the United States Military, which is very understandable.

Here’s my suggestion to all parents… First check into the type of College/University that your child wants to attend. Find out if the school has a habit of supporting all things progressive. Second, don’t ever let a school get between you and your child. Thirdly, love your children and teach them that family is always more important than any school or liberal organization. Finally, teach them that Christianity is a ‘good’ thing and they should never be ashamed of being a Christian.




24 08 2010

Lately there has been an awful lot of talk about Sharia law because the Imam behind the Ground Zero mosque would like to see the USA to follow Sharia.

Below is a link that shows you in brutal detail what Sharia looks like. THIS IS NOT FOR THE KIDS!

Here’s what Sharia looks like in the religion of peace…

Go Here…  FA_-_lapidation-stoning.wmv

This young girl was sentenced to be stoned to death because she did not want to marry someone who her family had pre-arranged for her to marry. Not for those with weak stomachs.



23 08 2010

Just a friendly warning to all my fellow Conservatives… There is an absolutely useless site on the net (actually there’s lots of em’) that goes by the name of Alternet. The best I can tell, its a site for those low-lifes that hate the USA. Or what I like to call “the Lochness Monster of progressive news”.

Below I left you an example to read. I posted a short note on the site after I saw a comment on another site that had something about Noam Chomsky linking back to the Alternet (liberals losers) site. The reply I got gives you an idea of the kind of people that hang out in that s**t-hole. Since I’m the shy and reserved, quiet type, I will not stoop down to their level by calling them low-life dirt-bags. See, I’m above all that.  ;- )

mkultra wrote, in response to giovannifaga:

“Anotherwords, he will take a legit story and change the facts to fit his ugly view of the USA.”

Newsflash for you giovannifag:  The US IS an ugly  place and Chomsky sees it as it is without any make up.  As for you, what in the world is a supposed Italian defending the US?  What gives with that?  Why should you care?  Or is the Israeli Foreign Ministry now paying trolls in Italy too?

Link to comment:

giovannifaga wrote:

You would be best served by ignoring anything said or written by Noam Chomsky. If you know right up front that Chomsky hates the USA and wants it crushed into oblivion, then you know he’s coming from that angle every time. Anotherwords, he will take a legit story and change the facts to fit his ugly view of the USA.



Is Obama Anti-American?

16 08 2010

Or is he just Anti-Christian/Jewish/Budhist/etc/American?

My turn… This past Friday evening I spent until wee hours in the morning arguing with a slew of progressives (I will no longer use caps when writing the word progressive/s. Using caps would cause some people to assume that I have some respect for them) about Obama’s latest foray into bat-sh*t-crazy-land, the Ground Zero Mosque in New York City. Before I continue, let me make a few points of order so our progressive friends understand what I’m refering to.

The proposed Mosque is NOT on ground zero, but damn close. The proposed Mosque will be inside and/or part of a large Muslim Community center. The permits applied for with the City of NYC calls for a Mosque that can hold 3,000 people safely during daily prayers. Three thousand people bending over in prayers on the floor take up an awful lot of space, so this is NOT considered a small prayer room as progressives/liberals would have you believe. The Mosque/Community Center is two short blocks away from ground ZERO. For those of you that have never been to NYC let me explain what I mean by “small blocks”. Lower Manhattan, especially in and around the proposed Freedom Towers have smaller city blocks than what you will find further up the Island of Manhattan. They are more like 0.5 city blocks, with some even smaller. Simply do an overhead Google map search of NYC. As you zoom-in on NYC you will see what I’m talking about. Most of the city blocks north of Ground Zero are much larger than the blocks around Ground Zero. When people go on about “it’s two city blocks away” they want you to assume that they are the size of most large city blocks as you would find in any large American City, not. The front door of the proposed Mosque/Community center dumps you out onto the streets of lower Manhattan a scant 1 minute walk to Ground Zero. Not only that, when you exit the front door of the Mosque/Community Center, the Freedom Towers will be the largest/tallest buildings in the area, and will tower over you. You will feel as if you can reach out and touch this sacred ground where thousands of our fellow Americans died on 9/11. Another item… there may be a small number of people in the USA that don’t know what our “Rights” and Freedoms” are (they would be Illegals and progressives), but the overwhelming majority of our population of 350 Million citizens know their RIGHTS! If any progressive/liberal (Obama comes to mind) tries to argue that we, Conservative Americans, don’t know our rights, feel free to tell them to kiss your a**! Update: Eric Bolling of Fox Business Channel went down to Ground Zero yesterday (8/17/10) and walked from Ground Zero to the proposed site of the mosque with cameras rolling. His estimated distance… 60 linear ft!

Now that I have the ‘particulars’ out of the way, I want to get down to the meat of this issue. What in the hell is up with President Obama? That will be the last time I use caps when calling Obama ‘president’, he doesn’t deserve the respect.

There seemed to be a bit of a climax today with people from all over the political spectrum questioning the wisdom of Obama wading into something that for the most part, was a NYC issue. People that supported him, and voted for him like rabid Dogs, are now questioning why he also did things like recently give the head of NASA orders to make his top priority to engage Muslims around the world. Sure, you and I questioned that move too, but we were simply dismissed as bigots by the Left, remember. At the time nobody could answer our obvious question of “what the hell does engaging Muslims have to do with NASA’s missions???”, but now the progressives/liberals are asking the same thing. The list goes on and on (I will add to the list when I’m not so upset and can think straight) where Obama has come to the defense of Muslims, and/or the Muslim religion, while at the same time going around the world appologizing for America, as if we are “the cause of all problems of the world” and Islam was the answer.

What I really want to know is, are all those crazy conspiracy nuts right about Obama being some sort of Islamic sleeper agent? But I also want to know… until we get some answers from Obama, should he step away from representing the United States of America as our President? I have about another 200 questions, but let’s start with this one.

Please add to the base of knowledge with the issue of Obama and his reverence of Islam, so share what you have found, in the comments section.

I gotta stop here right now before I burst a main artery!


Here’s a little extra…

The New York Times Editorial board bow mightily at the alter of “Obama the Magnificent”.  I swear this guy could kill 1,000 people, rape 500 School children, beat and torture Hispanic women, set fire to live kittens,  and the NYT’s would still come to his defense.

Dems Strategy For November

15 08 2010


UPDATE 8/16/2010 IN BLUE.

Once again the left will stoop to really low places to help their side save their bacon. Many wondered exactly what the Dems were going to run-on in order to fend off a complete wipe-out come November, now we know.

And for all Republicans, I strongly urge you to jump on this NOW before it gathers steam… The Dems, and Obama finally found an issue they think will sink the GOP, Social Security. The word has gone out (Obama gave the green-light to use this tactic in the last 24 hours) to anyone dumb enough to support Democrats, to use this line as often as they can… “GOP trying to destroy Social Security” (Google it). Yeah, you and I know that its a big lie and a low-life tactic, but that’s never stopped Democrats before. 

Now, what are the odds that Republicans will ignore?


And so it begins…

Rep. Alan Grayson Rep. Alan Grayson

U.S. Congressman from Florida’s 8th District (Editors Note: Rep. Alan Grayson is an anti-American, brain-dead, piece of white-trash. At least that’s what I’ve been told.)

My father’s middle name was Franklin. He was named after Franklin Roosevelt. And today, we celebrate the anniversary of Franklin Roosevelt’s greatest accomplishment — Social Security.

We call it Social Security. In other countries, they call it a public pension. But Roosevelt chose the term Social Security because the word “security” went right to the heart of what he was trying to accomplish for Middle Class America. It was one of Roosevelt’s famous Four Freedoms: “Freedom From Want.”

Without Social Security, seniors would be forced to work into their seventies, eighties and nineties. When they would become too sick or frail to work, they would have to beg. And then they would die.

That’s the way it was in America when my father was growing up. Before Franklin Roosevelt’s Social Security. No wonder my grandparents named him Franklin.

Today marks the 75th anniversary of Social Security. Without it, many of our seniors would be so poor that they’d have to eat cat food just to survive.

That’s why many are calling the Deficit Commission, run by extremist right-winger Alan Simpson, the “Catfood Commission.” It’s the culmination of decades of plotting by right-wingers to destroy Social Security.

As you read this email, the Catfood Commission is plotting behind closed doors to find a way to force Social Security cuts on the American people. In a few months, when they come out with their cruel “recommendations,” you’re going to hear all over the media that we have to destroy Social Security in order to save it.

Where have I heard that before?

We’ve got to stop them. If enough of us speak out against Social Security cuts now, then people like me, fighting to protect Social Security, can show the media where We, The People stand on this.

That’s why I’ve started a petition telling Congress and the President, “Don’t Steal My Social Security.” It tells every Federal official with a say on this that if they vote to cut Social Security, then they’re going to have to find another line of work. You know that extension in unemployment benefits that we just passed? That will be for them.

Sign the petition now, and pass it along to your friends.

Together, we can send a message that if you try to steal my Social Security, then your security is gone, forever.

Vote Against George Bush

12 08 2010

I sign-up for the darndest things… like email alerts from Obama. When you read this you will be glad that I do. Sure its a big lie and we know he’s full of you-know-what, but blaming George Bush as an excuse to vote for Democrats this November does have a certain entertainment value.


From the worst one-term president in the last 100 years…

Friend —

Eighteen years ago, shortly after graduating from law school, I helped lead a voter registration campaign in Chicago that generated record turnout on Election Day.

That experience taught me one of the most important lessons I ever learned as a community organizer: When people promise that they’ll do something — like voting — they are far more likely to do it.

That’s why one key part of our Vote 2010 plan this year is to get folks like you from across the country to commit to vote, to make sure we get as many people as we can to cast their ballots this fall.

But getting the commitments we need starts with your own promise to make it to the polls and cast your ballot.

Will you please commit to vote in the 2010 elections?

Over the next 82 days, volunteers across the country will spend countless hours calling voters and knocking on their doors, asking them the same question.

And you can bet that I am counting on you to join them in talking to voters in your community.

This election offers a stark choice. We Democrats are hard at work trying to move America forward, repairing a decade of damage and growing an economy based on the Main Street values of hard work and responsibility.

We’ve fought for and won historic reforms to our health care system, a victory 100 years in the making, and to Wall Street, the most sweeping overhaul of the financial system since the Great Depression.

But after years of policies that landed us in the worst recession since the 1930’s, the Republicans who got us there have not come up with anything different from the policies of George W. Bush.

We simply cannot afford to go backwards or let them repeal our reforms. And making sure we can continue moving forward starts with your own promise to cast your ballot in these elections.

Please commit to vote this fall:

Thank you,

President Barack Obama

Is Sen Harry Reid A Racist?

12 08 2010

Harry Reid’s Comments Inflame Marco Rubio

Former House Speaker Marco Rubio, the likely Republican candidate in the U.S. Senate election, took aim at U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s recent (comments below) wondering how Hispanics could back Republican candidates over immigration. On Fox News, Rubio ripped into Reid and defended the GOP.

“First of all, let me say Harry Reid has a history of statements like this,” said Rubio. “He has said outrageous things about President Bush and even about Barack Obama before he was president. It has been well documented.

“I think this is part of a concerted effort,” continued Rubio. “The Democrat majority in Washington has implemented an agenda that’s well outside the mainstream of America and has been a disaster for our country. They can’t win on issues so I think increasingly you’re going to hear talk like this. You heard it a few weeks ago regarding calling tea party members racist and now this.”

“But let me explain why Americans of Hispanic descent would want to be Republicans, and it’s a pretty simple concept,” added Rubio. “The No. 1 issue in the Hispanic community in America is economic empowerment, the desire to leave their children better off than themselves.”



U.S. Sen. Harry Reid on Tuesday slammed Republicans for blocking comprehensive immigration reform and told Hispanics they shouldn’t be treated differently because “their skin’s a tone darker” than that of America’s early European immigrants.

“I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, OK,” Reid said, speaking to Latino supporters whose votes he needs to win re-election in November. “Do I need to say more?”

Reid’s open frustration stems from what the Senate majority leader said is GOP refusal to support any Democratic plan that includes a path toward U.S. citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States.

And his sharp attack comes as he faces a tough race against Republican Sharron Angle, who supports Arizona’s law cracking down on illegal immigrants. She argues that the federal government has failed to enforce the laws and stop the stream of people sneaking into the country.

In April, Reid promised a rally of Hispanic activists in Las Vegas that he would deliver comprehensive immigration reform this year and that there would be “no excuses” for failure.

“We’re going to do immigration reform just like we did health care reform,” Reid said April 10.

But when he got back to Washington, he immediately lost key support from Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who wanted Reid to consider energy legislation first before working on immigration.

“Republicans,” Reid replied Tuesday when asked what kept him from keeping his promise.

Asked whether the push for immigration reform would hurt Democrats when polls in Nevada and nationwide show strong support for Arizona’s law, Reid suggested his opponents had “stepped out of the real world for a couple of years” and didn’t see that comprehensive reform is needed.

That’s when Reid said he didn’t understand how anyone could be both Hispanic and a Republican, a comment sure to upset prominent GOP leaders and politicians with that heritage.

Reid’s oldest son, Clark County Commission Chairman Rory Reid, is running for governor against former federal Judge Brian Sandoval, a Hispanic Republican who supports Arizona’s law, which allows police to question people about their legal status if stopped for some other reason.

“We’re a nation of immigrants,” Harry Reid said, using the example of his wife, Landra, to point to America’s history of accepting people from all nations as the country grew and prospered.

“My wife’s father was an immigrant from Russia,” Reid said of his father-in-law, who was of the Jewish faith at a time of deadly religious persecution across Europe. “He and his family were driven out of Russia. They came for the peace and quiet and safety of the United States.

“Immigration is nothing new,” Reid added, speaking to more than 50 mostly activist Hispanics who applauded his anti-GOP remarks. “We are a nation of immigrants. So because the wave of immigrants we have now — their skin’s a tone darker than ours — doesn’t make it any different.”

Tibi Ellis, chairwoman of the Nevada Republican Hispanic Caucus, dismissed Reid’s shot at her party as “political rhetoric” in a highly competitive election year. She said Reid “has been a friend of the Hispanic community, but so have so many people of the Republican Party.”

In an interview, Ellis noted that former Republican President Ronald Reagan successfully pushed for immigration reform. And former GOP President George W. Bush, who was popular among Hispanics, pressed for reform in 2006, though Reid blocked it at the time. Reid later joined Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona in a bipartisan effort at comprehensive immigration reform, which failed in 2007.

“The reality is, both Republicans and Democrats have put forward immigration reform in this nation,” Ellis said. “President Barack Obama promised comprehensive immigration reform in the first 100 days, and he’s been in office for two years and he hasn’t done anything.”

In Nevada, estimates of illegal immigrants range from 150,000 to 250,000 out of a total population of less than 3 million people. Hispanics make up about 25 percent of the total state population and accounted for a record high 15 percent of the electorate in 2008 after a Democratic Party registration push. In Clark County, registered Democrats with Hispanic surnames outnumber Republicans with Hispanic surnames about 3-to-1, or 55,224 to 17,525, according to August figures.

Reid said that McCain, who is in a tough re-election race himself this year, is now one of the senators blocking Democratic attempts at comprehensive immigration reform.

“I understand the frustration of the people of Arizona and the people of Nevada,” Reid said, adding that the two senators from Arizona are among those “yelling the loudest” now. “It is a federal problem. I acknowledge that. So why don’t we fix it? They won’t let us.”

Instead of comprehensive reform — which would deal with everything from tightening border security to allowing illegal immigrants to declare themselves and seek citizenship after paying fines and penalties — Reid said he now is moving to help illegal immigrants in other ways.

For example, Reid is pushing for separate passage of the Dream Act. It would allow children of illegal immigrants to complete their college education during a six-year period under temporary permanent residency status, which would put them on a path to U.S. citizenship.

“We think we may have a few senators who are Republicans who will help us with the Dream Act,” Reid said, referencing six Republicans he planned to call for support without naming them.

Angle has said she doesn’t support any Democratic reform proposals on immigration because she believes most are disguised attempts to grant amnesty to people who have broken U.S. laws.

Reid also is promoting a bill to cut taxes for teachers who help immigrants learn English.

And on Tuesday, he joined Hispanic groups to launch a radio program to air on KRLV 1340 AM Voz de la Comunidad that will teach English to Nevada’s Spanish-speaking population.

“Learning English is an essential step to being fully integrated into American society,” Reid said during his news conference at Hermandad Mexicana, a Hispanic advocacy group.

The radio program is privately funded at an initial cost of $50,000 by a San Antonio-based group called Mexicans and Americans Thinking Together, or MATT.

Michael Flores, a local immigrant rights activist with ProgressNow Nevada, said he supports the Dream Act but worries its success could spell the end for comprehensive immigration reform, a concern that has caused a rift in the community of those seeking major change.

“What’s scary is, you do the Dream Act and people are going to say, ‘That’s good enough. We don’t have to do anything else,’ ” he said in an interview.

Hanky Spanky

10 08 2010


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Black Conservatives Beatdown

6 08 2010

 I stand and applaud these wonderful Conservatives, and would be honored to someday to call any of them my friend.

 National Press Club on August 4, 2010 challenging the NAACP on its charges of racism within the tea party…

Are We Losing America?

1 08 2010

I have been told that using a question as your headline is a no-no. Oh well, I never claimed to be a journalist, and I’m not so sure I would want to be in their company right now. Most journalists are just as corrupt as the politicians they give cover to.

Anyway… An article just came across my homepage and I thought it was worth your time. Don’t fall down when you find out its an article from the Washington Post. It has to do with Congress and how little Americans trust them, and how self-serving they are. Rangel, Weiner, and now Maxine Waters are the soup de jour and they are making this a show only a Marxist revolutionary would love. Some in the media are already going for the “Race” card, and the “Jew” card in trying to find some way to divert attention away from one black Congresswoman, one black Congressman, and one white, Jewish Congressman. Remember, its all the Republicans fault (Bush’s too!)

Here’s the article in its entirety…


Lawmakers stoke the public’s disgust


Washington Post Staff Writer
Sunday, August 1, 2010

It’s hard to imagine what could drive public approval of Congress even lower than it has been this year. But a pending public ethics trial of one of the House’s most senior Democrats (and possibly a second) and an angry, prolonged tirade on the House floor that has gone round the cable networks and YouTube just may be the answer.

Anyone who has ever spent time talking with voters — in shopping malls or on soccer fields, at their doorsteps or in focus groups — has heard the most common complaints about politicians in Washington.

One is an expression of disgust over what people perceive as elected officials’ sense of privilege. Many Americans believe that elected officials go to Washington and lose touch with where they came from. Instead of representing the people, the politicians adopt an attitude of entitlement. Instead of protecting the public interest, politicians are seen as being in bed with lobbyists and looking to line their own pockets.

The other complaint is irritation over the way Washington works. Partisan bickering takes precedence over common civility. Scoring points becomes more important than getting things done. Even at a time when the most engaged part of the electorate has become almost as partisan as the politicians, many Americans are still frustrated by what they see happening in Washington.

Those two sentiments represent tarring with a broad brush, often unfairly. Nonetheless, they add up to an indictment that has made Congress consistently one of the country’s least popular institutions — and especially so this year.

The ethics charges lodged against former House Ways and Means Committee chairman Charles B. Rangel (D-N.Y.) present major problems for the Democrats. Having run against what they called a culture of corruption by the Republicans in their successful 2006 takeover of the House, Democrats now head toward the final months of the midterm elections with the prospect of a highly publicized trial that alleges corruption on the part of the well-liked Rangel.

Many months ago, White House officials were privately expressing concern that the Rangel case could balloon into a major political problem for the Democrats unless House leaders dealt with it expeditiously and forcefully. Now it threatens to become a nightmare scenario for the Democrats on the eve of the fall elections.

Rangel has been stubbornly resistant to striking a deal that would avoid a public trial by the ethics committee. Proud and defiant, he so far has given no sign that he intends to do anything other than fight the charges, despite the desire of House leaders to avoid such a spectacle.

President Obama added to the pressure on Rangel to yield when he told CBS News on Friday: “I think Charlie Rangel served a very long time and served his constituents very well. But these allegations are very troubling, and, you know, he’s somebody who is at the end of his career, 80 years old. I’m sure that what he wants is to be able to end his career with dignity, and my hope is that that happens.”

The ethics committee, which has often been slow to move against fellow House members, now has outlined a serious, 13-count case against Rangel that will have to play out over the next few months unless the congressman changes his mind.

Now there is another ethics case brewing, this involving another senior Democrat and member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. Maxine Waters (Calif.). The Waters case involves her actions in helping banks, including one in which her husband had a financial interest, receive federal bailout funds. Politico reported Friday night that, like Rangel, she has decided to fight the charges and proceed to a public trial.

The ethics charges are another stain on the institution of Congress. What happened on the House floor Thursday underscores why many Americans have lost confidence in the institution and its members. Anyone watching cable news the past 48 hours has probably seen Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) in a full-throated diatribe — aimed at the Republicans.

Weiner may have had good reason to be upset. Republicans added a politically charged amendment involving illegal immigrants to an otherwise seemingly popular bill that would enhance health benefits for first responders to the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, who continue to suffer respiratory and other ailments.

Weiner knew that the bill was being held up by politics. But he lost control on the floor of the House. His behavior, not the merits of his argument, became the story. Aficionados of New York politics contend that Weiner’s attention-getting display is part of a strategy to make himself mayor after Michael Bloomberg finishes his third term. Whatever his motives, Weiner turned into the poster child for congressional distemper.

Not content with that, he and Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.) went on Fox News on Friday and put on another startling display of discourtesy, shouting over one another, pointing fingers and ignoring the host’s repeated pleas for civility. That may feed ratings and produce clicks and eyeballs on Web sites, but it further undermines the image of Congress.

Gallup puts congressional approval at 11 percent, one point lower than its worst-ever rating. Congress stands last in a list of 16 institutions in terms of public confidence. The legislative branch is now eight points lower than health maintenance organizations, 11 points lower than television news and 14 points lower than newspapers. By about 2 to 1, Americans say they would prefer to vote for a candidate this year who has never been in Congress.

Between now and November, partisan warfare will only increase. Republicans have been attacking Obama’s policies for more than a year. Democrats believe there is no other way to hold down their losses than to attack, attack and attack. What Americans will see and hear about their elected representatives and the challengers seeking to replace them, particularly in television commercials, will be overwhelmingly negative.

What has happened over the past few days can only add to the public’s dissatisfaction with politics in Washington. For the next few months, politicians will set aside those concerns in an all-out battle over control of the House and Senate. Then they and the president will return in January and attempt to govern again.