Weekend Open Thread

26 02 2010

Here’s the place where everyone can talk about anything they choose for the entire weekend.

Some possible subject starters…

1. What did you think of Obama’s healthcare summit?

2. Do you think Obama and the Dems will go the route of Nuclear Option   (reconciliation)?

3. How badly did this damage the Dems?


I support the Tea-Party Express.



17 responses

27 02 2010

1. Didn’t watch…thankfully still have a job & was at work.
2. Yep, they will go w/reconciliation. He’s on a mission.
3. November can’t come soon enough.

These fools are in for a big wakeup call. Heck, here in blue WA ST the dem leg just overturned a voter-approved bill (re: 2/3 majority required to raise taxes) & are now set to raise taxes by $800M. There’s already a petition to recall the gov. Even the lib papers are against her. John Galt is calling…

27 02 2010

Who is John Galt?

(sorry, couldnt resist)

Watched some of it, really enjoyed the split screen action of the Republicans and the simultanious facial reactions and annoyance of The Won. I thought Repubs came of very well and the Dems pretty much looked like elitist fools, so i am not real sure what some of the news agencies were watching with their claims of Dem dominance at the event. Yes, reconicilliation will be tried, I predict a fail though due to infighting amoung themselves (nothing new there, they are the majority and still claim repub blockage.)
Did it damage the Dems? to a degree, it didnt change my bias any so I have to assume it didnt really change a liberal veiw either, it should have swayed or woken up a few fence sitters though.

27 02 2010

Buckle up folks because the Libs are starting their Coffee Party to counter act the Tea Party. They claim it will be more diverse and inclusive in stark contrast to those evil hateful tea partiers. I give them a life cycle of five minutes.

27 02 2010

As Gio would say… “Put away all the sharp instruments and take your blood pressure medicine”

Then watch the nice videos they have on their website http://coffeepartyusa.com/

28 02 2010


I watched the first video you come to on the homepage of the CoffeeParty.com and I would like to leave my impression.

The gal in the video seems like a very pleasant person, and easy to get along with in almost any social setting. Until she starts talking about how Tea-Partiers don’t represent real Americans. She strongly implies that unless you think like her and her lefty friends, then you cannot be considered real Americans. On top of that incredible insult to my patriotism, she then goes on to show how brainwashed she has been by either a group, or possibly her college professors. Without skipping a beat she talks about how Government is THE ANSWER to all our troubles.

I think what we have here is a spoiled rich girl that spends daddys money going from one Marxist University to another. I’m guessing she has never put in a hard day at work, or tried to raise a family.

One thing is for certain, there will be very few issues, if any, that the coffeeparty and the Tea-Parties will agree on. And if we do, I will automatically be suspicious.


28 02 2010

Your observations were very similar to my own.
A spoiled, marxist kumbaya lifestyle lived on Mommy or Daddys money as she (and he/them from the second video) spend their lives pursuing one transendent moment after another and wondering why anyone could possibly be against a nanny style government and “free healthcare…its free?!” (from the second video)

28 02 2010


On the left side bar of that site there are some tweets that you can read as they scroll by. Below is one I copied while at the site…

leejunhurr Got back from a #coffeeparty meeting. Just a bunch of hippie bullshit. America, I am disappoint. #coffeepartyfail about 1 hour ago reply

Pretty funny if you ask me.


28 02 2010


27 02 2010
The Angry White Woman

A Coffee Party, eh? Where at, Starbucks? I bet they run outa decaf-soy-lattes in less than 5 minutes. Us hill-billy cowgirls make a brew sooo strong we have to chew it and that’s the way we like it, uh huh, uh huh…

28 02 2010

They may last longer if they serve Latte’s.


28 02 2010

Today on twitter a woman was tweeting live about her abortion. THIS WILL MAKE YOU THROW UP – some tweets on her page:

Insane isn’t it? What a thing to be famous for – what 1/3 women do in the US!
Thanks for having a brain & getting an abortion. No justification needed! You rock! Keep the conversation going.
Excellent. I love the idea of a #livetweetingabortion soundtrack
Hateful Christians. I guess now you know what the H stands for, in Jesus H Christ.

Our society has really become f’ed up w/crap like this. God pray for all of us…

28 02 2010


Please tell me that this tweet is someones idea of a sick joke.

The tweet is a little confusing… so is this person claiming that a Christian is recording the sounds of an abortion during the procedure?


28 02 2010

No, this is not a joke, unless she’s doing it for attention & making stuff up. She’s an aetheist and was tweeting about her cramps, being w/her boyfriend after the procedure, etc. Here’s her website (please remove link in my post after you see it):


The last tweet she posted due to all the “hating” she was receiving. The 1st & 3rd were her tweets, and the second was sent to her by a pro choice person.

Another tweet: Ha! One of the funnier ones “I bet the coat hanger ends up on eBay” #hatemail

Her latest tweet: The churchy next door neighbors are having a loud drunken party

28 02 2010

Gio, keep the link if you want….I just didn’t want to give her more attention.

28 02 2010

Nah, I deleted it. Your gut told you the right thing to do the first time, so I’m not going to give her anything that may help promote her sickness.


28 02 2010
Angry White Woman

Jeezle-peezle, What’s next from the generation who will be taking over soon; Some frat boy tweeting about giving birth to a trophy turd…

28 02 2010
Angry White Woman

Okay, not only is “tweeting whilst aborting” irreverent in oh-so-many-ways, wouldn’t it be a tad unsanitary too? And just what role is the medical(???)staff playing in this macabre theater? Shouldn’t SOMEONE have taken her phone, as well as both thumbs, away from this twittering nit-wit?

Some of the best drunks I know are Christians and some of the best Christians I know are drunks! And, hey, she ain’t in the best position to judge, feet in the stirrups, coochie in the air and all…

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