Who’s the Good Guy?-Updated

31 07 2009

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Who’s the good guy in this pic? Two guesses!

P.S. Obama and “Skip” Gates are old friends.

H/t invaluable GiovanniWorld member MissMuffin!



A teaching moment: Sgt. James Crowley, Henry Louis Gates Jr, Barack Hussein Obama

A teaching moment: Sgt. James Crowley, Henry Louis Gates Jr, Barack Hussein Obama


Now, contrast the pic above with this one:

President George W. Bush helping frail Dem Senator & former KKK member Robert Byrd

President George W. Bush helping frail Dem Senator & former KKK member Robert Byrd

Also, here’s Thomas Lifson’s analysis of the implications of this pic. For the whole article on American Thinker, go HERE:

I think this photo constitutes another major Obama blunder.
As some AT commentators point out, this picture becomes a metaphor for ObamaCare. The elderly are left in the back, with only the kindness of the Crowleys of the world, the stand up guys, to depend on. The government has other priorities.
One of the major subtexts of the health care debate involves the public’s fear of indifferent, powerful bureaucrats ruling their lives. It is one thing to wait in line at the DMV to find out which other line you should wait in, in order to begin the process of waiting for multiple bureaucrats to go through the motions of processing your request. I have spent entire afternoons going through this process.
But when we get to health care, waiting often means enduring pain and dysfunction longer than necessary, sometimes a worsening of the condition, and sometimes death.
That’s why I think this image will have genuine resonance. It captures something that older Americans in particular can relate to. The President presses ahead with a program that will tell them to take painkillers instead of getting that artificial hip.
At every stage of the entire Gates affair, Obama has provided a revealing tell. The “acted stupidly” blunder revealed that he automatically blames the police and thinks they really are stupid to begin with. It didn’t trigger a single alarm bell in his mind as he figured out what to say.
Then, the non-apology apology revealed an arrogant man who cannot do what honest people do: admit it when they make a mistake.
Now at stage three, the beer photo op looked OK. It didn’t turn into a disaster.
But then in a small moment that nobody in the White House had the brains to understand, Obama goes and send a body language message like this.
I think he is going to get deeper and deeper into trouble. He is no longer repeating the familiar scripts dreamed up for the campaign. He was a master performer.
But when he goes improv, as a president must do, he lets his true character show. This helps widen the level of doubt that Obama is the same guy a majority voted for.  Those doubts can only grow.
Andrew McCarthy has assembled an overwhelming case that Obama has lied about who he is. I predict that more and more Americans will become open to the argument that they have been had by a sophisticated and ruthless effort to foist a phony on America.



12 responses

31 07 2009

Just part and parcel of being an egotistical elitist.

Officer Crowley has probably more empathy for his fellow human beings than Gates and Obama combined.


31 07 2009

Narcissistic POS.

Um, did Gates use his cane when he was arrested on his porch or was this for some type of photo op empathy?

1 08 2009
Cecil Moon

This photo needs no caption nor further explanation. I plan, and I strongly urge other readers, to lift this and forward it to every living soul on every list available. I certainly don’t count on seeing it in the mainstream media–ever.

I already wore myself out this morning’s post on the subject and this is the icing on the cake.

DCG: There were photos of the cane in use on the porch of the house on Ware St.. You can see it in the prominent picture with Sgt. Laskey in the foreground. You are probably right about seeking empathy with it though. He has taken victim-hood to an art form.

1 08 2009

thanks. I hadn’t seen any pics w/the cane, only the one of him in handcuffs.

This whole photo-op event left me sick to my stomach…

1 08 2009


A great article on this picture:


EXCERPT: “I am stunned that the official White House Blog published this picture and that it is in the public domain. The body language is most revealing.”

1 08 2009

Of course it couldn’t be that the cop was trying to make up for his overreaction during the arrest of Mr. Gates, or that he insisted on going to Mr.Gates’ assistance before the President could help. And since Mr. Gates has his cane, he really didn’t need a hand on that side and probably refused one. Or the Pres maybe was giving them a chance to continue talking things out with each other. Oh, but thinking about that wouldn’t fit into your sad hateful image of Pres. Obama.



1 08 2009

It’s amusing how Obamabots like you will go through all manner of mental contortions in order to ram a square peg into a round hole. Now you don’t even believe what you see with your own eyes!

Ever heard of Occam’s Razor, wingnut? The simplest explanation is the best.

As my far-Left friend Stephanie once said: “Don’t confuse me with facts! I’ve made up my mind!”

1 08 2009

Never mind the fact that the racist-baiting Gates over-reacted to a cop doing his job. As a cop, Mr. Crowley understands the words protect and serve.

As a marxist, community-organizing dictator, The Traitor only thinks of himself. An elitist in the finest form. Take off your kool-aid sunglasses and look at the picture.

1 08 2009

Hey wingnut……….They say a picture tells a thousand words. Unfortunatly you just chose the wrong words. I won’t bother debating your mindless drivel, since your Mother never tought you never to bring a knife to a gun fight. PUTZ

1 08 2009

Come on people can’t you see that Obama was doing his part for health care reform? Obama was just clearing a path of possible debris so that gates would not trip over it and hurting himself which in turn would keep him out of a hospital bed for the more destitute and unfortunate.

Man why won’t you people just look on the bright side of things? /sarc off.

2 08 2009

I’m sure he also pushed Skippy’s head down so it wouldn’t get bumped gettting in the cop car.

2 08 2009


If I was a cop and Gates was yelling at me and accusing me of being racist, I would have to bump his head at least a little. Then when Gates screamed bloody murder about his head, I would simply say… “I do that to everyone I arrest and I sure didn’t want to treat you any different, you might accuse me of being racist”.


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