Sarah Palin Should Have Aborted

17 09 2008

I know many of you will get angry at the title of this piece. Please know that I do not think this way. But there are people that do. I cannot fathom how Gov. Palins decision to have her Downs syndrome baby ‘Trig’ has brought out such hate in people, and that is what this edition is about.

Rusty Weiss over at did a piece today concerning an Authors (I refuse to credit this vile slug) view written in another blog today. If you want the full info you can go to NewsBusters and read it. My goal here is not to highlight articles, but to post comments made by morally bankrupt people, which usually means liberals. What surprised me about this one is, it’s posted at what seems to be a Libertarian site.

The hatred and total disregard of life also surprised me. Not only by the Author, but also by the many commenters at the site. The comments below are mostly from this one site, but I also included a few from other sites to let people know that this is not an isolated incident.

May God forgive these people…

“I can’t think of anything more revolting than praising — as some sort of moral ideal — the decision to give birth to a retarded child, when one has the option of aborting it and creating a normal child instead. That is, indeed, the worship of the retarded over the normal.”
— Posted by M.S.

“And that’s also why it would not surprise me in the slightest to see the anti-abortion crowd resort in future to increasing physical violence, particularly as they are “encouraged” by the elevation of sympathizers and enablers–such as McCain and Palin–to positions of national power”
— Posted by J.D.

“The idea that a woman simply must not abort a fetus diagnosed with Down’s syndrome is precisely the “worship” of retardation-
Okay, the probability of Palin’s motives being purely political is high. And that too is disgusting.”
— Posted by Anonymous

The next comment comes from one very sick individual. His post is long and nasty!

“we are surrounded by those who worship retardation and anything else that gives them the chance to prove their “worthiness”. Their “Lord” is in charge of these matters, just as were the medieval tyrants who controlled the lives of their serfs, and their “Lord”, abhores and wishes to punish uppity women and force them to sacrifice their own futures. According to the “Lord’s” slavish worshippers, a woman forfeits control of her own body at the moment of conception. Why? To punish her for the “sin” of enjoying sexual love if it wasn’t for the express purpose of getting pregnant. Or, in the case of rape, for leaving the house unaccompanied by a male relative and not wearing a burka. Oh, sorry, that’s Islam, isn’t it. Because once your jack-booted “abortion-is-murder” police start fanning out around this country, ringing doorbells, busting down doors, waving warrants and seizing women in their homes and workplaces, in front of their friends, their lovers, their husbands, their children, their parents, their siblings, and dragging them off to jail, you are going to face a uprising of resistance that will reduce your neat little god-fearing world to smoldering rubble. Tens of millions of outraged Americans will turn on you like an army of enraged grizzlies.
You make me sick, the whole bunch of you. What the hell do you think a seriously disabled child is, some kind of live doll for you to show off so people will see how “compassionate” and “selfless” and “tolerant” you are and so you can emotionally blackmail them into helping to pay for it? And of course you idolize someone like Palin who has stated she would force a rape victim to endure the anguish of carrying the rapist’s fetus, and I have no doubt she’s just the bitch to do it.”
— Posted by R.R.A.

“This is one cruel, sadistic, scary woman.”
— Posted by S.D.

“This is what America has came to ,USING a special needs infant AND a unmarried pregnant Teenager to gain a political office ?”
— Posted by S.L.

“while the Lipsticked Pitbutt parades around her special needs child to pull at the heart strings of women? McCain campaign has used this from the beginning to distract from her lack of real credentials and experience.”
— Posted by A.M.

“The campaign intends to cast this as the kind of situation that ordinary American families face.” ..I don’t think the country has become a total trailer park..yet”
— Posted by D.G.

The video below is just a reminder as to why I find all the above comments so vile.


If you have any suggestions that would make this site better or more appealing, please contact me here and I will consider all ideas. Thank you.



25 responses

25 09 2008
Mental Giant

Hey Colin Beard, where did you get that 100,000 number? That’s about 1500 a month, every month, would think that would be in the news at least once in the past 5-6 years. Since you are so good with numbers, how many civilians have muslim terrorists killed, worldwide, in the almost 12,000 attacks they have executed in the last 5-6 years? See my link that backs up my statement with facts.

28 09 2008
colin beard

Hey MG,
This is a report prepared for Congress on civillian casualty estimates

Click to access RS22537.pdf

Every major religion from every major culture has engaged in “Holy” wars, including, of course, Christian nations. The Muslim terrorists are a real threat worldwide.

But let us remember that Iraq never posed a terrorist threat, Saddam did not have WMDs, there was no Al Qaeda in Iraq before the invasion, like there is now, and that Muslim terrorists have proliferated in Afghanistan because this president spent blood and treasure in the wrong place.

2 10 2008

Should Jesus Have Aborted Obama from the Womb?

Why are black people so gullible when it comes to politics? Just look at the mess that we are in right now. Politically, spiritually, financially. We’ve got AIDS, poverty, incest and deception and who can heal us…Obama? Are you really serious?

Even God says that He regrets that He created the first generation in Noah’s day. So he wiped them out.

Of course not. Genesis 7 has nothing to do with the dow dropping 777 points.

If you can’t manage your own household at home (meaning the American economy) then how can you handle another man’s affairs abroad? Yes, this question must be answered.

You can’t possibly expect people in the continental U.S. to support this bailout package. The money is not even real. It is printed. Where is the substance? The integrity of the day?

I used to believe that America had something worth fighting for. However, I have now concluded that we are just a script of puppets being played out on a Hollywood screen. Not even on the forefront of victory but rather a backdrop of inevitable defeat.

The celebrities are saying don’t vote. I agree. We should not vote. But rather impeach and imprison.

In a nutshell, America’s conscience has been seared with a hot iron. No core. No purpose.

You big dummies. Remember in the bible when God said that He would give you the King that you desired in the name of Saul?

The buck stops here. It will not happen. Sorry, Africans worldwide who are in awe about the upcoming elections. Get a clue you uppity negros.

Am I the only one who begins to get sick at the stomach when Bush, McCain or Obama begin to speak on TV? I can’t even listen to them anymore.

I would even be so bold as to say that anyone who votes for McCain or Obama should question if they are a real christian.

Life is very valuable and we are much more than color beings at the surface. However, you have seasonsed the fight for the table at this juncture and made it such. You refuse to be whole and choose to be recognized as a prism instead of a priest and prophet. Not taking the road less traveled and not seeking His face and turning from your wicked ways.

Will history only remember black people as loving chicken and watermelon and having presidential candidates faces on waffle boxes? The slaves of Amistad are crying out. Face the challenge and I will pay the rent.

Obama is as deceptive as Santa Claus. Daughters of the Revolution do not become impregnated with his seed.

Do my people dread for the spirit of mourning and travail that will come?

2 10 2008

@Albert: Please stop your racist diatribe. You do not represent Christians. I’m ashamed of you.

19 10 2008
A Real Heartwarming Story - F150online Forums

[…] That is a heartwarming story. I think that the entire country could learn a lot from people like this in Texas. This kind of thing is a rarity in this country as is evident by the attention this case is getting. It’s something that should be happening all over this country, and much more frequently. Thanks for passing the link along. chris1450, I wouldn’t have said what you did in this thread, but you didn’t say anything that isn’t true. All of you people who want to bash chris1450 might want to have a look at what people are saying about people like Sarah Palin and her down syndrome child. NewsBusters-Objectivist Writer: Trig Palin a Financial Burden Who Should Have Been Aborted LifeSiteNews-Canadian Doctors Group Worried Palin Example Could Pressure Some Women to Not Abort Down’s Child Giovanni’s World-Sarah Palin Should Have Aborted […]

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