Sarah Palin Special Edition #2

31 08 2008

It seems as if a lot of people are interested in Sarah Palin, which is very understandable, so I put together some comments from Ecofascists and their fellow crazy-as-crack liberals. From what I know of Gov Palin so far, she seems to be just what this country needs. But that’s not exactly how the crazies see it.

Keep in mind that all the comments I have copied are from Obama supporters. Enjoy…

“Is Palin still breast feeding?”
— Posted by C. K.

The above poster wanted to know because they thought this may be another reason why Gov Palin should not be VP.

“Let Palin debate Obama, and let us decide who is the most competent.”
— Posted by N.

Actually, that may be a good idea. Get Obama away from a teleprompter and he’s toast. Yes, of course I know Presidential candidates don’t debate VP candidates.

“After the Republican party causes more and more people to lose their homes and jobs Sarah can step in and show us how to live off the land just as they do in Alaska!”
— Posted by S. 2

Hold on just one second there mister, I thought that’s what you Ecofascists want… to live off the land? You know, go back to nature and all that stuff.

“Hey, can I be president next? I’m a woman. That seems to be the criteria – that and putting lead in ol’John’s limp pencil.”
— Posted by M. S.

“President Palin? The planet is WARMING ….not cooling”
— Posted by T. M.

“McBush insults women’s intelligence by simply putting a woman on the ticket.”
— Posted by K.D.


“Obama shows his experience EVERY TIME HE OPENS HIS MOUTH. Can you sound as articulate? Can you write a speech even close to the one he gave last night? My guess is NO.
This VP chick has even LESS experience than Obama; these repugs are hypocrites, pure and simple.”
— Posted by D.D.

This person is under the illusion that Obama writes his own speeches. There really should be an IQ test given before people can register to vote. 

“…in an effort to woo Clinton supporters, cited Hillary Clinton and Geraldine Ferraro as women who had a role in putting cracks in the POLITICAL GLASS CEILING. WHAT ABOUT SHIRLEY CHISHOLM? WAS THIS A DELIBERATE SLIGHT BY PALIN?”
— Posted by T.E.L.

Sure it was 😉

“She will be “Palin” in comparison to Biden. Get it, that was a play on words.”
— Posted by J.G.

DOH!!! Yeah we get it, moron!

Oh, how I wish it was Nov. has a great poll concerning Sarah Palin. .


If you have any suggestions that would make this site better or more appealing, please contact me here and I will consider all ideas. Thank you.

Day 4 – Here Come The Hurricane Crazies.

31 08 2008

Day 4 pre-landfall.

Hurricane Gustav is still at least 2 days away, but this does not keep the Ecofascists from celebrating like it’s an early Christmas. Why? Because they are actually wishing this storm destroys New Orleans again, at the same time as the GOP Convention get’s under way. Maybe Christmas was a bad choice for a holiday considering most Ecofascists don’t believe in God or Jesus. I should have used the May Day Celebration! 

Below are some of their stupid remarks. I’m still amazed at how many comments about this Hurricane revolve around politics, especially when Hurricanes could care less what political party you belong to. In fact, they have a tendency to be quite indescriminate as to who they kill.

Let’s pray that Hurricane Gustav, and the one right behind it, are kind to the USA, and all of it’s people. Yes, even the Ecofascists.

Enjoy… if you can!

“…gathered around our kitchen tables, have begun (completely in the spirit of party unity) to refer to the gathering storm clouds as Hurricane John and Tropical Storm Sarah. We do so with the knowledge that by the end of next week they could both strengthen into a national diaster of immense proportions.”
— Posted by W. A. P.

“Tampa & Pensacola will be responsible for major destruction in New Orleans.
The SHA map shows wastewater plumes coming from both ports”
— Posted by F. M.

The guy above has this theory that Hurricanes purposely try to destroy any city or country that pumps wastewater into the Ocean. On this one occasion though, he seems to be hedging his bet by blaming Tampa and Pensacola for destroying NO. Yikes, this guy is nuts!

“Gustav is God talking to the Republicans!”
— Posted by W. M. 

Well, well, well, here’s one person that may believe in God. As long as God goes after Republicans. I’m betting this person never opened a Bible.

“I think a lot of people think of NOLA/Katrina as something that didn’t happen to people, but black people.”
— Posted by N. O. Y. K.


“Imagine being the only President in the US history to have lost an entire city in America, destroyed the society of Iraq, psychologically destroyed individual’s minds and…”
— Posted by S. 1313

Sounds more like this person has had their mind destroyed. Probably by her Professors in College.

And finally… the person below also wrote that they hope to become a politician some day. I beg you God, help us out on this one. Let them be a Social Worker or something, please.

“New Orleans has become dear to me because I don’t feel like I’m in America”
— Posted by G.

Will update every day. It’s necessary to prove to the world that Ecofascists are full of crap, and a dangerous bunch.

Day 3 – Here Come The Hurricane Crazies.

30 08 2008

Breaking news: See update at bottom of post.

Day 3 of Disaster watch by the Ecofascist cult is starting to make me feel a little creepy. I’m starting to think that they want a catastrophe of historic proportions, with dead bodies floating in the streets just so they can push their two agendas. The first is… it’s Bush’s fault. And second… see we told you Global Warming would do this! Both points of course being rediculous. Bush does not control the weather, and Hurricanes have been hitting the USA for many centuries. If you want to compare how each decade stacks up with Hurricanes, go here for the breakdown… It only dates back to 1851, but it’s probably the farthest they can go back with any certainty. Looking at this chart put’s Hurricanes in their proper perspective.

Anyway, here are some crazy comments from day three. Please leave a comment or two. This site is getting alot of traffic, but it seems people are being a bit shy. C’mon, join in the fun and share your thoughts about Ecofascists. Enjoy…

“How ironic: the climate may take revenge on the party that ignored global warming.”
— Posted by D. B.

Sure, everyone knows that the GOP controls the weather.

“Only seven years left to avoid global climate catastrophe”
By Carlos Pascual and Strobe Talbott

The two above have written a book  Oooops, op-ed in the Wapo. Mark your calendar, we die in 7 years. Yeah right!

“What you need is some sort of website that provides a central database of deniers. That way, anyone who wants to can check on the denial status of a particular individual.
Maybe this need congressional investigation. Call people before the House Un-Environmental Activities Commission and find out why they think man-made global warming is fake, and who else they know that also denies it. This could be especially effective if you throw AGW deniers in jail, as David Suzuki suggests.”
— Posted by J.

The above Ecofascist poster is one scary dude. The reason why he scares me so much is… there are many more just like him. Now do you see why I call them Ecofascists?

“If the Rove/Republican attack machine weren’t so busy, we could all be more civilized. But with stuff like the Obama nation and the viral Muslim attack, and drill drill drill, we have to use anything we can. It’s legitimate to bring up the administration’s dishonesty and incompetence about energy and the environment, and if nature helps, that levels the playing field a bit.”
— Posted by S. A.

“These major weather related catastrophes are not going away anytime soon, especially with climate change augmenting the intensity of storms.”                                                                        — Posted by E. T.

I sent this poster the info about the history of Hurricanes since 1851. She replied to me later…”Are you a mamber of the Bush regime”? She probably thinks that buying carbon credits will STOP Hurricanes.

Keep your children away from these people at all costs!

Breaking News Update: Thanks to Jeff Poor at for bringing us the story of… “Michael Moore Calls Gustav Landfall on Day One of GOP Convention ‘Proof There is a God in Heaven’.”

M. Moore proves once again he is a God hating, anti-American, piece of crap!

Sarah Palin Special Edition.

29 08 2008

Yahoo update: • Palin electrifies anti-abortion, pro-gun conservatives Gee, Yahoo is being so fair to Sarah and Conservatives. And I believe Democrats have never tried to rig an election.

Personally, I think this was a very good pick by John McCain. From the beginning, I have not been a McCain supporter, but his choice of Sarah Palin forces me to rethink my voting choices.

In the meantime, I thought we could have some fun with how the Ecofascists are taking todays breaking news. Hint… they don’t like it.

All the comments posted below are from the same Ecofascist sites where I get all my other comments from. Anotherwords, the same people.


“We have prettier women. We have smarter women. What is truly important is: We have BETTER women.”
— Posted by K. T. M.

The “we” in the above post means ‘Democrats’.

 “I’m confused. She supports drilling for oil but also supports alternative energy?”                  — Posted by  A. M.


 “As long as equal pay for women is a non issue, the fact that she has no foreign policy experience scares me too. Can you imagine her staring down Putin or Iraq? It’s funny but you go ahead.”
— Posted by S.

“Palin choses to carry a child with down syndrome to term…She has the right for her personal choices, but I have the right to be sceptical about her leadership on such issues.”
— Posted by C. J. G.

“He putting a woman as commander in chief if he croaks??
NOT what they teach you at militaty shul!!”

— Posted by J.

“McCAIN would have been equally served to pick Paris Hilton. At least Paris has some global experience. At least Paris has some global experience.”
— Posted by A. I.

“Christian extremists like their women “surrendered”…will they tolerate a woman as a VP candidate? Oh, what is a h8ful, intolerant Christo-fas.cist to do?? Poor dears.”
— Posted by P. 2.

I have hundreds of these, so it will be a day to day process weeding out the ones that don’t meet my standards. But have no fear, I will bring some of the stupidest.

Ok, here it is 8 hours later and the comments keep building. Sarah Palin is definately the talk of the day. In fact, she may be responsible for me being late with updating “Day 3 of – Here Come The Hurricane Crazies.“. So with that in mind, here’s a few more comments from our Ecofascist friends. Enjoy…

“McCain insults my intelligence as a professional woman with his choice of such a conservative and almost fundamentalist woman. Women in the natural sciences are embarrassed and concerned.”
— Posted by Dr. M.

“The big bad Republicans have chosen a woman that is so evil that Hillary Clinton looks like Tinkerbell.”
— Posted by D.

“Can anyone tell me who is going to take care of Sarah’s 4-month-old disabled baby? I think that it is irresponsible for Sarah to run for office when her children need her most. What about family values?”
— Posted by B. 2.5.

Hmmmm, who takes care of Obamas kids when he and his wife are out campaigning? 

“She knew that the child was sick and she had him to bring him into this??? I think that is abuse.”
— Posted by K. M.

The above post pissed me off. I almost did not include it here because it was so damn ignorant. On second thought, it’s better that everyone see’s the left in all their glory. Jerks!

“…and Biden remember this and slaughter her in the debates. I’m looking forward to seeing her cry…”
— Posted by C.

“Palin can’t even save the dying Polar Bears.”
— Posted by S. F. K.

Dying Polar Bears? Where? Not in Alaska. In fact, the Polar Bear is thriving and their numbers are increasing every year. 

I will add more comments if I can stomach it. In the meantime, enjoy!

Day 2: Here Come The Hurricane Crazies.

29 08 2008

Hurricane Gustav is slowly making it’s way towards the open Gulf. One recent track has it turning more to the East. If you think anything like me, you know that these tracks are pretty useless. Hurricanes go where they want to.

If anyone thought that day 2 would be quieter than yesterday (concerning the Ecofascist babble) you would be dead wrong. In fact, the comments are getting even more bizarre. See for yourself…

“Ever had to evacuate? Transportation and hotels cost quite a bit of money. Not everyone is in a position to move out of harm’s way.”
— Posted by M. J. T.

 Then walk and bring a damn tent with you! Or you could stay where you are AND DIE!

“I am still pissed off about New Orleans. However, the greatest engineering disaster in history has to have been the three collapsed buildings on 9/11. You don’t hear too much about these “failures” though because too many architects and engineers know they did not come down because of fires, or plan damage, or faulty engineering.”
— Posted by B.

I had no idea that Hurricanes bring out Truthers.

“It’s also possible that we can geoengineer our way out- who knows, maybe send tons of tin foil into orbit around the earth.”
— Posted by M. R.

Here’s a chance for these people to do some real recycling. They could all contribute their Tin Foil Hats!

“all these storms are from praying christians”
— Posted by M.

Wow, just wow!

Everyone knows you can’t have good Hurricane without politics…

“Tropical Storm Gustav may regain hurricane status. This Hurricane will send a clear message a to the GOP next week.”
— Posted by C. S.

“Biden said we are going to rebuild Georgia, and never mentioned we still after 3 years need to rebuild New Orleans. Why do we need to rebuild Georgia and leave New Orleans? Is it because the NEO CONS want to go into other parts of the world to complete the one world government they desire? The desire to control everything and everyone?”
— Posted by E. C.

This guy is so stupid on so many levels. Who knew that Biden was a Neocon?

“see God dont like ugly and he aint too cute about pretty and that is the the GOP get for praying for something to happen to happen to someone else…and they call O’Bama the anti-christ….”
— Posted by S. C.

It’s hard to tell, but I think this 3 year old is refering to Dr. Dobson joking about praying for rain in Denver during Obama’s ecceptance speech.

“It’s unfortunate that the National Guard is preoccupied freeing the Iraquis and will be unable to help
the people of New Orleans in their hour of need.”

— Posted by J. P.

This post is less than an hour old. Believe it or not, it’s not from 2005. I checked, and it looks like Louisiana National Guard is stateside waiting for word from the Governor.

And finally…

“And most pet friendly hotels only accept one pet. I have 2 cats. Which one do I leave to the wins and the floods?”
— Posted by Dr. J.

I pray this person has no children. And here I thought Doctors were really smart.

My collection of stupid comments is much more than I care to post, so you are only getting the few that made me laugh. Updates daily, so come back often.

Here Come The Hurricane Crazies.

28 08 2008

Ok, let me start out by saying, I don’t want anyone to get hurt in any Hurricane, nor do I wish their property to be lost because of same. Anotherwords, I am not making fun of people who have, or will suffer due to natural weather related events. 

We still have remnants of Hurricane Fay dropping rain in my area, and considering we were in a drought, it’s a welcome site. Yes, I fully know that others in Florida that got flooded do not have the same outlook as I do, but that is the whacky nature of how weather works. Now it looks like the Gulf Coast may get hit by Gustav, but will just have to wait it out and see what happens. You just have to take the bad with the good and move on. 

Our Ecofascist fearmongering friends see this possible event as an opportunity to promote their agenda, and boy-oh-boy are they getting riled up. The comments I have posted below are only from the last 12 hours. Since this is an event that will be happening over the next 4-5 days, I will be adding comments to this thread daily. Here we go…

Since most people are watching politics today, I thought I would start with a political rant.

“As of Thursday morning it is not only Gustav that we have to worry about.
Hanna is forming and it’s projected path is headed to Florida, or so it seems, from the east.
Some might call it a double whammy! And it could be what is to be.
If the Florida coast gets hit it will be a huge insurance hit. With the state still reeling from the two years of hurricanes that included Wilma a serious east coast storm could depress things even more.
Guess next week will tell the tale while the RNC tries to justify itself and prop up its candidate.”
— Posted by K. S.

“Don’t you know that Governor Bobby Troglodyte is going to PRAY Lousiiana out of danger?”
— Posted by r.

 “We are ignoring the man-made global warming which causing one by one stronger and stronger hurricanes. First We should mitigate global warming, limit temperature raising under 2 degree C.”
— Posted by W. S.

“Gulf Coast people must always remember Katrina, ‘05, Gustav ‘08 and later severe local weather as the real world consequences of human-induced global warming and climate change.”
— Posted by J. R.

“I think we all need to start praying to the LORD GOD.If this is anything like Ivan or Katrina,then I say go to THE LORD GOD IN PRAYER and keep on praying,because this could be another major catastrophe and we all know that lousiana can’t take another or it will be wiped off the face of the map!!!!!!!! Pray Hard!AND May GOD have Mercy on us all”
— Posted by S.

“It’s not about affecting the science… It’s about affecting public opinion…”
— Posted by D. E.

Oooops, there they go again accidently telling the truth. It’s not about science, it’s about propoganda.

Can We Have A Serious Talk?

28 08 2008

Nah, I’m not in the mood.

I would much rather have a little fun at our Ecofascist friends expense. The funny thing is…. it’s so darned easy!



“Anyway, all that sulfate, once in the stratosphere, will certainly produce some cooling, partially masking the warming from excess global warming…”
— Posted by D. B.

Cold causes warming? Are any of you buying this?


1. “The evidence of global warming is overwhelming.”
2. “This is a problem related to psychology, not climatology.”
— Posted by T. N.

Another Ecofascist let’s the truth slip out. Don’t these people ever read what they write?


“…why programs like the “Great Global Warming Swindle” are so dangerous.”
— Posted by N. T.

Documentary states clearly why AGW is baloney, and that’s dangerous. Oh, I forgot, the truth is to be scorned at all costs. 


“The other problem is of over crowding the planet with people.  There just simply isn’t enough room to comfortably support everybody.” 
— Posted by AL

Well by golly, if we just can’t get people comfortable enough, I say we get the United Nations to purchase a few billion Sleep Number Beds and soft fuzzy slippers and hand them out to all. I’m all about solutions!


“Homosapiens are to blame for all the worlds problems. Think Globally”
— Posted by S. W.

This guy got part of it right… Homosapiens are spread out fairly globally. This had to be written by someone’s Dog!


And finally, the Money Shot…

“Arguing with such people (skeptics) is a waste of time because they only listen to facts in order desperately to compose counter arguments.”
— Posted by S. K.

Damn those “facts”. How can we skeptics be in such denial? Hehehe…

When Will Sanity And Wisdom Make A Come-Back?

28 08 2008

Have we lost our sanity when it comes to the AGW debate? Maybe we have, but I’m betting that skeptics (myself included) are the ones making the sane approach to the issue. And I think I know why.

We skeptics have a lot going for our side of the argument. For example, we know as a fact, that the Earth we live on has gone through quite a few climate changes over a few billion years. We have solid proof that we can see, and touch. We know that areas that were once rain forests are now deserts. We know temperate areas of the globe were once covered by ice and glaciers. We know that places like the Grand Canyon was once a very deep river, and probably flowed into a vast inland sea that covered a third of our country. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture. Now that the climate seems to be changing again, and I use the word ‘again’ with caution because the cimate always changes, we are being told it’s our fault. And to top it off, we are being told that we can stop it. Now think about that for a moment… we humans can stop climate from changing. Hell, we can’t even stop our streets from flooding when there’s a big rain, so how in the hell can we stop climate from changing.

The answer according to climate alarmists (Ecofascists) is twofold. One, we must stop putting co2 into the atmosphere. Two, we have to spend trillions of dollars to do it (stop climate change). They say we must do 1 and 2 because they have come up with computer models that suggest the possiblity that we are already controlling it, but in a negative way. Here’s where we can really lost in the weeds. The Ecofascist scientist says they have proof. Then the skeptic scientists step in and say “not so fast your proof is very questionable”, besides they have proof of the opposite. If any of you have followed the science debates between the scientists from both sides of the argument, you know that it can make a normal person crazy in about 30 minutes. And that’s not even taking into account the insults that get hurled back and forth between the two sides. Recently, one of the science climate blogs asked if Geologists are different from other scientists because there are quite a few of them that do not agree with the Ecofascists.

In the first paragraph, I mentioned that I think I know why the skeptics are taking the sane approach. I said that because we as a group seem to think and make judgements much like Geologists do. Geologists look at the geologic record and read what it tells them. Anotherwords, they use touchable, honest to goodness, in your face, undeniable proof. While Ecofascists use computer models, theory , and recent catastrophic weather as proof. As a skeptic, even I can pick this apart, and it only took some basic knowledge of the history of the earth and sane, clear headed thnking. And what is it that I know… The Earth’s climate has, and always will change. That computer models are only as good as the info you put into them, and can be easily manipulated. And finally, we know for a fact that all throughout the history of man on this Earth, there has always been catastrophic weather events.

In closing. I think we skeptics have the more sane approach simply because we are using a human quality that so many humans seem to lack nowadays. That one quality is wisdom!

Really Dumb Ideas And Insulting Our Military

27 08 2008

It’s not everyday you can say you found the dumbest idea of the decade, but today is my day. No, it’s not one of my dumb ideas, although I have had a few in my life, this dumb idea comes from an Ecofascist lover of Planned Parenthhod. This guy has been saying for quite some time that we have too many people on our planet, and our government should work with the United Nations to CONTROL our population. Part of the plan is to institute a voluntary mandate to limit couples to having only one child. Quiz… did you catch it? “Voluntary Mandate”! There is no place in our Universe where these two words should be compatable, but leave it to Ecofascists to create an alternate reality. Sorry, back to dumb idea of the decade.

Reading the title you may wonder how our military has been insulted, so read the Ecofascist dumb idea and see of you agree. Warning: Put down all hot liquids prior to reading dumb idea.


“consider what might be accomplished if Al Gore was placed in charge of the EPA and the EPA budget and the Department of Defense budget were simply switched. That is to say, the money used for defense would be allocated to environmental protection and the money now budgeted for EPA was transferred to the DoD. Then, the kind of necessary forward movement toward realistically protecting to both the USA and its environs could occur in earnest…”
— Posted by S. E. S.

All we can hope for, is that this guy did not procreate.


Listen-Up All Ecofascist/Liberal/Democrat/Socialist/Marxist/Fearmongers etc..

26 08 2008

   Ok, the DNC convention is in full swing, and all the above people are there having a great time. Even the Anarchists are finding things to do. While all the swooning is going on over Obama, a great deal of his supporters are scaring the crap out of our youth. Why? Only the Devil may know at this point.

In doing a little research for this blog I came across the posted plea (below) of a 13 year old girl. Keep in mind this was posted at one of the highly touted Ecofascists science sites. Read, then decide…

“Global warming IS happening. These scientist need to look right in front of their faces and see that it is real; that it is happening. Stop trying to come up with excuses to make you seem smarter than the other scientists who can actually see whats really happening. And the sad part is; when the ice caps are a few minutes from collapsing and all of us are going to die, they’ll still make up other excuses.

I’m a 13 year old girl. And it’s sad that I can see what is happening but these scientist that are supposedly brillant and can come up with a “logical” reason for the “mysteries” in the world can’t see whats right in front of their faces.
By the time they actually will live up to the fact that they’re wrong and global warming is real, the polar bears, the seals, the penguins, all arctic animals and other animals all over the world, will be either extinct or there will only be a few of them left. Then they’ll leave our world FOREVER. Just because of these stupid scientist and humans who don’t care at all about them because they’re selfish.
Yesterday, when I came on the internet I saw a story on aol. It said that a certain frog’s(i can’t remember the exact type)population was rapidly decreasing because of the warming climate. It said that the warming climate was causing a fungus to grow which was poisionus to the frogs. This really annoyed me because these frogs are suffering because of US! Us as in the human race. And because of us, this frog population will go extinct unless it adapts to the fungus and to the rising temperatures; which will take years that they don’t have.
After reading that article last night, i thought about the previous winter. In Philadelphia, the winter wasn’t really cold at all. There was only about two or three weeks of actually winter. There was no real snow, only flurries which didn’t even stick to the ground. This is a very sad thought to think that my last real snowfall was when I was about my little brother’s age, 8; or maybe even younger. To think that in a few years, everyone might be able to wear shorts in the winter and not be cold at all is a really horrible thought to me. And if that would be normal temperatures in the winter, then could we even survive a summer? Again, we would have to adapt to hotter temperatures; which would take hundreds, maybe even thousands of years that we don’t have. Just think about the human time line, how long it actually took us to evolve to this; from chimpanzees and gorillas to modern homo sapiens like us; it took a long time to become what we are today.”

Comment by A. E. — 25 August 2008 

First of all, I am suspicious about the age of this poster because it is written just like another adult female that posts all the time on other Ecofascist blogs, and related sites. But for this exercise, we will assume she truly is 13. As you can see from her first paragraph, she is writing this to the Climate Scientist skeptics.  I think it’s sad that she has been brainwased into thinking that only Alarmist Scientists are to be beieved and/or trusted. The subject of brainwashing our children is also covered here… Summer Re-Education Camps.

Here’s the part where I ask you to decide: Have the Ecofascists and their Democrat buddies sufficiently scared the crap out of this young girl? Over something that happens naturally, and has happened naturally for eons?

Ecofascists are the real FEARMONGERS!

Democrat Convention Update: Can People Really Be This Dumb?

26 08 2008

     The Polar Bear thing has worn me out, so I thought I would go back to having some fun.

I was watching some of the protesters that showed up in Denver, and even listened to what a couple of them had to say. Guess what? I was NOT impressed. So far this is what they are saying… F-the war! F-Bush! F-the military industrial complex! F-this! F-that! Anyway, it got me wondering… could these be the offspring of some of the posters I make fun of? Maybe I’m taking this too far, but you have to admit, most of the posters I highlight have a very dark view of our world, and our country. And since I’m such a happy guy, let’s make fun of them…

In no particular order, and of completely random thoughts, but all have to do with a Global Warming issue.

 “We have 100 more months, now, just about 99 more months, and counting, according to Andrew Simms in the UK”
— Posted by D. B.

Just last week he said we had 100 months. His months go by pretty darn fast.


FROM UPI “A U.S. scientist is warning the effects of global climate change on ecosystems might increasingly serve as potential triggers for wars…”
Jurgen Scheffran

He may have a point. Al Gore may want us to attack another country if they don’t buy enough of his carbon credits.


“Eco-police find new target: Oreos”

I know I just used this one the other day, but it makes me laugh everytime I see it.


“We must be more proactive and wean ourselves internationally off our addiction to fossil fuels globally now – to halt climate change, to protect our last remaining large scale ecosystems and increase chances of future survival of the biodiversity this planet currently still enjoys.
I worry that the international community will not buy into schemes like these…”
— Posted by S. M.

“Schemes like these”. Ooops, she let it slip out!


“Climate change is the most serious threat facing mankind today. This is way of helping to tackle it and protect the precious flora & fauna of these forests for the future.”
— Posted by  B. P.

The above comment is actually quite interesting and relates to…. On another well known Ecofascist site, there is an article about a plan to save Ecuador by paying them (Ecuador) to keep the Oil deposits underground. In the real world we pay people to get Oil OUT OF THE GROUND.


“it’s hard to imagine the current biosphere, i.e., the the one humans evolved in, surviving this century.”
— Posted by  J. G.

Obviously another member of The Optimist Club.


And finally, the deepest thought was saved for last…

Are we really Homo sapiens?
— Posted by D. J. E.

The Polar Bear Chronicles And The End Of The World

25 08 2008

   Ecofascists love to use the Polar Bear as a sort of poster child for their claims that we are killing the Earth, so I decided to take an in-depth (sort of) look at what they are saying about those cute and cuddly rascals. Let me set this up so you don’t get lost as we go down the list of comments. The first set of comments has to do with a story about how Polar Bears are running out of ice, having to swim further to the next chunk of ice, and drowning along the way. The picture on the right was taken by a research group (supposedly) looking for drowning. The photo was used in an article over at Dot Earth (CORRECTION below in UPDATE #2). They talk about drowning Polar Bears, but the truth is… so far only 5 confirmed drowned Polar Bears have ever been recorded. Please note that in the picture they use, the Bear seems to be standing, not swimming in the water, and to my knowledge, a Polar Bear has never used the back-stroke. Note: It is common for Polar Bears to swim up to 70 miles at a clip. Also, Biologists consider the Polar Bear an aquatic Bear. Scientific name is… Ursus maritimus or the “sea bear.”

The second set of comments are about 1 Polar Bear that got off a chunk of ice as it was floating pass Iceland and swam to shore. The Bear came to within a half mile of a town, so one of the local Cops shot it. The one who actually did the shooting had lost sight of the Bear at one point because the weather was terrible and it got lost in the fog. Fortunately, they found it again and before it got any closer to town they killed it. A hungry Polar Bear is not something you want roaming around in any town. One exception that comes to mind would be San Francisco. BTW… No, there were no tranquilizers available.

Ok, let’s get on with it. Enjoy…

Let me first start with comments from two guys that have a great sense of humor.

“The comment by E. is hilarious. Polar bears are excellent swimmers and can swim for miles. They love the water and are known to swim and cavort in the water for hours.
I can see E. now, traveling to the North Pole on her vacation to hand out life jackets to the polar bears. What a hoot!!”
— Posted by R. C.

“I would be willing to drill right through a polar bear for more oil.”
— Posted by G.

I would like to buy these two gentlemen a Beer.


On to the looney tunes… Part One:

“It is entirely inside the realm of possibility we are destroying not only the habitat of the polar bear, but of everything else on this planet.”
— Posted by E. T.

“What a tragic photograph. We understand why the bear is in the water, yet cannot help. The bear needs help and does not understand why it is in the water. Does it know its fate? It looks so helpless.”
— Posted by T.P.S.

Dummy, did you happen to notice… IT AIN’T DROWNING!?

“that was a great message i mean it really spoke out at me i just totally luved it !!!! please send more of these articles so i may read them and enjoy every last minute of them because these articles are now the center of my life and i would not want to let my life down…”
— Posted by j. f.

She must have one crappy life.

“Your wishy-washy prose and, worst of all your, failure to provide any context (and I know that you are perfectly aware of the context) for your stories make you a great source of comfort for the denialist ideologues and ignoramuses who frequent this site.
Denialists want to talk about polar bears precisely because they don’t want to talk about these other issues where the evidence is irrefutable.”
— Posted by J. R.

This guy got pissed at Andy Revkin because Andy did not write a hateful diatribe. Wait til he see’s he got mentioned here… hehehehe.

“God damn it! Not only do Polar Bears and every other species lay at the mercy of whether we decide one day there is in fact global warming or not…”
— Posted by E. T.

“Reading these comments, it makes me sad that i’m a human being, I’m starting to think, we should de-materialize.”
— Posted by s.

Not the comments here, the ones on the site where I found the comments.

“When the Earth tilts to far off her axis, and the land an sea changes not in years but in hours an minutes i can be assured that the fault will rest intirely on Bush.”
— Posted by c.

It was just a matter of time before one of these loons blamed Bush. It was inevitable!

Part Two:

“This is sick. It seems whenever a wild animal wanders into “civilization,” the first impulse of authorities is to kill it.
This adds more confirmation to my belief that the planet would be much better off without any humans on it.”
— Posted by t.

If the person who wrote the comment above believes so strongly in what they say, then why are they still alive? Hmmmm???

“How can we humans be so cruel and so insensitive? I will never think of Iceland again as a friendly place to visit. Don’t they know how endangered these Polar Bears are? Shame on them!”
— Posted by F. E.

“As for the innocent animal, I am ashamed to be of the same species as the bloodlusting cretins who murdered this magnificent creature. I did not watch the video. It would have haunted me forever.”
— Posted by R.

I would bet my Home and my 401k, that this very same person has no problem, and would never be haunted, by an abortion.

“Imagine being that polar bear, having endured a life-threatening swim created by ever-distant ice floes created by our global warming, only to finally find a nice big chunk of ice where he could finally go fishing, only to confront and be murdered by enemy no. 1: mankind, in this case Icelanders.”
— Posted by n._y._n.

“Stop eating meat.”
— Posted by G.

What the hell do they think a Polar Bear eats? 

“But if you really want to know the truth, I’d value the life of a Polar Bear any day over the life of George Bush.”
— Posted by E. T.

You just knew this was coming. Poor George, I wish him well in retirement.

Finally, a voice of reason… “Do you know why we shot it? We don’t have anything that can store him! the third time a polar bear came we had to call in a specialist from Denmark who had to bring a shit load of stuff. So yea it would have taken a LONG time to get the right equipment and it was to close.”
— Posted by Gísli Dan

So once again, I will let you decide. Are these the kinds of people we want setting policy in our country? Dear God I hope you said NO!

UPDATE: I just found this link that totally validates why the Bear was killed…

UPDATE #2: The article over at Dot Earth talks about how a recent research survey found “around 10 Polar Bears” swimming in open water. For some reason they find this highly unusual. But it get’s better. The Ecofascists are using the supposed plight of the Polar Bear to further their agenda, but I seem to have latched on to more Ecofascist BULL SH*T. I just sent Andy Revkin what is written below. Enjoy…

Andy, I think you got caught with your pants down on this one…

I actually looked at the research site: National Marine Mammal Laboratory
Cetacean Assessment & Ecology Program
BWASP – Bowhead Whale Aerial Survey Project 2008 Preliminary Data.

Here’s all it said about Polar Bears during the survey…

1. “one polar bear with seal kill…COMIDA1 – Flight 4 – June 23 2008
Area flown: Block 18; entire; Block 14, ice percentage was variable .The lower 1/3 portion of block 18 was largely ice free.”

2. “and multiple bears swimming in open water…COMIDA2 – Flight 12 – August 16 2008
Area flown: Block 13, completed with excellent conditions; Block 14, four easternmost transects
Broken floe ice (up to 50%) was present in the northern half of block 14 and the upper northwest corner of block 13.”     CORRECTION: See comments below.

3. “one swimming polar bear…COMIDA2 – Flight 14 – August 18 2008
Area flown: Block 12, search survey conducted parallel to the shoreline at 5 miles and 15 miles off shore;”

Out of 15 survey flights, these are the only Bears they saw swimming. Flight 4 has a Polar Bear with a Seal kill. Also, there seemed to be plenty of ice in both search blocks. Nothing unusual!

Flight 12 says “multiple Bears”, so all we know is there was more than one. I’m betting they did not give an exact count for fear of counting the same Bear/s over again. And yes, there was ice close by.

Flight 14 counts one Bear, and this while flying just off the coast. Nothing unusual! The entire survey can be found here…

CORRECTION: Korey Olsen has correctly pointed out where the #9 PB’s came from. See his comment and my response in the comments section.

That’s it. Even by any stretch of the imagination this does not add up to “around 10 Bears”. Add in the ice, and a fresh kill, I see nothing that portends the end of the Polar Bear! Or as this guy says…

“The hell emerging in the Arctic….”
Posted by Dr. Glen Barry

Welcome To An Alternate Universe.

23 08 2008

More absurd statements from people that should do stand-up comedy…


Because Farmers Almanac says it will be colder than last winter.“This is going to be catastrophic for millions of people,”
— Posted by S. T.

The above post may end up being true if it get’s really cold in the state of New York. NY just recently passed a law that forbids people from burning wood in their fireplaces. If anyone dies in NY this coming winter because they could not afford heating oil, and could not use their fireplaces or wood burning stoves for heat, I hope surviving family members sue the state for BILLIONS! 

(AFP) — “Time is running out in the fight against global warming, the UN’s top climate change official warned as a new round of UN talks got started here Thursday.”
Yvo de Boer, executive secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

As to the above post… Do you trust the UN? With anything???

“Old” ice is getting rare!!!
— Posted by H. H.

So is common sense!

“I’m sure the beetles will be fine — creation has always had an inordinate fondness for beetles.”
— Posted by  H. R.

Uh, no comment.

And finally… Do not tell your kids about this one, as it will surely depress them. Hell, it depresses me!

“Eco-police find new target: Oreos…”

Excuse me while I go hang myself.

Obama Picks Joe Biden As VP – Is This Good For The Environment?

23 08 2008

Only if he’s as ‘clean’ as Obama.

Personally, I could care less who Obama picked for his VP running mate. However, knowing how Biden can put his foot in his mouth so easily, it’s gonna make for an interesting run until November.

An Inconvenient Truth, Or A Convenient Lie?

23 08 2008

First I must admit upfront that I have NOT watched the whole movie. I have seen portions of it on youtube, and on TV, but I never watched the whole movie from start to finish. Nor do I wish to! Below you will read something that was just published today over at Dot Earth blog run by Andrew Revkin. He mentions something about the drowning Polar Bear in the movie that I did not know. Excuse me if I’m late to the game on this and you already knew about it. Andy Revkin writes…

“In a wrenching scene in “An Inconvenient Truth,” the documentary that propelled a wave of coverage of human-caused global warming in 2006, a polar bear slowly slips beneath the waves to drown. The sequence was animated because no one had, so far, captured photos or video of drowning bears, which some environmental groups described as victims of climate change.”


He then goes on to say…

“In a lawyerly way, he often chooses his words to avoid making direct causal links that most scientists say are impossible to substantiate, but uses imagery and implication to convey that humans are fiddling with planet-scale forces.”

I may not be a genius, but it sure seems to me that Andy let the cat out of the bag by telling about the Bear sequence, and the use of tricks (imagery and implication)  to brainwash people. Look, I know why Al did this (lot’s of money to be made), but I don’t appreciate people, media, the United Nations, or our own government, using tricks to push their agenda. It’s all about money, and who controls where the money is spent…

“…Energy’s a $6 trillion business worldwide. It is the mother of all markets. You remember that Internet? Well, I’ll tell you what: green technologies, going green is bigger than the Internet. It could be the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century.”

Al Gore may go down in history as the largest Snake-Oil Salesmen EVER. And I do NOT respect him!

Let’s Have Some Fun With Stupid People.

22 08 2008

Here’s a few random thoughts from people that want to control our lives…

“Bird and fish feed would seem a possible competitor for direct human consumption, but…”
— Posted by WB


“If we Free our Minds – and do this thing Right, then the World will be bound to FOLLOW!” 
— Posted by  J. S.


“Why do you want to kill Earth?”
— Posted by G.


“HEMP can replace petroleum 100% from manufacturing to transportation fueling needs.”
— Posted by M. P.


“GW opponents I can only assume are mostly under 40yrs of age.”
 — Posted by S.


And finally, the dummy award goes to…

“So the real problem is how to make great movies about global warming… but how to make it photogenic with the necessary “ticking time bomb”…” 
— Posted by  L. V.


Now that’s entertainment!

Would Democrats Fall For The Alarmist View?

22 08 2008


   I believe many of them already have, but they have different reasons other than saving the planet garbage. Very few Dems that hold any positions of power actually believe the Ecofascist nonsense, but they will take advantage of it. One reason is votes, the second reason is money, big-big money! I beg all of you… please do not vote for any Democrats in November.

While I have your attention…. below I have copied a posting from the website Moonbattery, which was brought to my attention by Rick at . Read why you should NOT vote for Dems this election. It’s tongue in cheek, so don’t be fooled by it.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would.

I’m voting Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody (except a Christian or a conservative) is offended by it.

I’m voting Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq I trust that the bad guys will stop what they’re doing because they NOW think we’re good people.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that people who can’t tell us if it will rain on Friday CAN tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don’t start riding the subway.

I’m voting Democrat because I’m not concerned about the slaughter of millions of babies so long as we keep all death row inmates live.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that business should NOT be allowed to make profits for stockholders (pension funds, 401K’s, etc). They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as government bureaucrats see fit.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe three or four pointy headed elitist liberals need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would NEVER get their agendas past the voters.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that when the terrorists don’t have to hide from us over THERE, and they come over HERE (and they WILL!), I don’t want to have any guns in the house to fight them off.

I’m voting Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. (I’ve decided to marry the Olsen Twins — both of them — AND their dog!)

I’m voting Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the GOVERNMENT TAX on gas at 18% isn’t.

I’m voting Democrat because I don’t want the USA to drill for oil off its own shores to preserve its economic freedom but will allow other countries that choice!! … and even let foreign countries drill off of OUR OWN coast — like China is doing off Florida!!

I’m voting Democrat because I want the Congress to take a vacation to avoid a vote on off-shore drilling.

I’m voting Democrat because I believe that 143 days in the US Senate is enough experience for a person to run the whole country!! (For a CHANGE)

I’m voting Democrat because we need a leader with the wisdom that tells us that if we just put more air in our tires instead of drilling for more oil that we can save as much oil as if we drilled new wells. This is the wisdom of ‘Change.’ WOW!

I’m voting Democrat because I want to PAY for illegal alien health insurance, illegal alien car insurance, illegal alien education, etc. This too, is the wisdom of ‘Change’! DOUBLE WOW!

I’m voting Democrat because I want to pay reparations to all the people who once had ancestors who were ever treated poorly (only hyphenated Americans need apply), now that we’ve apologized to them. TRIPLE WOW!

But mostly I’m voting Democrat because I’m mad at anyone who makes more money than me; and I expect the government to PUNISH them by taking the extra and giving it to me. In fact, I should quit working and let the government give ME even more. QUADRUPLE WOW!

That’s ‘Change’ we can believe in!

See ya at the DNC next week.

Ask Yourself – Would an Ecofascist Lie To You?

22 08 2008

Your average run-of-the-mill Ecofascist wants you to believe that it is you that is destroying the planet. They constantly tell you that you must listen to the truth, and in order to hear the truth, you have to listen to their scientists and their doomsayers.

As I have pointed out in many of my recent rants, if you (or me) were to follow these people down the path of Eco-insanity, you would lose track of reality in about a week. You would also need to spend any income you may have saved for Christmas, to spend on a trusted therapist. Once in therapy, you would start to realize that you have been taken to the cleaners. Both the therapist and the Ecofascists will bleed you dry of money, common sense, and any compassion you may have once felt for humanity. All this because some fool told you to trust them and they will show you the truth. Horse crap!

The truth can be found in little snippets of info that Ecofascist proudly display on the internet, in print, on radio, and even on national TV. That’s where I come in. I’m not going to tell you that my way is the truth, I only ask that you consider what comes out of the mouths of Ecofascists. Then you decide. Do they tell you the truth, or are they lying to protect and project their own agendas? Once again I will let you decide after reading my latest ‘truthful’ comments made by Ecofascists. As the song says… “I’m leaving it all up to you“. Have fun…


“To do that we need to get some broadbased support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have.”
Dr. S. S.


“Morris Ward of, says that “At some point, the public at large has to step up to the plate in terms of scientific and policy literacy, in terms of commitment to education and strong and effective political leadership, and in terms of their own general self-improvement.”
To move these people, what we really need are OTHER ELITES.”
— Posted by T. T.


“Just to repeat: we have 100 months left. that’s all. To fix things.”
— Posted by D. B.


“Science is not consensus”. How CAN that be countered in a way the public will understand? It’s true, but…”                                                                                                              — Posted by M.


Ok, do you still believe they are telling you the truth?

Two Thumbs Up For One Tough Gal.

22 08 2008




  Some people just know how to say the right thing. With this in mind, I wanted to give a hearty “Two Thumbs Up” to the gal below. This is her response to a plea from scientists (in bold) that want more funding for the social aspects of Climate Change. Ecofascists beware, you are about to read the truth…


“Societal Relevance. Support education, training and communication efforts to use the observations, models and application tools for the maximum benefit of society.” Below is her response…





My tax dollars will NOT fund propaganda!! I’m sick and tired of the busybody elements in our society telling everyone else how to live, what to think, and scaring children. Always the negative. Always exaggeration. I’m SICK OF IT.

Enough already!”

— Posted by Syl

Ecofascist Elitist Snobs Rule The World.

21 08 2008

  I’m so glad we have these incredible thinkers to guide us down the path to peace, harmony, and a great chance at them making tons of money. An awful lot of people like me would like to tell these liberal elitist snobs to shut the hell up, but we don’t because we still believe in freedom of speech. We may not like what we hear, but we respect the Constitution to understand that everyone has an equal opportunity to make a complete ass of them selves. Hell, we can even vote for snobs if we want to (Obama comes to mind).

 “…how could global warming vis-a-vis risk management be framed, to make it a “front-page thought”?”
— Posted by A. H.


“We all know Mr. Krugman’s superior, consummate credentials.”
— Posted by E. T.

For those of you that don’t know what a Communist is, Paul Krugman comes pretty darn close. You can read his crap here      You can decide for yourself.


“Yes, and in science “theory” is pretty close to meaning “fact”. It might not mean that in the lay universe, but in the scientific universe a “theory” is actually, well, it’s a fact.”
— Posted by  J.

I consider myself one of those “lay universe” people she’s talking about, and guess what? I still think they are full of crap! Oh, and another thing… “Pretty close” only counts in a game of Horse Shoes.


“The climate denialism faithful are too lacking in education and fundamental scientific understanding to understand climate change …”
— Posted by  M. D.

Wow, this liberal-elitist-Ecofascist just called an awful lot of people Morons.