America Has A Fever

30 06 2010

The wife and I just returned from a short 5 day road trip, and I would like to share some of the things that caught our attention.

Since my accident back in March, life, for my wife and family, has centered around my rehabilitation. And I will be the first to admit that re-hab can get pretty darned boring, so a road trip seemed to be in order. Normally we would have found another way to travel, especially with only 5 days set-aside for our trip, but it made the most sense when we considered I still have some physical restrictions and am still slightly handicapped. As it turned out, traveling by auto was just the ticket. Without the many opportunities to observe and interact with fellow Americans, this report would be BORING. Ok, let’s get started.

As soon as I got out of the hospital, my family Doctor hooked me up with a Handicapped Parking permission slip to take to the Dept of Motor Vehicles. With that plastic blue and white Handicap door hanger (rear-view mirror hanger) I was suddenly able to get some of the best parking spots around.  I have to admit that more than once I had a feeling of guilt when pulling out that sticker that gave me permission to use one of these great parking spots. As banged-up as I was, I know there are other people out there that have more debilitating problems than me and I prefer they use the spots over me. But there were days that I was glad to take advantage of the Handicapped parking spots. Not only did it make my life a bit easier, I also learned an awful lot about the world of the handicapped.

For starters, people in general are rude as hell to the handicapped. It starts in the parking lots. Nothing burns my chaps more than to see a car parked in a handicap spot with no handicap license plate or hanger. And more times than not, the person driving the vehicle is a young and VERY healthy inconsiderate jerk that simply was too damn lazy to walk from further out in the parking lot. Then the handicapped have to go into the store and do their shopping or take care of their personal business. Most stores now offer a few motorized wheel chairs for the handicapped so they don’t have to lug around their own chair. In my first couple of weeks of being home, I had the opportunity to use these motorized chairs more than once. I found that most people ignore you and pretend as if you don’t exist. Getting cut off while shopping is one thing, but when people cut you off as you get in line to check-out, then I got vocal. I could go on about these experiences, but this post is about my recent trip. So yes, we experienced many non-handicapped autos parking in the handicapped spots on our trip, but since I have given up using the motorized chairs, this problem did not come up. Bottom line… We as Americans are RUDE AS HELL TO THE HANDICAPPED, and we need STOP!

One of the things that drives my wife crazy is my ability to walk up to a complete stranger and strike-up a conversation. It would be fair to say that she went crazy quite a bit on this trip. I talked to everyone! Most conversations started out very cordial, with subject matter being very benign. Without missing a beat, I would almost always turn the conversation towards politics, and this is when things got interesting.

Although I found most people very civil (except to the handicapped), I got the impression that Americans have a fever. The reasons given for their dis-comfort always had to do with our government. People seem to think that America is very sick, with a dangerously high fever, and on the verge of collapse or meltdown. I tend to agree.

There were the few that stuck to the notion that Obama was gonna save us all. When I would point out that Obama is one of the carriers of this very contagious fever, these few people would get angry and end the conversation. Many people (thank God) have been following the stuff that Glenn Beck puts on his five o’clock show on Fox News. Some blame Glenn for the fever because he has the audacity to tell the truth and tackle issues that the mainstream media refuse to cover. To those in this catagory, I would simply say “don’t blame the messenger”. More times than not, I would get an approving nod. It’s as if these people knew in their hearts that Beck is not to blame, but they repeat what they hear from the MSM.

By far, the largest group I spoke to would fall under one particular catagory. I call them the… “I hate all politicians including up to the president”. Yep, most people I spoke to blame our sickness on Obama, and once again I find it hard to argue with this group. Most of you already know the ever increasing list of Obama blunders, so I won’t go over that beaten dead horse. I will however point out that we saw this fever coming from far-far away. Here’s an example…

One of the very first links I put on this blog almost 2 years ago was… The 45 Communist Goals for America . If you took the time to read this link, then you know that the recent charges of Russian spies living in our midst are not so surprising. The ultimate Communist goal is to bring down the USA. And unfortunately, they have an American president that seems to want the same thing.

With information like the above readily available to almost all Americans, I can see how the upcoming November elections could potentially doom the Democrat party, and cause more feverish deaths in the progressive camps.

If this is the end result of this fever, then I think this patient (the USA) can be saved. If not, then no more road trips for me.

As Doc’s Wife recently pointed out “we must stay vigilant”, can also mean to keep an eye on the countries temperature so we don’t get sick and die.


What Worries You?

24 06 2010

Please tell us what problem we face as a country, worries you the most.

Thank You Glenn Beck

21 06 2010

This is an open letter to Glenn Beck, thanking him for the information he shares with his viewers each and every day.

If you saw todays Glenn Beck show on Fox News, you probably were as stunned as I was about the info he shared with us. For those of you that missed it…

“What did Soros see in these guys that the rest of the world didn’t? Is he just that much smarter than everyone else? Or is it possible because of Center for American Progress and all the other connections Soros has at the White House, he knew that the administration would be making a $2 billion “preliminary commitment” to Petrobras for “exploration,” just days after he strengthened his investment? Or was that just another one of those bad luck situations for Obama? Because it certainly doesn’t seem to pass the smell test: A billionaire investor dumps money into state-controlled Brazilian oil company and days later administration dumps $2 billion dollars into the same exact company? Now the administration is crippling the American competitors and the biggest winner in this is Petrobras.

Mind you, this is a multi-billion dollar company that rakes in tens of billions in profits each year. Why in the world would these guys need a loan? And why are we investing in another country’s offshore drilling while banning ours?”

Let that sink in. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten. Ok, times up. That’s right, we have a president that put’s a moratorium on all offshore drilling for oil, putting tens-of-thousands of people out of work, while at the same time he’s loaning Petrobras, a Brazilian oil company owned by the state of Brazil, $2 BILLION DOLLARS of our money!!!

For more incredible connections to this story go to this link and read the entire transcript.

This is the exact information I am thanking Glenn for. Where else can you find this info without having to do days of your own time consuming research? NOWHERE!

God bless Glenn Beck


Weekend Open Thread

18 06 2010

Everyone knows the drill. Talk about any subject that comes to mind and have fun with it.

One possible subject starter, do you think the far-left progressives fear the Tea-Party folks? And why.


Obama Speech Tanks For Liberals

16 06 2010

I have a habit of going to liberal blogs on the internet and trying to talk some common sense into them. Although I’m not very succesful in changing any minds, it sure is fun, plus it’s a good way of seeing what they are up-to, especially the progressive/marxist Libs, the hardcore Obama lovers. Well, last night I spent time reading what they had to say about “their man”, and if the comments below are a leading indicator, then I have to say that Obama is in deep trouble with his base.

Below you will find comments from 3 different people that post daily at the Huffington Post. All 3 are huge Obama supporters. If these are the kinds of people that vote for Obama, then it’s no wonder he got elected. Pray hard for our country!


“Mr.President, its time for the Chief of staff to go! this is the onlyoption to save your Presidency!
I urge you to do it by 5p on Friday! Shake up the political world andnews cycle! give them something to talk about on Sunday other than thisspeech! Your staff tied you to the BP Blimp! and that is not a goodthing. The oil leak cannot be stopped NOW! BP knows it, they justhaven’t told you yet! they will not tell you tomorrow , Six months fromnow you will see for yourself. do not WAIT!”
“Prayer?He really said that?Well, for one, that’s insulting. And I voted for the man. Prayer iswhat people do as a last resort ~ when they realize they have nocontrol of a situation, and no plan to gain future control.We don’t need another President to suggest prayer as a way to help usin a time of crisis. We are not a theocracy. Please don’t offer that upagain.”

If “God” can supposedly help us, then where was this God when ithappened? Where was he/she to stop it in the first place?Asking for an invisible deity to fix the problems caused by man is notonly insulting, but it’s a cop out.

17,000 National Guard To Gulf

16 06 2010

Last night our incompetent president tried to convince America that he was on a strong war footing in the battle against the Oil spill in the Gulf. In my opinion, he failed miserably!

There is one area of his speech that caught my attention, but I didn’t hear any pundits last night, or this morning, talk about. I’m talking about the 17,000 National Guard he said he is sending to the Gulf to help with the clean-up efforts. Not only did this idea shock me, I’m also a little shocked that nobody has picked-up on this comment, yet.

Obama has said repeatedly that BP will pay for every aspect of this accident, yet by sending 17,000 National Guard to the Gulf he almost guarantees that the tax payer will be on the hook for whatever costs they incur. Yep, that means you and I will pay for 17,000 National Guard to pick up turd-balls of oil off of beaches. Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem paying any National Guard for any job they do, but once again the president has missed the mark. Shocking right?

Here’s what a real leader would do as it pertains to the 17,000… Meet face-to-face with all BP executives on the very first week of this disaster. Then demand they start hiring, by the thousands, people to be prepared to help with any clean-up needed on the beaches and in the marshes. Part of the demand for hiring would be that they hire people that are presently getting extended unemployment benefits. Get those people back to work. Secondly, if I want to use that many National Guard, I would use them for something they could do much better than picking up oil turds. I would send 17,000 fully armed National Guard to patrol and guard our Southern border.

As a tax-payer, I cannot see anyone objecting to pay the National Guard to protect the United States from invasion, so put them where they are needed. But make damn sure they are armed and ready to defend our land down to the last grain of sand.

So there it is folks, my take-away from last nights speech.

1. Send 17,000 National Guard to guard and protect the Southern border.

2. Make BP hire 17,000 out of work citizens that are on extended unemployment benefits.

Simple right? So simple that even the president should have thought of it!


Poll – Obama’s Speech

15 06 2010

Obama’s Secret Transcript

14 06 2010

Below is a copy of the prepared speech that Obama will be making on Tuesday night from the Oval office. Don’t ask where I got it from.

To all my fellow Americans, I wish I come before you tonight with some better news, but once again George W. Bush and Dick Cheney have screwed us. I of course am talking about the disaster in the Gulf. This travesty never would have happened if George W. Bush had been illegally elected to two terms to office.

After talking to many of the best minds in the psychiatric field, there seems to be a consensus that the ravages of heavy Cocaine use by George W. Bush in his younger days caused him to act irresponsibly in the Gulf.  That and Bush’s constant praying to his God has led us to the worst disaster known to Mother Earth.

So this then leads us to ask “ok, Bush really screwed us so now what do we do?”. The answer is obvious to everyone that voted for me because you are almost as smart as I am. We load up bus loads of people from SEIU and have them go to the Bush’s house in TX. There they will gather up George, Laura, the twins, and any SS agents still stupid enough to guard the Bush’s and drag them kicking and screaming to the Gulf area in Louisiana. Once there, they will be forced to skim oil off the top of the water with a McDonalds drink straw. This will be their punishment for allowing this disaster for happening in the first place.

Other than that, your “cool and hip” president is working 26 hours a day on the problem on his golf swing, scuse me, I mean oil spill.


Your Presidente For Life “Part man part God”… Barack H. Obama

You Gotta See This

14 06 2010

God Bless Texas!

13 06 2010

Whether you are a fan of the GOP or not, the story below should be welcome news for all Conservatives. And I mean ALL Conservatives. I don’t care if you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Tea-Partier, or whatever, if you have Conservative blood running through your veins, you are gonna love this news.

One political hot-potato for the upcoming election in November will be the ILLEGAL ALIEN issue, in concert with the sealing of our southern border. And with the recent shot across the bow of the Obama sinking ship by Arizona, it’s nice to see that other states are starting to do more than just talking about it. Other than the obvious positive turn of events for Arizona (finally doing what the Feds refuse to do, protect our border), this move by the TX GOP will go a long way for bringing the GOP back to the real world. 

Read and enjoy…


At Convention, Texas GOP Passes Immigration Plank Similar to Arizona Law

Fired-up Republican activists in no mood for compromises threw out their party chairwoman Saturday, then bucked Texas Gov. Rick Perry by pushing for a crackdown on illegal immigration similar to Arizona’s new law.

Full story here.

Not The Expected Revolution

11 06 2010

A lot of supposedly smart academic types tend to side with the far radical left here in the USA and around the world, which makes me wonder aloud… “why are they considered smart?”. Seriously, why do these highly educated types glom onto revolutionary thought when you consider that most revolutions are terrible monumental flops? What is it about failed ideas that they find so appealing? Is it because they feel that in a revolution they will be noticed and possibly revered for being smart? Don’t they know that some revolutions started and/or ended with millions of “smart” people, and their families, being slaughtered? Whether they do know, or not, you end up coming to the conclusion that these people just ain’t as smart as they think they are! I like to call them intellectual dummies.

With that out of the way, let me go on to the real reason for this post…

Many on the far left thought that the election of Obama as our president would bring about an historical-game changing-revolution to the USA, and they were right… sort of.  Even leading up to the general election, the far left thought they would finally get their Progressive/Marxist mitts on the keys to the country, but they were so busy counting all the people they would throw in political internment camps for re-education, they ignored the anti-revolution they was going on all across the country.

If you wanna Revolution, then I give you the Tea-Party. Yep, the left tried to laugh-off the Tea-Party movement, but they were too late. Thank God. And I really mean “Thank God”. You see, I’m one of those crazy right-wing radicals that believes that the United States of America was born by and of the wishes of God.  Seeing how the Tea-Party movement has developed from a small handful of seeds cast to the wind, one can only conclude that God has intervened again. And for those of you that don’t beleive in God, that’s fine. That’s the beauty of this country, we have room for people of every belief, unless of course your belief involves subjugating and killing innocent people. Anotherwords, if you don’t try to force me to think like you, I won’t force you to think like me.  And that my dear friends is where the Tea-Party Revolution comes in. The Tea-Party doesn’t have one central power structure, it is born of the interests of “The People” as spelled-out in our Constitution. The Tea-Party has many different groups, with different names, that gather under different banners, but always flying the flag of the proud and the once great United States of America. The one goal of all that call themselves Tea-Partiers is to go back to our founders original intent and run away from the progressive/marxist wishes of the far-left.

Because we Tea-Partiers are the Anti-Revolution, it means that we will have to stand together against the tyranny and chaos that the left is trying to bring to us. We must be strong. We must be resolute. We must be brave. And although I do not support any violent actions to win our fight, this does NOT mean that I’m suggesting we cower in fear if violence is brought to us. If we are physically attacked during our peaceful gatherings, we must defend our families, each other, and ourselves. And we must defend ourselves with gusto. If we are struck once, we must strike back twice. The bastards on the left must lose this struggle, because them winning is unthinkable and un-American.

If the radical left wants a Revolution, I say we show them one. But ours will always be known as the ANTI-REVOLUTION.


Power Is The Problem

8 06 2010

Like many of you, I’m watching what happens tonight with the voting going on across the country. Not only have I had FOX News on the tube, but I have been checking updates on the net.

Not long ago, the NYT’s had an update come across my homepage that really caught my eye. In fact, the headline they had for their story made me shake my head in disgust. Let me give you the headline, then I will explain my consternation… “Across Nation, Struggles to Gain Power, or to Keep It”.

At first blush it doesn’t seem disturbing until you focus-in on the word “Power”. Either the NYT’s looks at our elections as exercises in power, or they are simply conveying how our politicians look at what it is they do. They may be correct on both thoughts, but you and I know that it was never intended to be that way. All elected officials are supposed to work for the people, and the press (the NYT’s) are supposed to be the voice of the people, yet very seldom is this the case.

I’m not sure if we can fix this problem in the next couple of generations, but it would sure be nice if we could get our country headed back in the original intent direction for our kids and grandkids. Then we have to leave it up to them.

Remind your kids… It’s NOT about power, it’s about service to your country!


Congrats To Rush

7 06 2010

Rush got married again over the weekend. We should all pray that this is a long and loving marriage.

Rush Limbaugh Wedding

Rush definitely deserves some of the happiness that only comes from a loving and committed spouse.

God bless both of them.


Important Gio Update

4 06 2010

First of all I want to thank all of you that have kept me in your prayers. Knowing that so many outside of my family care about my well-being is quite a humbling experience. 

I wish I had better news to pass-on this morning concerning my re-hab, but things have not gone to plans. Two days ago I had to endure something called a manipulation. Let me explain… my right shoulder had locked-up and no matter how hard we worked at Physical Therapy we could not get the scar tissue to tear loose. If left alone, I would go through life with very limited mobility in that arm so something had to be done. Manipulation is a process whereby you are knocked-out cold so the Doctor can pull at your arm in assorted un-natural positions until he feels and hears scar tissues tear apart. Then it’s up to the patient to work that arm/shoulder as hard and as often as possible so the scar tissue does not reform. Trust me, this is NOT a procedure you want to do more than once. There is not enough pain medicine on earth to alleviate the pain!!!

Most of you have noticed that I have not been very active on the blog since I came home, but I do have a good excuse (see above). My active re-hab has allowed me an extraordinary amount of time to think about the future of this blog and how it can relate to our countries future. I am about to tell you how I would like to proceed, but I really want to hear from all of you.

Ok, let me get started… Although I do enjoy writing opinion pieces and discussing those opinions with others that are like-minded, I’m seriously questioning if I’m having any positive effect. Other than an occasional drive-by progressive/marxist that reads our comments, we are mostly speaking to the choir. My friends here are like-minded in almost all areas that conservatives normally agree on, so we are not changing anyones way of looking at problems. It’s NOT us that needs to be convinced, it’s those on the other side that need the education. With that in mind, I propose that it would be more productive for us to go to the enemy and change their way of thinking. I know this is not a new idea, but I’m convinced that the time has come to embrace this idea. Hell, they have a 50 year head-start on us, it’s time for us to get into high gear and turn this ship around before the progressive/marxist machine runs us aground and sink us.

This blog can be used as an info sharing depository. Some of us have a lot of experience trying to talk with progressive/marxists on other blogs, so we can help the newbie get through the mine-field you can run into on those other sites.

Anyway, I really want to hear all of your opinions so please don’t be shy.