Tiller The Dead Baby-Killer

31 01 2010

 I have to admit with sympathizing with Mr. Roeder, but I also condemn him for killing Dr. Tiller. This leaves me, for the first time in my life having to admit to being a fence sitter. Some people will read my words and condemn me for speaking truthfully, but I don’t care. This is a subject that concerns me deeply. We have been killing millions of babies in this country for over 30 years and its about time we lived-up to what we have allowed and ask for forgiveness. But we must FIRST STOP KILLING THE BABIES!

There is a part of me that really understands why Tiller was murdered in cold-blood. What he did for a living was pure evil, and him attending a Church makes no difference. Going to Church may have made him feel better, but I would bet my life that God sent him straight to hell when he died. As well he should have. I honestly don’t know what my decision would have been if had been on the jury.

That’s my two cents, for what its worth.


KANSAS CITY (Reuters) – A man accused of gunning down one of America’s few late-term abortion providers was found guilty of first-degree murder on Friday after he said he had to act to stop the doctor from performing more abortions.


Scott Roeder, 51, was convicted of first-degree murder and aggravated assault by a Wichita, Kansas jury which deliberated for just over 30 minutes. The case attracted anti-abortion protesters from around the nation to support Roeder.

Abortion has been one of America’s most contentious and divisive issues for decades, affecting everything from local and national elections to the selection of U.S. Supreme Court justices.

Roeder admitted he stalked and shot to death Dr. George Tiller, 67, on May 31 last year as Tiller attended church in Wichita, Kansas. He argued in court his actions were necessary to protect unborn babies.

“Abortions were being done every day,” Roeder testified. “My honest belief was that if I didn’t do something they would continue to die.”

Roeder’s sentencing was set for March 9. District Attorney Nola Foulston will seek a “hard 50” mandatory life sentence, under which Roeder will have to serve 50 years in prison before becoming eligible for parole.

Tiller was long a top target of anti-abortion activists and had been shot and wounded before. He was one of only a few U.S. physicians willing to perform abortions late in pregnancy.

The doctor’s death intensified the abortion debate and the actions taken by people who want it to be illegal. Abortion was legalized in a landmark 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision.

“While this verdict will not bring back Dr. Tiller it was very important that justice was served,” said Vicki Saporta, president of pro-abortion group the National Abortion Federation, speaking from the courthouse in Wichita.


“It was important for other abortion providers and it was important for ensuring the ability of women to obtain quality abortion care.”

Anti-abortion activists had hoped the trial might result in a verdict of voluntary manslaughter, while abortion rights groups feared any verdict other than a first-degree murder conviction would encourage further violence against abortion providers.

Abortion rights supporters have called on federal authorities to press an investigation into a larger conspiracy by anti-abortion activists to commit violent acts against abortion providers.

Anti-abortion activists from around America, including the founder of the prominent anti-abortion group Operation Rescue Randall Terry, flocked to Wichita to defend Roeder’s actions.

Some protesters held signs opposing abortion and supporting Roeder outside the courthouse and held press conferences referring to Tiller as a murderer himself.

Other anti-abortion groups, however, distanced themselves from violence against abortion providers.

Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue, which Terry led until 1991, reiterated the group’s denunciation of Dr. Tiller’s murder, but said the organization had no further comment.

“There is no justification for this murder,” said Ann Scheidler, vice president of the Pro-Life Action League, which had been trying to shut down Dr. Tiller’s operations via the courts prior to his death. “The vast majority of pro-life activists are peaceful, law abiding people.”

“Mr. Roeder’s actions were very selfish and un-Christian and we have to pay the price for them,” she added.

(Editing by David Storey)

Hell Hath No Fury Like A Party Scorned

30 01 2010

This little dust-up between Obama and the Republicans at some GOP retreat earlier today was interesting on a few levels. I’m only going to write about the ones that interested me. Why? It’s my blog. Ok, I won’t be a smart-ass any longer, than I normally am. 😉

One of the most fascinating items that nobody wants to talk about has to do with the blatant lying Obama gets away with on what seems to be a daily basis. In the article below, it tells how he stated categorically and with conviction… “I am not an ideologue”. That one statement is a flat-out all American lie! He knows it, all the Republicans in attendance know it, his administration knows it. Hell, even people that voted for him and still support him, know he lied. So what does everyopne do about it?  Nothing.

If you were to take a few minutes of your time to go to the HuffPo and find the thread on this subject (not him lying, him at the meeting), you would find an energized HP base. Why? Because according to his people, Obama kicked the GOP’s butt! That’s their lie so they can live with it, but how do they manage to leave out the fact that their Holy-like can-do-no-wrong president lie right to their faces? I hate the guy and I would like to know!

Obama also lied about the GOP derailing his healthcare overhaul. The simple truth is… the president and the Democrats had all the votes they needed for the last 12 months. The GOP could have stayed home the entire time because their votes would not have mattered. E-X-C-E-P-T for one tiny detail… Obama knew that THE PEOPLE did not want this bill, and he wanted the GOP to share the blame when it got passed and THE PEOPLE started to hit the streets with pitchforks in hand. Even with other problems this bill would have caused politically, it was all on the Democrats and they were to Chicken to take the blame. The Dems are the ones that screwed the president, not the GOP, and he damn well knows it. So much crappola, so little time.

It’s going to be funny to see how this whole thing is spun by Monday morning. Below is a quicky account of what went on. Have fun!


Obama faces off with fiercest critics: House Republicans

The president’s appearance at a GOP conference in Baltimore devolves into finger-pointing and gamesmanship.

Reporting from Baltimore – In an unprecedented town hall meeting, President Obama went toe-to-toe Friday with some of his fiercest critics — a ballroom-full of House Republicans — accusing them of derailing his healthcare overhaul while they complained about being shut out of the political process.

The president’s appearance at an annual retreat for House Republicans was intended to be a gesture of bipartisanship. Instead, it devolved into a respectful, but still surprisingly blunt exercise in political finger-pointing, defensiveness and gamesmanship.

Obama repeatedly defended his policies and accused Republicans of distorting his positions for political gain. He was especially critical of the GOP’s efforts to derail the healthcare overhaul bill in Congress.

“You’d think this was some Bolshevik plot,” Obama said. “That’s how some of you guys presented this.”

And he argued that constant political attacks on his agenda had almost robbed the GOP of any opportunity to contribute.

“What happens is that you guys don’t have a lot of room to negotiate with me,” Obama said. “The fact of the matter is, many of you, if you voted with the administration on something, are politically vulnerable in your own base, in your own party . . . because what you’ve been telling your constituents is, ‘This guy’s doing all kinds of crazy stuff that’s going to destroy America.’ ”

The event was notable for its departure from the norms of the American political process, resembling more the British tradition of a leader taking fire from members of the opposition party — and for the fact that it was broadcast nationally.

Like an audience does on a daytime talk show, the GOP members held microphones and questioned Obama. The president answered from behind a podium, his image displayed on large TV screens. The exchange went for 90 minutes — longer than scheduled.

“I’m having fun,” Obama said at one point.

For the most part, the Republicans held their tongues and praised the president for listening to their concerns. But when Obama maintained that “I am not an ideologue,” murmurs of dissent could be heard throughout the room.

“I’m not,” he repeated.

House Republicans, who have little political power because of the large Democratic majority in the chamber, were determined to use the occasion to rebut skeptics who argue that the GOP offers few ideas and opposes legislation out of political convenience, not principle. They handed Obama a thick document with Republican policy proposals when he was introduced at the event.

Rep. Mike Pence of Indiana, part of the GOP leadership in the House, said before the session that his party needed to show voters that “we’re ready to govern again” in advance of congressional elections this fall.

The president began by urging bipartisanship and cooperation in a manner similar to his State of the Union address Wednesday night. “I don’t believe the American people want us to focus on our job security. They want us to focus on their job security,” Obama said to a loud ovation.

Soon, however, bolstered by Friday’s news of a jump in the nation’s gross domestic product, Obama took the audience to task for opposing his economic stimulus plan a year ago, arguing that it contained the kind of tax breaks that the GOP typically advocates. And he accused lawmakers who opposed the stimulus of taking credit in their home districts for projects that benefited from the stimulus money.

“Let’s face it,” he said, “some of you have been at the ribbon-cuttings of some of these important projects in your communities.”

He was pressed by freshman Rep. Jason Chaffetz of Utah on why Obama had not followed through on his pledge that healthcare negotiations would be broadcast on TV. Obama argued that most of the debate had in fact been aired, except for some of the talks close to the Senate vote.

“That was a messy process,” Obama said. “I take responsibility.”

Near the end of the session, the president pushed back firmly at Texas Rep. Jeb Hensarling’s insistence that the administration had dramatically inflated the nation’s budget deficit. “That whole question was structured as a talking point for running a campaign,” Obama charged, cutting off Hensarling in mid-sentence.

Though some in the room compared the scene to the Biblical tale of Daniel entering the lion’s den, the outcome was less transformative. Republicans did not leave the room purring like kittens, and some were dismissive of the president’s attempt to engage them.

“A few times, I thought the furniture was going to float in the air,” said Rep. Trent Franks of Arizona. “I think the man is a good speaker. His speeches are a little unconnected to the real facts on the ground.”

Rep. Phil Gingrey of Georgia lauded Obama for making the trip but said that he had adopted an overly defensive and lecturing tone.

“I think the president could be a little more diplomatic,” Gingrey said. “The president reacts a little too much.”

The House Republican leader, Rep. John A. Boehner of Ohio, was more effusive after the exchange. “I thought the dialogue went very well,” Boehner said. “We want to continue to find common ground.”


// Copyright © 2010, The Los Angeles Times

Capitalism Is Evil?

29 01 2010

I don’t believe I’m about to do a posting on M. Moore and his latest dumb movie, but here I am…

While reading this I got a strange feeling that Moore would make a good Conservative if he made a few adjustments. Then I got to the part where he calls Capitalism evil and I gave up hope. However, there are a couple of his thoughts that are a part of his latest movie, that leads one to think that he understands Conservatives. You will see what I mean as you read this. Unfortunately Moore falls in love with a speech that was recorded, but never released to the public, by F.D.R. a week or two prior to him dying. This speech was made by a man that was probably very high on medications when he gave this never-before-seen-nor-heard-of speech. F.D.R. basically wanted to promise all Americans a Utopia-like existence, which is why I think he was high as a kite when he recorded this speech.

Enjoy this little piece, but please don’t go and pay to see M. Moores new movie. Remember… he hates money!


‘Capitalism is evil … you have to eliminate it’

After guns and the Iraq war, Michael Moore is now taking on an entire political and economic system in his latest documentary, Capitalism: A Love Story. So what message does the man who once planned to become a priest have?

Michael Moore has been accused of many things. Mendacity. Manipulation. Rampant egotism. Bullying a frail old man with Alzheimer’s. And that is by people who generally agree with his views. His latest film Capitalism: A Love Story is already out in the US when we meet. He comes storming down the hotel corridor, predictably unkempt in ragged jeans that have the unusual quality of appearing both too large and too small at the same time.

I wasn’t sure what to expect. Arrogance, perhaps. Cynicism. But he begins to schmooze while he’s still some distance away, shouting he feels he knows me. A few months ago one of Moore’s producers interviewed me for the film. I was cut from the finished version but Moore says he watched my every word.

Settled on a couch I ask why he hasn’t managed to persuade the downtrodden, uninsured, exploited masses to revolt. “My films don’t have instant impact because they’re dense with ideas that people have not thought about,” he says. “It takes a while for the American public to wrap its head around some of the things I’m saying. Twenty years ago I told them that General Motors was going to collapse and take a lot of towns down with them. I was ridiculed, and GM sent around this packet of information about me, my past writings – pinko! With Bowling for Columbine, I told people that these shootings are going to continue, we’ve got too many guns, too easy access to the guns. [In Fahrenheit 9/11] I’m telling people that we’re not going to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, we’ve been lied to.”

Capitalism: A Love Story seems the natural culmination of all his others, an overarching look at the insidious control of Wall Street and corporate interests over politics and lives. Its timing is exquisite, coming in the wake of the biggest financial collapse in living memory. And once again Moore is bracing himself: as the film drew to a close at its premiere in Los Angeles, he posted a message on Twitter: “The packed house gets up to grab their torches and pitchforks …”

The film is certainly shocking. Early on, Moore sets out the meaning of “Dead Peasants” insurance. It turns out that Wal-Mart, a company with a revenue larger than any other in the world, bets on its workers dying, taking out life insurance policies on its 350,000 shop-floor workers without their knowledge or approval. When one of them dies, Wal-Mart claims on the policy. Not a cent of the payout, which sometimes runs to a $1m (£620,000) or more, goes to the family of the dead worker, often struggling with expensive funeral bills. Wal-Mart keeps the lot. If a worker dies, the company profits.

Wal-Mart is not alone. Moore talks to a woman whose husband died of brain cancer in 2008. He worked at a bank until it fired him because he was sick. But the bank retained a life insurance policy on the unfortunate man and cashed it in for $4.7m (£2.9m) when he died. There were gasps from the audience in a Washington cinema at that.

They came again as Moore focused on the eviction of the foreclosed. The Hacker family of Peoria filmed themselves being chucked out of their home because of skyrocketing mortgage payments. Randy Hacker, gun owner, observes that he can understand why someone might want to shoot up a bank. In a final twist, the eviction squad offers the Hackers cash to clear out their yard.

The Hackers are Republicans. So was the widow of the bank worker. It is the gap, between the ordinary American – Democrat or Republican, middle-class or dirt-poor – and predatory banks and mammoth corporations that Moore has made his target ever since Roger and Me, his first film, set out to expose the damage wreaked by General Motors on his hometown of Flint, Michigan.

“One movie maybe can’t make a difference,” Moore says. “I’ll say, what’s the point of this? What do I want [my audiences] to do? Obviously I want them to be engaged in their democracy. I want them to get off the bench and become active.”

Last summer something happened that renewed Moore’s conviction that his film-making was politically worthwhile. “I’m in the edit room and there’s Bill Moyers on the TV interviewing the vice-president of Sigma health insurance. Massive, billion-dollar company. He’s sitting there, telling the country that he’s quit his job and he wants to come clean. That he and the other health insurance companies got together and pooled their resources to smear me and the film Sicko to try and stop people from going to see it because, as he said, everything Michael Moore said in Sicko was true, and we were afraid this film would be a tipping point.

“I came away from that, with ‘Wow, they’re afraid of this movie, they believe it can actually create a revolution.’ The idea that cinema can be dangerous is a great idea.”

Moore’s critics would argue this is his ego speaking. The idea that his film about the failings of the US healthcare system was on the brink of prompting a revolution of any kind looks all the more far-fetched given how the political fight over the issue has panned out. But if Moore’s primary intention is to send up a warning flare, to alert Americans to what is going on in their country but not usually reported, he’s been pretty successful.

At the end of Capitalism: A Love Story, Moore makes a pronouncement: “Capitalism is an evil, and you cannot regulate evil. You have to eliminate it and replace it with something that is good for all people and that something is democracy.” Michael Moore once planned to be a priest. In his youth he was drawn to the Berrigan brothers, a pair of radical priests who pulled anti-Vietnam war stunts such as pouring blood on military service records. In an instructive moment for Moore, the brothers made clear they weren’t just protesting against the war, but against religious organisations that kept silent about it.

These days he disagrees with Catholic orthodoxy exactly where you would expect him to – he supports abortion rights and gay marriage – but he credits his Catholic upbringing with instilling in him a sense of social justice, and an activism tinged with theatre that lives on his films.

But what does it mean, to replace capitalism with democracy? He sighs and tries to explain. In the old Soviet bloc, he says, communism was the political system and socialism the economic. But with capitalism, he complains, you get political and economic rolled in to one. Big business buys votes in Congress. Lobbyists write laws. The result is that the US political system is awash in capitalist money that has stripped the system of much of its democratic accountability.

“What I’m asking for is a new economic order,” he says. “I don’t know how to construct that. I’m not an economist. All I ask is that it have two organising principles. Number one, that the economy is run democratically. In other words, the people have a say in how its run, not just the 1%. And number two, that it has an ethical and moral core to it. That nothing is done without considering the ethical nature, no business decision is made without first asking the question, is this for the common good?”

These days Moore, the son of a Flint car worker, lives in the smalltown surrounds of Traverse City with his wife Kathleen Glynn and stepdaughter Natalie, a four-hour drive and a world away from where he came from. But Traverse City, which is on Lake Michigan, has endured its own decline. Walking along the restored foreshore, a sign says that the city was once a major lumber exporter. Now it is known as the “Cherry Capital” of America.

“When I first got here the theatre was boarded up,” says Moore. “It was a mess. I said, look, let me reopen this theatre, I’ll create a non-profit. It has brought, like, half a million people downtown in the first two years. If they’re downtown they go out to dinner, they go to the bookstore. It livens everything up. Stores open. Now there’s no plywood on any windows.” This, says Moore, has made him something of a local hero even in a town that votes Republican.

“The county voted for McCain and for Bush twice. But not a day goes by when a Republican here doesn’t stop me on the street and shake my hand and thank me. Me, the pariah!”

There are conservatives who get Moore’s message, particularly families such as the Hackers who have been betrayed by the system they thought was working for them. But identifying their suffering, and even the cause of their problems, is very different from persuading them that capitalism is evil, although they might just buy in to what Moore says is the core message of his latest film – “that Wall Street and the banks are truly the enemy, and we need to tie that beast down and quick”.

His enemies in the rightwing media will be doing everything they can to ensure this doesn’t happen, portraying him as a propagandist. And even some of his supporters say he is too willing to leave out inconvenient facts. But there’s no denying some very powerful truths in Capitalism, one of which is that it didn’t need to be this way in America.

Moore has dug out of a South Carolina archive a piece of film buried away 66 years ago because it threatened to rock the foundations of the capitalist system as Americans now know it.

President Franklin D Roosevelt was ailing. Too ill to make his 1944 state of the nation address to Congress, he instead broadcast it by radio. But at one point he called in the cameras, and set out his vision of a new America he knew he would not live to see.

Roosevelt proposed a second bill of rights to guarantee every American a job with a living wage, a decent home, medical care, protection from the economic fears of old age, sickness and unemployment, and, perhaps most dangerously for big business, freedom from unfair monopolies. He said that “true individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence”.

The film was quickly locked away.

“The next week on the newsreels – and we’ve gone back and researched this – they didn’t run that,” said Moore. “They talked about other parts of his speech, the war. Nothing about this. The footage became lost. When we called the Roosevelt presidential library and asked them about it they said it wasn’t filmed. His own family told us it wasn’t filmed.” Moore’s team scoured the country without luck until they were given a tip about a collector connected to the university of South Carolina.

The university didn’t have anything archived under FDR’s speeches that fitted, but there were a couple of boxes from that week in 1944.

“We pop it in. It was all there. We had tears in our eyes watching it. For 65 years not a single American saw that speech, not one. I decided right then that we’re going to fulfil Roosevelt’s wishes that the American people see him saying this. Of all the things in the film, probably I feel most privileged that I get to share this. I get to give him his stage.” It’s a powerful moment not only because it offers an alternative view of American values rarely spoken of today – almost all of which would be condemned as rampant socialism – but also an interesting reference point with which to compare the more restrained ambitions of the Obama administration.

It is hard to imagine any circumstances in which Obama could put forward such an agenda, I suggest. Moore disagrees.

“He could make that speech.”

And survive politically?

“He has told people he’s going to operate these four years not with an eye on getting re-elected but on getting things done. I have been very happy for the last year. We came out of eight dark years and his election was – what’s the word? – the relief I felt that night, I’ve been filled with hope since then. Now my patience is running a bit thin. He hasn’t taken the reins and said: I’m in charge here, this is what we’re doing. Do it. I can understand he’s afraid but he’s gotta do it.”

Capitalism: A Love Story is released on 26 February

Giovanni’s World Warning

29 01 2010

Ok gang, the last time we had snow storm in my area we went 4 days without power and I was NOT able to get back online until late on the 4th day. Since it created such havoc the last time, I’m warning you that it could happen again over the next 48 hours. Million of trees came down in our last storm with millions of large partially broken limbs and branches still hanging in there. If the limbs ice-up and then it snows (as predicted) on them we can expect almost a repeat of what happened the last time.

The area in dark purple below is the area that Doc’s Wife and myself live in, so we are expecting the worse. Wish us luck!


Our Power And Freedom Are Being Taken

29 01 2010

This is one of those things that we need to pay more attention to. Thank God there are people out there that at least keep up with this stuff. Especially when you consider how important this is to our most basic of rights… FREEDOM!

H/T to FS for keeping me up to date on what’s going one with The Tenth Amendment. 

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, norprohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”



Nullification: It’s Official.

by Derek Sheriff

While speaking to a large crowd of over a thousand people on the campus of Arizona State University last December, Congressman Ron Paul mentioned one thing that might come about as the result of the federal government habitually ignoring the Constitution: Nullification.

About five minutes into the video segment which you’ll find below, he said, “There’s not much attention paid to the Constitution in Washington. There’s not much attention paid to it by our executive branch of government. And we don’t get much protection from our courts. So one thing that might finally happen from this if the people finally feel so frustrated that they can’t get the results out of Washington — They’re going to start thinking about options. They might start thinking about nullification and a few things like that.”

As someone who attended that rally and was doing my best to represent my state’s chapter of The Tenth Amendment Center, I know I cheered very loudly and was very pleased when the rest of the crowd applauded enthusiastically.

For anyone who is unfamiliar with the concept of state nullification, it was the idea expressed by then sitting vice president, Thomas Jefferson, when he authored what came to be called the Kentucky Resolutions of 1798. The resolutions made the case that the federal government is a creature of the states and that states have the authority to judge the constitutionality of the federal government’s laws and decrees. He also argued that states should refuse to enforce laws which they deemed unconstitutional.

reclaiming-american-revolutionJames Madison wrote a similar resolution for Virginia that same year, in which he asserted that whenever the federal government exceeds its constitutional limits and begins to oppress the citizens of a state, that state’s legislature is duty bound to interpose its power to prevent the federal government from victimizing its people. Very similar to Jefferson’s concept of nullification, Madison’s doctrine of interposition differed in some small but important ways.

These two documents together came to be known as The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions (or Resolves), of 1798. Both were written in response to the dreaded Alien and Sedition Acts, and the phrase, “Principles of ‘98″ became shorthand for nullification and / or interposition. Over time, “The Principles of ‘98″ would be invoked by many other states, many times for a variety of issues.

Getting back to Ron Paul’s speech in December at ASU, Congressman Paul qualified his prediction about the revival of nullification by saying the following:

“But my suspicion is that there will never be official nullification or secession, but if the [federal] government continues to fail, and they can’t deliver anything..checks bounce..that we will be forced to take care of ourselves. And we will be forced to almost ignore everything they do.”

Less than a week after the speech I attended at ASU, Congressman Paul was interviewed by Mike Church on his radio show. When Mike asked him what his thoughts were on nullification, Ron Paul responded by saying:

“I think it’s a great idea. It was never really successful in our history. But I think it’s going to grow in importance. And I think it’s going to grow because the government, the federal government will be seen as inept and ineffective. And I think it’ll almost be de facto in the sense that the states will eventually just ignore some of the mandates.”

Here I would like to pause for a moment and point out that I am not usually in the business of disagreeing with Congressman Ron Paul. I would hardly need one hand to count the number of times that I have actually disagreed with him on any issue of real substance. I am a great admirer and supporter of Congressman Paul, who is undoubtedly very supportive of the idea of state nullification, even if he has doubted its efficacy in the past. However, in spite of all this, I would like to make two observations.

First, nullification has, in fact, been somewhat successful in the past and more recently as well. Second, as President Obama loves to say, “Let me be clear”: “Official” nullification has ALREADY HAPPENED.

Before I explain why “official” nullification has already happened, let me briefly give some examples of what nullification is NOT.

Nullification is not secession or insurrection, but neither is it unconditional or unlimited submission. Nullification is not something that requires any decision, statement or action from any branch of the federal government. Nullification is not the result of obtaining a favorable court ruling. Nullification is not the petitioning of the federal government to start doing or to stop doing anything. Nullification doesn’t depend on any federal law being repealed. Nullification does not require permission from any person or institution outside of one’s own state.

So just what IS “official” nullification you might be asking?

Nullification begins with a decision made in your state legislature to resist a federal law deemed to be unconstitutional. It usually involves a bill, which is passed by both houses and is signed by your governor. In some cases, it might be approved by the voters of your state directly, in a referendum. It may change your state’s statutory law or it might even amend your state constitution. It is a refusal on the part of your state government to cooperate with, or enforce any federal law it deems to be unconstitutional.

Nullification carries with it the force of state law. It cannot be legally repealed by Congress without amending the US Constitution. It cannot be lawfully abolished by an executive order. It cannot be overruled by the Supreme Court. It is the people of a state asserting their constitutional rights by acting as a political society in their highest sovereign capacity. It is the moderate, middle way that wisely avoids harsh remedies like secession on the one hand and slavish, unlimited submission on the other. It is the constitutional remedy for unconstitutional federal laws.

With the exception of a Constitutional amendment, the federal government cannot oppose (except perhaps rhetorically), a state’s decision to nullify an unconstitutional federal law without resorting to extra-legal measures. But such measures would more than likely backfire, since most Americans still affirm that might does not make right.

There is no question as to whether or when “official” nullification will happen: It has ALREADY HAPPENED. In fact, not only has it happened recently, it has been a success! Perhaps this is why the federal government hopes you will never hear about it. According to the Tenth Amendment Center:

“25 states over the past 2 years have passed resolutions and binding laws denouncing and refusing to implement the Bush-era law [REAL ID Act]..While the law is still on the books in D.C., its implementation has been “delayed” numerous times in response to this massive state resistance, and in practice, is virtually null and void.”

But that’s not all; another example of “official” nullification has occurred in the form of an unlikely states’ rights ally: Medical marijuana.

There was a time when the federal government took the Constitution seriously enough that Congress did what is required in order to enact a nationwide ban on a substance. Even though the experiment would eventually be seen by most Americans as a mistake and a failure, the 18th Amendment was passed and the era known as “Prohibition” began. Four years later, it was repealed.

When it came to marijuana prohibition, however, the feds had another trick up their sleeve. All three branches of the federal government would agree on a very novel, liberal interpretation of the “commerce clause” which would allow them to regulate virtually any substance, including marijuana, even though there’s supposedly no “legal” commerce in the plant. Since that time, the federal government has managed to claim, with a straight face, as it were, that a plant grown in your back yard, never sold, and never leaving your property, is somehow able to be completely banned by the federal government under the interstate “commerce clause.” The only problem with their claim is that the states just aren’t buying it.

Fourteen states have actively refused to comply with federal laws on marijuana, and it looks as if six more are about to join the effort. In a recent blog post, Mark Kreslins observes:

“..medical marijuana now poses a real threat to the enforcement power of the Federal Government. With state after state defying Washington DC over this issue..Washington DC has a choice to make; enforce their laws based on a very liberal interpretation of the Commerce Clause by sending thousands of DEA agents into all fifty states…or…look the other way. Thus far, they’ve chosen to look the other way for if they create the appearance of a Federal takeover of police powers in the States, they will fully expose their extra-constitutional behavior and provoke a direct confrontation with the States who will use the 10th Amendment (hopefully) to defend their prerogatives.”

Whatever your view may be regarding marijunana use, medical or otherwise, one thing is apparent: “Official” nullification has happened, and it works! Washington will have to get used to it.

What remains to be seen, however, is whether in addition to “officially” nullifying unconstitutional federal laws, state governments will be willing to use their power to “officially” interpose themselves between agents of the federal government and the people of their state. In the unlikely event that one or more branches of the federal government decides to take extra-legal measures to punish residents of a state for exercising their constitutional rights in defiance of unconstitutional federal laws, will that state’s government have the courage to hamper or even neutralize such extra-legal measures?

There are a whole host of peaceful actions that a state government can adopt if that day comes or appears to be just over the horizon. These measures range from county sheriffs requiring that federal agents receive written permission from the sheriff before acting in their county, to setting up a Federal Tax escrow account, which could potentially de-fund unconstitutional federal activities by requiring that all federal taxes come first to the state’s Department of Revenue.

Besides state interposition, the other thing Washington would have to consider, is whether enough of their agents would actually obey orders to punish people for exercising their constitutional rights. There is a significant chance that enough of them would either publicly or privately decide in advance to ignore such orders. As the probability of this increases, it becomes more likely that Washington will not risk overplaying its hand. The reality is that Washington just doesn’t have the manpower to enforce all their unconstitutional laws if enough states choose to defy them.

Of course, it all depends on the people of the several states: ordinary people like you and I. Although I’ve discovered that there are more elected representatives at the state level who are committed to acting in a courageous and principled manner than I ever dared hope, most of their peers lack such a brave commitment. Most of them will stick their head in the sand or sit on the fence until they determine which way the wind is blowing. And so it’s our opinion, not the opinion of the American people in aggregate, but our opinion as citizens of our respective states, that will influence the decision of our state representatives to either stand tall or to kneel down and knuckle under.

But do you even know the men and women who represent you? I’m not talking about those who represent you in Washington, but rather in Phoenix, Salem, Sacramento, Salt Lake City, Denver, Austin, Oklahoma City, Tallahassee, Atlanta, Nashville, Richmond, Harrisburg, Indianapolis, Columbus and Springfield.

If you don’t know them, and you care about our republic, you should make it your highest priority to get to know them and establish rapport with them as soon as possible.

For any of you who really want to preserve our union, and at the same time retain your rights guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, I can’t say it any better than 2008 presidential nominee of the Constitution Party, Chuck Baldwin:

“..it is absolutely obligatory that freedom-minded Americans refocus their attention to electing State legislators, governors, judges and sheriffs who will fearlessly defend their God-given liberties..as plainly and emphatically as I know how to say it, I am telling you: ONLY THE STATES CAN DEFEND OUR LIBERTY NOW! ..this reality means we will have to completely readjust our thinking and priorities.”

Derek Sheriff is an ex-Green Beret turned activist and the State Chapter Coordinator for the Arizona Tenth Amendment Center.

Copyright © 2010 by TenthAmendmentCenter.com. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit is given.

Enemy Of The State

29 01 2010

This is where we are headed…

TGIF Open Thread

29 01 2010

It’s Friday, and the entire day is brought to you by the BIG GUY in the sky and it’s free! Great deal huh?

Ok folks, it’s all yours….

Dang I love this sign!



Conservative Women

28 01 2010

While cruising through the Huffington Post the other night (I know, I know) when I came across this post by Ms. SassySafrine. I’m guessing this is your modern day Feminist trying to make some sort of dumb-ass point about Conservative women or Republican women.

I thought I would share this with you so you could leave her a message. Then I will track her down and give it to her. Her message in bold. Have fun!


 + New SassySafrine I’m a Fan of SassySafrine I’m a fan of this user 510 fans permalink


Women are discarded by the GOP. Time for all estrogen units to wake up.

    Reply     Favorite     Flag as abusive Posted 12:31 AM on 1/27/2010

Boogie-Down Warrior

28 01 2010

H/T goes out to FS for sending me this really good patriotic video. So far all of you warriors out there, this is for you!


It’s Not About Me

28 01 2010

Gotta say thanks to Tim over at Americans for Prosperity for sending this clip along. My opinion… our president has a mental illness.

Lie To The Union Address

28 01 2010
Just so you know, I was not able to post this opinion by Tom in N.C.  last night prior to Obama’s repulsive speech. But as fate would have it, Tom nails it!

Lie to the Union Address

A well known comedian named Ron White once said “You can’t fix stupid”, the same can be said for avowed socialists. Here you have a president, and just the mere mention of Obama as president raises the bile in my throat, who has absolutely no regard for for the American taxpayer and a Congress in open rebellion against the will of the American people. In all my 53 years I have never never been more outraged and disgusted with our government, from the laughably referred to stimulus plan that was supposed to head-off unemployment from going above 8%, but now after Obama’s much ballyhooed stimulus plan unemployment stands at 10+%. Let’s also not forget using TARP funds to bailout AIG, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, GM, Chrysler and 825 other companies, effectively giving control of these companies to a marxist infested, corrupt government, and while I am not an economist and don’t claim to be, I also note that due to Obama’s failed economic policies that 147 banks have failed during his presidency while during the period from 2000 thru 2008 only 55 banks failed, but don’t just take my word for it, check out the FDIC website: http://www.fdic.gov/bank/individual/failed/banklist.html
This is just another indicator that he is tearing down our economy one block at a time.
With our country over $12 trillion in debt, the democrats are still pushing for Obamacare, or better known as socialized hope-you-don’t-mind-waiting-six-months-for-your-cancer- treatment-here’s-an-aspirin-while-you-wait healthcare, which would surely bankrupt this country, oh and lets not forget cap and trade so Obama can dictate to us which frigging light bulb we can use and how warm or how cool we can keep our home or which car we can drive.
Then there’s the continuing foreign policy debacle that threatens each and every American that travels outside of this country, correction; make that every American period, I mean we have a porous northern and southern border and Al Qaeda is still in the business of killing Americans and Obama still wants to treat these murdering terrorist bastards as common criminals such as the Nigerian born fruit-of-the-boom bomber Mutallab. Robert Gibbs, White House Press Secretary, aka biggest dumbass on the planet remarked that valuable intelligence was gathered from Mutallab after only 50 minutes of interrogation before he clammed up after his miranda rights were read to him. True, he did say that there would be others behind him but now  he has been granted the same rights as any other American courtesy of Obama’s DOJ and now he is all lawyered up and might as well have his mouth sewn shut. So now we know there will be others, but without names, timelines or other details we don’t have a clue when or where the next man caused disaster (liberalspeak for terrorist attack) will take place. Thank you Eric Holder and Obama, you just made our country and citizens more vulnerable to attack. 
I really feel for the citizens of NYC when the terror trials begin, thanks to Obama and his DOJ, in another example of their contempt for the American people, and their decision to have the trials in NYC, the memories of 9/11 will come flooding back. Trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in civilian court like he knocked over a liquor store instead of instigating the destruction of the WTC Twin Towers. In doing this it gives these dangerous terrorists a platform to spew anti-American hatred just blocks away for the site of the most heinous terror attack on American soil.
And now just an hour from Obama’s State of the Union Address, I fully expect him to try and justify everything I mentioned above. He will talk about the nonexistent jobs he has created, how he has kept the country safe while not mentioning how his Homeland Security Dept. dropped the ball and almost caused the destruction of an airliner and the deaths of over 300 people on Christmas Day if not for the actions of a Dutch citizen who subdued the terrorist. He will also claim that the majority of Americans want healthcare reform, which is an outright lie since the latest polls show only 38% of americans favor healthcare reform, but I suspect he will ignore that little inconvenient truth, as will he ignore the unaccounted for billions of dollars in stimulus funds that supposedly saved 2 million jobs while we have lost 4 million jobs (fuzzy math seems to be the one thing this administration excels at). Obama also plans to announce a government spending freeze which means that it will barely make a dent in the overall deficit and is more for show than substance, but that’s a liberal for you.
I doubt I can set through one minute of Obama’s lies and false promises much less one hour but maybe I’ll hold my nose and choke down the bile and listen to him once again try to con the American people, it won’t be so easy this time, this is not 2008 and the American people have been enlightened and educated to his radical socialist agenda. Maybe this time instead of just one person yelling you lie, we can have every Republican in the chamber yell YOU LIE!!! all at once even multiple times during the speech, maybe then this dirtbag will finally get the message. Obama, you are going to have one heck of time selling your line of BS this time around.      

Late Thursday Open Thread

28 01 2010

Sorry gang, I was knocked out of commission for the last 24 hours by one of my occasional migraine headaches. On top of that, I see we were invaded during my absense by a bunch of leftards. I will go to work on them shortly, but in the meantime the floor is all yours.

Possible subject (if you can stand it), our defiant moronic president. I didn’t atch his speech but caught bits and pieces late this morning. Personally, I still think he’s as useless as teets on a bull!!!

Wednesday Open Thread

27 01 2010

This is a big day for Obama the boy, so will he become a man tonight?

Let’s get together here after his performance tonight and discuss what a total jerk he is. Hell yeah!

Or… you can write about anything of interest to you.

Counting all his lies during his address to the nation should be fun. I'm betting he tells over 150 lies.

Obama’s Ego Is Killing Us

26 01 2010

Let the article from the Wall Street Journal do the talking. It says a lot about our egotistical president.


Stockholm Syndrome: “A term used to describe the positive bond some kidnap victims develop with their captor.”

Copenhagen Syndrome: “The peculiar psychology of Barack Obama’s first year in office.”

Let’s expand on that a bit. In September, Mr. Obama paid a semi-impromptu visit to Copenhagen to make a personal appeal for Chicago’s 2016 Olympic bid. It failed. The nice way to think about it: The president was trying to win one for Team America. Less nice: It was a feckless and unpresidential errand on behalf of the Chicago political machine to which he remains beholden.

And then there’s the possibility that Mr. Obama really believed that he alone could pull the rabbit out of the hat. Not Dick Daley, not the First Lady. This one would require the full Barack abracadabra.

Mr. Obama was back in Copenhagen a couple of months later, this time for the U.N.’s climate summit. It was a chronicle of a fiasco foretold. In the run-up to the conference, dozens of press accounts noted the gaps between the otherworldly idealism of “Hopenhagen” boosters and the calculated realism of China and India. A politically rational president would either have stayed away or made an appearance at the beginning of the conference, so as to be far from the scene of the crime when it ended.

Instead, the president chose to raise expectations by showing up at the end of the conference, as if he were sure that the magic would not fail him twice. It did. “The debacle of Copenhagen is also Barack Obama’s debacle,” editorialized Der Spiegel, a left-of-center publication. No points in old Europe for the old college try.

So what’s Copenhagen Syndrome? It is a belief in your own miracles. It is thinking that those who crowned you king actually knew what they were doing. It is buying into your own tulip bulb mania. It is the floating evanescent bubble of self. God help you when it bursts.

In fact, Mr. Obama’s first year in office amounts to a long parade of rebuffs. His inaugural address famously offered the world’s dictators an outstretched hand in exchange for an unclenched fist. From North Korea, he got missile and nuclear tests. From Iran, he got a contemptuous rejection of his extraordinary offer to enrich uranium for it. From Cuba, Fidel Castro said last month that “the empire’s real intentions are obvious, this time beneath the kindly smile and African-American face of Barack Obama.” From Venezuela, Hugo Chávez is now comparing Mr. Obama to the devil, a shtick he first tried out on George W. Bush back when liberals thought it was kind of funny.

Of course these are America’s enemies, so we probably should not have expected better even if Mr. Obama seemed to believe we might. What about our (ostensible) non-enemies? The president pre-emptively conceded the Czech and Polish missile-defense bases to Russia in hopes of getting Moscow to take a tougher line on Tehran’s nuclear programs. The Kremlin isn’t biting. Neither is China, never mind Mr. Obama’s gratuitous snub last year of the Dalai Lama.

As for the Muslim world that Mr. Obama has been at such pains to court (the Cairo and Ankara speeches, his opposition to Gitmo and the war in Iraq, etc.), the 2009 Pew Global Survey that measures opinions about the U.S. finds as follows: Turkey, 14% favorable views of the U.S.; Palestinian territories, 15%; Pakistan, 16%; Jordan, 25%; Egypt, 27%. Granted, this is up slightly from the last year of the Bush administration, but only by a couple of percentage points on average. So that’s the great Obama perception dividend?

And then there are America’s friends. Hondurans will not soon forgive the administration’s efforts to shove ex-president Manuel Zelaya down their throats. Among Israelis suspicion of Mr. Obama is pervasive. In France, President Nicolas Sarkozy wonders aloud, “Est-il faible?” (Is he weak?)


Now the same question is being asked in the U.S. in the wake of Scott Brown’s Senate victory in Massachusetts. The president from Oprah Nation, says Newsweek, suffers from an “inspiration gap”; the prevailing wisdom is that he’s too cool and detached for his own political good. Are they kidding? Should the president now take squealing lessons from Howard Dean?

Mr. Obama’s real problems are of a different stripe. It’s not as if he lacks for charisma. It’s that he believes too much in the power of charisma itself and specifically too much in his own.

He seems to have come to office believing that America’s problems abroad could mainly be put down to the rough-edged persona of his predecessor. Change the president, change the tone, give magnificent speeches, tinker with the policy, and the world would revert to some default mode of liking America and wanting to work with it. It doesn’t work that way. Nor does it work in domestic policy, where personal salesmanship has failed to overcome the defects of legislation. Americans still generally like Mr. Obama, or at least they’d like to like him. It’s the $12 trillion deficit and Rube Goldberg health schemes that rub them wrong.

So what’s Copenhagen Syndrome? It is a belief in your own miracles. It is thinking that those who crowned you king actually knew what they were doing. It is buying into your own tulip bulb mania. It is the floating evanescent bubble of self. God help you when it bursts.

White House Nightmare

26 01 2010

I find it odd that the Financial Times of the UK seems to have Obama pegged. Plus, I find it odd that they care so much.

My personal opinion is… Obama is the nightmare in the White House!


White House nightmare persists

At the end of Barack Obama’s worst week since taking power a year ago, the US president’s fortunes look set only to deteriorate over the coming days. Following the shock defeat of the Democratic candidate in Massachusetts on Tuesday, a move that deprived the president of his 60-seat super-majority in the Senate and left his legislative agenda in tatters, Mr Obama has just four days to reboot the system.

The US president had originally delayed next week’s State of the Union address to Congress in the hope he would get his signature healthcare reform bill enacted in time. That prospect, already waning, was killed dead by the voters in Massachusetts. A growing number of Democrats believe the nine-month effort could collapse altogether.

The death of the healthcare effort would rob Mr Obama of what he had hoped would be the centrepiece of his first State of the Union message. “It now looks extremely difficult, if not impossible, to get anything resembling a broad healthcare bill out of Congress,” said Scott Lilley, a senior fellow at the liberal Centre for American Progress, the think-tank that is closest to the White House. “In his State of the Union, Obama has to slim down his ambitions. It should be short and simple and focus on jobs.”

However, even a more modest agenda looks tough for Mr Obama now. Believing their strategy of total opposition was vindicated by the voters last Tuesday, Republicans are in even less of a mood to co-operate with Democrats than before. The difference is that with 41 seats in the Senate they are in a position to block almost anything Mr Obama proposes – including the Wall Street regulatory measures he announced on Thursday.

“Obama has to decide whether he wants to be a transformational president, which looks optimistic at this stage, or merely an effective president,” says Bruce Josten, head of government affairs at the US Chamber of Commerce, which has spent tens of millions of dollars opposing healthcare. “My advice would be that he pick up the phone and ask for Bill Clinton’s advice on how to recover from a situation like this.”

Nor can Mr Obama rely on unity within his own party, which has been in disarray, if not panic, since Tuesday. For example, Mr Obama’s more populist tack on Wall Street re-regulation failed to attract endorsement from Chris Dodd, chairman of the Senate banking committee, even though he was present when Mr Obama made the announcement.

Others, such as Tim Johnson, Democratic senator for South Dakota and a senior member of the banking committee, were already opposed to elements of Mr Obama’s regulatory proposals including the plan to establish a consumer financial protection agency.

Worse, most people do not think Mr Obama can even command unity within his own administration on the Wall Street proposals amid growing speculation about whether Tim Geithner, the Treasury secretary, can survive in his job. Mr Geithner was conspicuously sidelined during Thursday’s announcement by the presence of Paul Volcker, the former Federal Reserve chairman, who lent his name to the push to rein in Wall Street banks.

The speculation about Mr Geithner is only likely to grow. “The Obama proposals were clearly politically motivated and came from the White House not the Treasury,” says a Democratic adviser to the administration, who withheld his name.

Finally, there is increasingly open Democratic disaffection about the way Mr Obama is managing relations with Capitol Hill. Many believe that Rahm Emanuel, Mr Obama’s aggressive chief of staff, served Mr Obama badly by persuading the president that his election was a transformational moment in US politics that gave him the opportunity to push through long-cherished Democratic goals, such as healthcare reform.

In fact, exit polls from Mr Obama’s election showed that almost two-thirds of the voters cited the economy as their chief concern, with fewer than one in 10 mentioning healthcare. Mr Emanuel is also perceived to have mishandled the day-to-day logistics of getting healthcare through Congress.

By leaving the scripting of the details of the healthcare bill to Democratic leaders on Capitol Hill, the White House openly courted the risk of chaos. Tellingly, in his victory speech in Boston on Tuesday, Scott Brown, the new Republican senator, cited voter disdain for the sight of lots of “old men” on Capitol Hill bickering over healthcare reform at a time when their priority was jobs.

“I haven’t seen Rahm Emanuel except on television,” Jim Pascrell, a Democratic lawmaker from New Jersey, told Politico, the news website, on Friday. “We used to see him a lot; I’d like him to come out from behind his desk and meet with the common folk.”

In short, Mr Obama’s nightmare January could easily slip into a nightmare February. “Unless and until the president changes the way his White House, works, things are going to continue to go badly for him,” says the head of a Democratic think-tank. “Heads still have to roll.”

Tim Tebow A Breath Of Fresh Air

26 01 2010

Tim and Boomer.Tim Tebow is one heck of a College Football player, and should be one heck of an NFL player, but there is SO much more to Tim Tebow than just Football. People have been writing an awful lot about this amazing young man over the last few days, so feel free to Google him and learn all you care to. There is so much to this young man that I could never do him justice. Plus, I’m not a follower of College Football so it wasn’t until recently that I even heard his name.

He’s been caught-up in a made-up controversy over an ad he bought air-time for during the upcoming Super Bowl. The article below explains. After reading this article, please read the next one. It gives you another good look at the real Tim Tebow. This country needs more Tim Tebows!


Super Bowl ad no place to play with life choices: Women’s Media Center

The ball is in the air on Super Bowl advertising and abortion morality “plays.”

On offense: Focus on the Family opened with the ball, touting its 30-second buy for a “pro-family” ad that’s a thinly dressed anti-abortion ad. It stars University of Florida grad star quarterback Tim Tebow and his mom, Pam, who choose to ignore doctors and carry a potential problem pregnancy to term.

On defense: Those who think Focus is focused on opposing choice for anyone who disagrees with its choices — i.e. women and gay groups. The Women’s Media Center called on CBS to drop the Focus ad.

Suddenly, CBS announced new rules: “Appropriate” advocacy ads are now OK for Super Bowl Sunday and, surprise, they just happen to have slots available still.

Now that the ball is in the air does that mean women’s groups will race to round up multi-millions for an ad?

Not us, says Jehmu Greene of the Women’s Media Center, speaking for a coalition of women’s groups that originally asked CBS to pull the ad. Today, Greene said:

“Americans deserve a more meaningful political discourse around women’s health. A 30 second ad war is not going to get us there.”


Huge Gator fan gets experience of a lifetime as he meets his hero

It isn’t everyday that a 7-year-old boy with cerebral palsy has the opportunity to meet his real life hero.

Fortunately for my grandson Boomer, he had the opportunity to meet University of Florida head football coach Urban Meyer at the Winged Foot Scholarship Foundation annual banquet last May where Meyer was the keynote speaker.

In March, Boomer had undergone extensive surgery on his legs which required him to be in a full-length cast (which they applied in orange and blue). Boomer’s goal was to be able to get out of his wheelchair and walk up to shake Meyer’s hand when they met at Winged Foot. Boomer did not want to be in his wheelchair when he met his favorite coach.

I had explained all of this to Meyer prior to the event but I’m not sure he was emotionally prepared to watch Boomer struggle to get out of his chair and painfully take the two or three steps necessary to approach him. Meyer got down on one knee in order to meet and speak to Boomer and you could tell immediately he was moved by what he had just witnessed.

While speaking to Boomer, Meyer asked him if he would like to come up to Gainesville to meet his favorite player, Tim Tebow, take a tour of the athletic facilities and then attend the football game the following day. Of course, Boomer was thrilled with the invitation as was the rest of his family, especially his mother who attended UF and is a huge Gator fan.

Plans were made for Boomer and family to travel to Gainesville for the season opener against Charleston Southern on Saturday, Sept. 5. Meyer’s assistant, Nancy Scarborough, made all of the arrangements and we met her at the stadium at 11:00 a.m. on Friday. Scarborough explained that Tebow would be in the coach’s office at 11:15 in order to meet Boomer, have some pictures taken and sign a few autographs before having to leave by 11:30 for media commitments.

During those 15 minutes, Tebow treated Boomer like he was his best friend. The attention and kindness he showed to Boomer was priceless and the experience that was created was something that Boomer will never forget.

Tebow had to leave, but Meyer and Scarborough continued to show us around the office area. At one point, we went into Meyer’s office to take in all of the memorabilia on display. The coach was at his desk when he picked up a picture of him and Tebow hugging after the national championship game and proceeded to take it out of the frame and autograph it.

Suddenly, Tebow reappeared and also signed the picture before presenting it to Boomer as a memento of his trip. What happened next astounded all of us, with the exception of Meyer, when Tebow took control of Boomer’s wheelchair and proceeded to give us a guided tour of the entire stadium himself. Over the next one and a half hours, we visited the workout facilities, training room, locker room and the football stadium, all with Tebow pushing Boomer and leading the way.

We returned to the coach’s office to say goodbye to Meyer. As we were talking, Tebow turned to Boomer and said, “How would you like to come on the field with me tomorrow for the pre game warm-up?”

Meyer added, “And how about after the game you join us in the locker room to be a part of the post-game activities?”

It was no surprise that both offers were readily accepted with one of the biggest smiles you have ever seen.

Friday night, Boomer’s grandmother asked him if today was the greatest day of his life. Boomer replied that tomorrow will be the greatest day and today will be the second best. I’ll be darned if he wasn’t right.

As promised, as the team entered the Swamp for their pre-game warm-ups, Tebow ran on the field pushing Boomer in his wheelchair. As the team lined up for stretching, Tebow wheeled Boomer up and down every row of players so that he could shake all of their hands.

Boomer stayed on the field throughout the warm-ups watching his hero prepare for the game. Boomer was then escorted to a private box reserved for the coach’s wives and families to watch the game.

Towards the end of the fourth quarter, Boomer was taken down to the locker room where Tebow brought him in to celebrate the Florida victory along with the rest of the team. A football was passed around for every player to sign for Boomer and then he was wheeled to the center of the room where he was surrounded by the entire team for their post-game prayer.

We will remember this experience for the rest of our lives and we will all be forever Gator fans for what we were so fortunate to have been a part of. We are so grateful to Meyer and Scarborough for all they did to make these two days the most special days in Boomer’s life, but we will never forget everything that Tebow did for Boomer.

Tebow did not need to take one and a half hours out of his day to spend with a 7-year-old boy who he had just met. Tebow did not need to invite this same boy to join him on the field for the pre-game warm-up or bring him into the locker room. Tebow did these things out of the goodness of his heart so that our grandson would have the experience of his life.

Meyer said, “It was just Tim being Tim,” and believe me, that is exactly what it was. Tebow wasn’t looking for recognition or a pat on the back for himself.

All Tebow wanted was to give a gift to a young boy who has struggled through many physical hardships and who has endured more than his share of pain.

Many Florida fans refer to Tebow as “Superman.” I used to snicker when I heard this. Not anymore.

Obama’s Bad Numbers

26 01 2010

Obama gets bad numbers from Congressional Budget Office

Jobs and the deficits are going to be big themes of President Obama’s big speech tomorrow — and he got some bad numbers on both topics today from the Congressional Budget Office.

Oval colleague Richard Wolf breaks it down for us:

Here’s more bad news on the budget front for President Obama: A new report by the Congressional Budget Office says the nation’s $1.4 trillion deficit is likely to stay in that range for the next two years.

The 2010 deficit should be about $1.35 trillion, and if Obama keeps President Bush’s tax cuts in place and extends other expiring tax breaks, the 2011 deficit would be about the same, the report says. Over the next decade, the nation would rack up another $12 trillion in deficits, thereby doubling the size of the $12 trillion national debt.

“Daunting” and “bleak” were just some of the adjectives used by CBO Director Douglas Elmendorf on Tuesday to describe the 10-year budget picture. Spending is projected to outpace revenue, and the debt would soon be two-thirds the size of the overall economy. By 2020, interest payments on that debt would be more than $700 billion, about four times the size of the current amount.

The report shows the unemployment rate rising slightly above 10% before declining slowly. Not until 2014 would the rate drop back to 5%.

“In sum, the outlook for the federal budget is bleak,” Elmendorf said. “U.S. fiscal policy is on an unsustainable path to an extent that cannot be solved by minor tinkering.”

(Posted by Richard Wolf and David Jackson)

Corrupt Politicians Should Pay

26 01 2010

This report on all the people from our government that went to Copenhagen for the Climate Summit is a snapshot of how these SOB’s waste our tax money. What I find interesting is how we get the cost for 106 freeloaders that went to Copenhagen as a Government representative in some capacity. However, the 60 extra people that went from the Obama White House, no expense report. Most transparent administration in history my ass!


Congress Went to Denmark, You Got the Bill

CBS News Investigative correspondent Sharyl Attkisson reports official filings and our own investigation show at least 106 people from the House and Senate attended – spouses, a doctor, a protocol expert and even a photographer.

Million Dollar Congressional Trip
Read the Congressional Expense ReportFor 15 Democratic and 6 Republican Congressmen, food and rooms for two nights cost $4,406 tax dollars each. That’s $2,200 a day – more than most Americans spend on their monthly mortgage payment.

CBS News asked members of Congress and staff about whether they’re mindful that it’s public tax dollars they’re spending. Many said they had never even seen the bills or the expense reports.Copenhagen Congressional JunketRep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif., is a key climate change player. He went to Copenhagen last year. Last week, we asked him about the $2,200-a-day bill for room and food.

“I can’t believe that,” Rep. Waxman said. “I can’t believe it, but I don’t know.”

But his name is in black and white in the expense reports. The group expense report was filed by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif. She wouldn’t talk about it when our producer tried to ask.

Pelosi’s office did offer an explanation for the high room charges. Those who stayed just two nights were charged a six-night minimum at the five-star Marriott. One staffer said, they strongly objected to no avail. You may ask how they’ll negotiate a climate treaty, if they can’t get a better deal on hotel rooms.

Total hotel, meeting rooms and “a couple” of $1,000-a-night hospitality suites topped $400,000.

Flights weren’t cheap, either. Fifty-nine House and Senate staff flew commercial during the Copenhagen rush. They paid government rates — $5-10,000 each — totaling $408,064. Add three military jets — $168,351 just for flight time — and the bill tops $1.1 million dollars — not including all the Obama administration officials who attended: well over 60.

In fairness, many attendees told us they did a lot of hard work, and the laid groundwork for a future global treaty.

“It was cold… I was there because I thought it was important for me to be there,” Rep. Waxman said. “I didn’t look at it as a pleasure trip.”

But considering the size of the deficit, and the fact that that no global deal would be reached — critics question the super-sized U.S. delegation — more than 165 — leaving the impression there’s dollars to burn. In this case, more than a million.

Does Bob Herbert Man-Up

26 01 2010

A pure leftist writing for the NYT’s seems to be unraveling as Obama prepares to address the country on Wednesday night. Bob Herbert has always been a lefty you could count on to tow the line for liberal Democrats, but as the following article shows, he may have finally have given up on them.

Things are getting better every day for Conservatives. Enjoy!


Who is Barack Obama?

Americans are still looking for the answer, and if they don’t get it soon — or if they don’t like the answer — the president’s current political problems will look like a walk in the park.

Mr. Obama may be personally very appealing, but he has positioned himself all over the political map: the anti-Iraq war candidate who escalated the war in Afghanistan; the opponent of health insurance mandates who made a mandate to buy insurance the centerpiece of his plan; the president who stocked his administration with Wall Street insiders and went to the mat for the banks and big corporations, but who is now trying to present himself as a born-again populist.

Mr. Obama is in danger of being perceived as someone whose rhetoric, however skillful, cannot always be trusted. He is creating a credibility gap for himself, and if it widens much more he won’t be able to close it.

Mr. Obama’s campaign mantra was “change” and most of his supporters took that to mean that he would change the way business was done in Washington and that he would reverse the disastrous economic policies that favored mega-corporations and the very wealthy at the expense of the middle class and the poor.

“Tonight, more Americans are out of work, and more are working harder for less,” said Mr. Obama in his acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention in August 2008. “More of you have lost your homes and even more are watching your home values plummet. More of you have cars you can’t afford to drive, credit card bills you can’t afford to pay, and tuition that’s beyond your reach.”

Voters watching the straight-arrow candidate delivering that speech, in the midst of the worst economic crisis since the Depression, would not logically have thought that an obsessive focus on health insurance would trump job creation as the top domestic priority of an Obama administration.

But that’s what happened. Moreover, questions were raised about Mr. Obama’s candor when he spoke about health care. In his acceptance speech, for example, candidate Obama took a verbal shot at John McCain, sharply criticizing him for offering “a health care plan that would actually tax people’s benefits.”

Now Mr. Obama favors a plan that would tax at least some people’s benefits. Mr. Obama also repeatedly said that policyholders who were pleased with their plans and happy with their doctors would be able to keep both under his reform proposals.

Well, that wasn’t necessarily so, as the president eventually acknowledged. There would undoubtedly be changes in some people’s coverage as a result of “reform,” and some of those changes would be substantial. At a forum sponsored by ABC News last summer, Mr. Obama backed off of his frequent promise that no changes would occur, saying only that “if you are happy with your plan, and if you are happy with your doctor, we don’t want you to have to change.”

These less-than-candid instances are emblematic of much bigger problems. Mr. Obama promised during the campaign that he would be a different kind of president, one who would preside over a more open, more high-minded administration that would be far more in touch with the economic needs of ordinary working Americans. But no sooner was he elected than he put together an economic team that would protect, above all, the interests of Wall Street, the pharmaceutical industry, the health insurance companies, and so on.

How can you look out for the interests of working people with Tim Geithner whispering in one ear and Larry Summers in the other?

Now with his poll numbers down and the Democrats’ filibuster-proof margin in the Senate about to vanish, Mr. Obama is trying again to position himself as a champion of the middle class. Suddenly, with the public appalled at the scandalous way the health care legislation was put together, and with Democrats facing a possible debacle in the fall, Mr. Obama is back in campaign mode. Every other utterance is about “fighting” for the middle class, “fighting” for jobs, “fighting” against the big bad banks.

The president who has been aloof and remote and a pushover for the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries, who has been locked in the troubling embrace of the Geithners and Summers and Ben Bernankes of the world, all of a sudden is a man of the people. But even as he is promising to fight for jobs, a very expensive proposition, he’s proposing a spending freeze that can only hurt job-creating efforts.

Mr. Obama will deliver his State of the Union address Wednesday night. The word is that he will offer some small bore assistance to the middle class. But more important than the content of this speech will be whether the president really means what he says. Americans want to know what he stands for, where his line in the sand is, what he’ll really fight for, and where he wants to lead this nation.

They want to know who their president really is.

Stop Hostile Takeover of the Constitution

26 01 2010

The above Header is amazing in every sense of the word. The latest update from “People for the American Way” just arrived in my email-box and really stunk-up the place. DO NOT LET THEIR NAME FOOL YOU, THEY ARE A DANGEROUS ORGANIZATION.

Understand that this email from these radical anti-Americans, use every decision by the Conservatives on the bench of the Supreme Court as an opportunity to raise money from their dumb supporters. So, this may make you angry. Just a fair warning.



Last Thursday, by a single vote, the conservative majority in the Supreme Court staged a hostile takeover of American democracy on behalf of corporations.

Americans are rightfully outraged and we are not taking this lying down.

Following release of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United v. FEC, PFAW announced a telebriefing on the decision for our members (held today) for which more than 800 people RSVP’d almost immediately — a transcript and recording of the briefing will be made available online soon.

That same day, we launched a campaign to undo the Supreme Court’s attack on democracy by amending the U.S. Constitution to ensure that Congress has the authority to limit the influence of corporations in elections. 15,000 people joined the campaign by signing our petition within the first several hours.

In addition, the generosity of People For members has never been clearer. Already, thousands of dollars have come in to help in this urgent effort.

Legal experts, members of Congress and many organizations and regular citizens are recognizing the need to counteract the Supreme Court’s devastating overhaul of laws that protect the core of our democratic system. We support legislative efforts to mitigate the damage of the Court’s decision. But a Constitutional Amendment is the most complete solution to this disaster.

Alternatives like public financing are important, but no matter how many tax payer dollars the government uses to try to offset corporate influence it will never be enough to compete with the bottomless coffers of corporations. For this reason and many more, we must amend the Constitution.


Here’s what you can do to help:

1. Sign the petition calling on congressional leaders to pass a Constitutional amendment >

2. Help overturn this radical decision by donating to the campaign >

3. Become a “fan” of our effort on Facebook >

As you may know, People For the American Way has spent many years fighting against destructive amendments to the Constitution proposed by the Right Wing around issues like flag burning, school prayer and banning gay marriage, (you remember those) so our decision to support an amendment to the Constitution in this instance was not taken lightly. As you also know, People For the American Way has spent almost 30 years fighting hard for freedom of speech. But yesterday’s decision is a perversion of the First Amendment and a departure from over 100 years of established legal precedent. The very foundation of our democracy could depend on our ability to overturn it.

Stand with us now and together we can stop corporations’ hostile takeover of our democracy.
