Pissing Off An Ecofascist

13 01 2009
Hats Off To Anthony Watts

Hats Off To Anthony Watts

I am having the laugh of my life over this one. Some Global Warming Ecofascist over at HuffPo is really pissed off. It seems that one of my favorite Science sites, wattsupwiththat.com, which can be found on my sidebar listed as… Debunking Global Warming Using Brains, Science, and Common Sense ~, is up for some sort of Science award and they seem to be the heavy favorite for winning.

To a Global Warming Ecofascist this is plasphemy, and this one guy at HuffPo is acting as if ‘Black Lies From Hell’ had been uttered to the unclean. So why am I laughing? Well, two reasons actually. One, I’m glad to see the wattsupwiththat site be in the running for a Science award. I believe they deserve it. Two, I find it hilarious that one Ecofascist could get this upset over it.

Below is what he wrote on the site, and as my usual practice, I’m including some of the comments left by his fellow Ecofascists.


“There once was a little known website fighting the so-called “global warming alarmism” being spread by that underground cabel of conspirators some of us call “scientists.” But the site was no longer little after the Matt Drudge, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity right wing echo machine got through with it.
Since it’s anointment, the Watt’s Up With Thatblog run by former TV weatherman Anthony Watts has become quite the sensation amongst the climate denial blog comment trolls. And now it seems that the site is about to win the award for “Best Science Blog” in this year’s Weblog Awards.


Has it seriously come to this? Are there really no blogs out there more worthy than one that spends its days trumpeting the likes of Junk Science as a reason we should ignore the dire warnings of climate scientists at the top science academies in the world?
There are lots of great science sites out there and there are some really good ones nominated along with Watt’s Up With That. I would like to think that this is simply a case of voter apathy. After all, these types of Web Awards always come down to who can pull the most votes.

So I’m putting this appeal out there.
Take a few minutes today – the polls close at 5pm EST today, January 13th – and cast your vote by clicking here.

Here’s some others that are in the running:

The controversial crusader against Intelligent Design, PZ Myersis running a close second to Watts, so the strategic vote would obviously go to PZ.

Also check out Real Climate run by practicing scientists at NASA.“[end]


If you do go to Real Climate, be sure to tell Gavin he’s a schmuck! And tell him Gio sent you. 




3 responses

13 01 2009

AGW “NOT”!!!
WUWT “RULES”. Eat your hearts out!!!

13 01 2009
The Doktor

”. . . . trumpeting the likes of Junk Science as a reason we should ignore the dire warnings of climate scientists at the top science academies in the world?”

Since we all know that the Nobel prizes are popularity contests (not unlike the Oscars) totally controlled by the Socialists in the world (not unlike most all of the ”top science academies”), this statement has a ton of credibility. (Caution: Dripping Sarcasm.) ”Dire Warnings”? I’m freezing my butt off and we have a foot of snow with more on the way and this clown still believes that we mere humans can do a damn thing about it. What a deliberate asshat. (Please excuse my English.)

”I would like to think that this is simply a case of voter apathy.”

Is that how Hussein got elected? Perhaps if you really got the medias behind your cause (including the ever knowledgeable ‘The View’) you would not have these conniptions. Settle down, kid. You win some, you lose some. Be more like your hero, Olbermann. (Excessive dripping alert.)

15 01 2009
The Doktor

Thursday 15 January, 2009

Headline on Drudge Report: CHICAGO COLDEST IN DECADE

Since I live in Northern Illinois (and it feels like Northern Manitoba) I have one thing to say about AGW:

Bring It On!!!

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