Soldiers Dissed By Obama Liberals

11 11 2008


Let me take a few moments to set this up so you have an idea as to what led up to what you will be reading. A videographer by the name of Scott Kesterson was embedded with some of our soldiers in Eastern Afghanistan during election night. The article below was written by him. In it he repeats the honest opinions of the soldiers he was with at the time. Note: His article was posted at one of the well known liberal blogs that allows comments. 

First read the opinions of our soldiers, then read the nasty remarks from the commenters on the blog. Here’s my quick impression… The soldiers that are quoted here are very astute, but the ones that posted comments in reaction to these soldiers, are comrade Obama worshipping idiots!


Eastern Afghanistan — “From the outer walls of this fire base in eastern Afghanistan, you can see the mountains that mark the border with Pakistan. The Taliban rocket this base regularly, and move throughout the area with relative ease. The US soldiers here live with this threat, but are so restricted by the rules of engagement established by NATO and the Karzai government, that taking military action is difficult. This is a war that is now driven by politics and cultural sensitivity, rather than tactics and strategies that seek some form of victory.

Soldiers are notoriously silent about their political views. By law they are committed to supporting the Commander and Chief. Yet this election has brought about deep feelings of distrust and uncertainty within their ranks. The perception of Obama for these soldiers is grounded in some simple realities that for them draws into question the President-elect’s intentions and core beliefs in the United States .

Sitting on a couch in front of the television in the early hours of the morning, an Army Captain watched as the election results were being reported. He shook his head in disgust. “This is proof that the media can elect a President.” The room walls were grey concrete, the floor covered in a red Afghan rug, the sofa and love seat torn and worn down from constant use. The dusty television was set in a plywood box; a field made “entertainment” cabinet. The Captain continued, “I take [Obama’s] not wearing the flag on his lapel and his reasoning very personally. Fuck him. That flag is more than just about a country and its ideas; it is about the man on your left and right that you fight with and die for.” The Master Sergeant sitting in the room commented,”He has no use for soldiers. He never took the time on his tours to spend time with soldiers, only senior commanders and foreign politicians.”

As the morning progressed and the polls began to close, more soldiers filled into the room. It was now standing room only as Obama’s electoral count pushed passed 200. Another Captain spoke up, “If McCain can win California and Texas he still has a chance.” A Lieutenant grabbed the television remote and began flipping through the channels. “Look as these newscasters. These fuckers are making this a racial issue. This was never about race.” As he continued through the channels, every major network was interviewing an African-American, discussing some form of a “coming of age” of America. Another soldier spoke up, “This is not about race. It’s about religion. That is the war the we are facing. I want to see what book Obama swears in on.”

As the morning progressed, the electoral totals confirmed Obama’s win. The mood fell quiet, a feeling as if one of their own had been killed in battle. I looked across the room to a Major sitting near the back corner. ” The issues of race that are spouted by mouthpieces like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and others can no longer be argued. There is now a black President. I don’t trust him, but then again, this is what this country is about… allowing an African American unknown to rise to President. As they say, be careful what you wish for. The American public will get what it asked for, whatever that turns out to be.”

Another soldier continued, “You know what really sucks is that none of our votes count. Sure, we voted, but they are absentee ballots. They only are counted in the event of a tie. What type of statement is that towards democracy. You fight, you die, but your vote while deployed doesn’t count.”

The group discussion continued, ” As a military officer I will serve whoever is Commander and Chief. But this is the wrong guy for the job, and the wrong time for our country. He’s weak.” The soldier continued, ” The greatest fear for a military officer is dedicating your life to a fight that ends up meaning nothing. This generation of Americans behind Obama is the “me” generation. They haven’t served their country, they serve themselves. They haven’t buried their friends for a cause they believed in and fought and died for. Now those friends that I buried will have died for nothing. All Obama wants to do is get us out.”

By mid-afternoon, an article appeared on stating that Afghanistan’s President Karzai had made a plea to President-elect Obama over civilian deaths in a recent US-lead bombing. As I sat with the soldiers for lunch, the article was discussed. “Karzai is a politician just like Obama. He’s playing his hand to make himself look better in the eyes of the Afghans and to help ensure his re-election after the first of the year.” As the Sergeant finished, a Major continued,”This is a war. Karzai wants it both ways. He wants to point the finger at us whenever he thinks he can gain favor with the Afghan people. But he wants our money and our soldiers to fight for him. I expect Obama to support him, cut our budgets and hang us out to dry for the sake of his vision of change. He is all about negotiating and compromise.”

I looked over at a Captain sitting on a chair, slumped down, arms on the table. I asked him if he was alright. “I have no energy today. I feel like I have been betrayed. This is the rise of the “me” generation into the places of power.” The soldier next to him looked across the table at me, “I’m done. It has gotten harder and harder to do our job. This election is the final blow. I just need to finish up my time and get out.” As he dropped his head, another Captain slid his chair to the table,”Obama is now our President. We’re not happy about it. It sucks. But now that he is our President, we will support him. That’s part of being an American soldier. That’s what makes our country strong.”[end article]


Now for the comments. Take your high blood pressure medicine before reading…


“I thank all of these men and women for their service, but I’m extremely thankful that they do not choose our president. In the middle of a war, it appears that one has little perspective on anything but watching out for your buddies and your own ass.” 

“The “me” generation (an utter misnomer to begin with) doesn’t refer to ANYONE who voted for Obama, and I take offense at that.”

“I think it’s safe to say that they do not represent the majority of men and women serving.”

“how can they think that Bush or McCain, both of whom have greatly abused the military for their own political ends, not for the security of the nation, is somehow superior to Obama?”

“These soliders’ sentiments are skirting very close to fascism.”

“Now we have these soldiers basically aligning themselves with the Republican party that has always used the military and fake patriotism as a means of attaining and consolidating power.”

“Thankfully, we do not soley rely on soldiers to choose presidents, because we’d be under the tyranny of extreme right wing, war mongering, Republicans for years to come.”

“They don’t know the truth and they are not provided the means to obtain the truth.”

 “This article is surprising, actually it’s very upsetting. I’ve a family member who served in Iraq and there are sacrifices over here also…….nothing in comparison to what you’ve given….but with all of our support back here in the states…….I just don’t understand…..this breaks my heart.”

“This Captain is brushing a fine line between free speech and insubordination.”

“Honestly, reading this and seeing what kind of foul words and disrespect they appear to have for Senator Obama, they remind me of the supporters who shouted out hate words at the McCain/Pain rallies.”

“Many of these men and women have been forced to become emotionally bonded to an outdated ideology”

“The Republicans have been trying to do to our military what Musharraf did with the Pakistani military — build them up as a loyal group in an environment they strictly controlled so that they could rely on them for political power.”

The next comment is my personal favorite…

“Obama will earn their trust see thats the beauty of Obama the more you know him the more you like him and trust him.”

I had the opposite reaction… the more I learned and got to know Comrade Obama, the less I liked and/or trusted him!


“Just because you’re willing to “martyr” yourself for a flag instead of a god doesn’t make you more enlightened. By the way when you’re made to pledge allegiance to the flag every day in school, when you’re taught that its good to die for your country and not ask any questions about it, when you can’t imagine service to your country as anything other than military service, you’ve been brainwashed.”

“Anyone who claims to be fighting for our rights could never seriously vote for an extension of the republican government that tortures, illegally spies on citizens, etc.”

 “Their idealogical views trump what is right for the country and what is right for the military. It’s embarrassing actually.”

“If you are a soldier, and wish to parrot Republican talking points, which are obviously distorted, based on lies, nationalistic platitudes and jingoism, more power to you. But do me a favor. You are not fighting for my freedom. You’re not allowed to make spurious attacks on my political philosophy by hanging your military service over my head.”

“These officers in this unit disgust me.These people in this unit are ignorant and they don’t care about family life.”

“I always find it hard understand why military men except failure”

I will never understand liberals!!!


For an indepth look at what makes Obama tick, I suggest you read this.

Why Obama Scares The Crap Out Of Me



24 responses

4 01 2009

@ Master Chief, USN (Ret.) (22:31:58) :

I know this is an older post, but I thought I’d just jump in and say that it only took a tiny amount of checking to find that Gio presented the truth in this post. The liberal’s comments are genuine. While generally I see what Master Chief means about lack of intelligence and excess of profanity in the liberal’s comments, apparently these were an enigma.

Not at all that I didn’t trust you, Gio, I just wanted to back you up.

Count my family among the grateful for your son’s service and your sacrifice in watching him go. He and the others have been prayed over often.

4 01 2009


Please thank your son for his service to our country.

Sometimes I really believe that the United States does not deserve people like your son who risk their very lives for country and flag.

4 01 2009


I have said in the past that I am willing to give people links so they may check out what I write. The only caveat is… If anyone wants info like that, they need to email me at and I will be happy to oblige. The reason I don’t give out too much info is twofold… First, the more info I add to my posts, the longer I spend putting the post together. This is simply managing my time. The other reason is…. I hate doing any sort of advertising for the lefty sites where I get my info.

I will admit however, I like having people stick up for me. It just feels good, so I say… Thank You!


FYI…. If there are people out there that want to dis-believe what I write, that’s cool. The only soltution to a problem like that is… to have them leave this blog and go tell all their friends how mean and nasty we Conservatives are.

Anotherwords, they can kiss my patoot!

5 01 2009

…leave this blog and go tell all their friends how mean and nasty we Conservatives are…

Yeah, well, they do that all the time anyway — without any provocation. Hmpf.

I figured you wouldn’t want to advertise for them, and that’s why I didn’t name the site. I don’t like to advertise for them either. 😦

And from one very loyal (albeit, new) reader, you’re welcome! 🙂

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